tencent cloud


Setting Permission Through API

Last updated: 2024-12-18 16:03:47

    Sub-user Key

    Use a sub-account to log in to the CAM Console, enter TencentCloud API Key, and find the sub-user key, which is used to generate a signature for authentication. Successfully authenticated sub-accounts can access relevant Tencent Cloud resources.
    Role of signature:
    Authenticate requesting user: the user key is used for authentication.
    Prevent content from being tampered with: the request content is signed with the hash algorithm, so that the system can check whether the content has been tampered with based on signature consistency.
    Prevent replay attacks: the signing information contains the request time and signature time and validity period, which can avoid replay of expired requests. In addition, Tencent Cloud services can reject expired requests based on request time.

    Sample API Calls

    API protocol

    Encoding type: UTF-8
    Encoding format: JSON
    Transfer method: POST
    Request protocol: HTTP
    Call specification example:
    "version": 1,
    "componentName": "MC",
    "eventId": 123456,
    "interface": {
    "interfaceName": "API name",
    "para": {
    Corresponding API parameters
    Returned result:
    "version": 1,
    "eventId": 123456,
    "componentName": "CONSOLE_LOGICAL_SERVER",
    "returnValue": 0,
    "returnCode": 0,
    "returnMessage": "OK",
    "data": {
    "ownerUin": 123,
    "uin": 124,
    "ownerAppid": 323
    If an error is returned, returnCode will not be 0, and returnMessage will be the error message. For more information on interfaceName and para in the input parameters and data in the output parameters, please see [Call Description](#Call Description).

    API description

    For more information on CAM user and permission APIs, please see the CAM API documentation.

    Sample call

    Adding policy (CreateCamStrategy)

    Policy example: this example shows you how to grant a sub-user (Uin: 3232) permission to list all queues under the account and permission to consume messages and delete messages in batches on horacetest1 in the Beijing region.
    Field description
    Example Value
    Policy name.
    Policy description (a JSON string needs to be passed in here).
    For more information, please see [Sample code](#Sample Code 1)
    Policy remarks.
    hello test
    Six-segment description of CMQ resource, such as qcs::cmqqueue:bj:uin/1238423:queueName/uin/3232/myqueue.
    The first segment is fixed to qcs;
    The second segment is empty;
    The third segment indicates the message queue type, which is cmqqueue for the queue model or cmqtopic for the topic model;
    The fourth segment is the region information, such as gz, bj, and sh. If you want to specify all regions, leave this segment empty;
    The fifth segment is uin/{root account uin} of the root account;
    The sixth segment is the resource description, which is queueName/uin/{creator Uin}/{queue name} for the queue model or topicName/uin/{creator Uin}/{topic name} for the topic model. The creator Uin can be obtained on the details page in the console or through the returned value createUin of the GetQueueAttributes or GetTopicAttributes API.
    Sample code
    "remark":"horace test"
    The creator ID after uin/ in the resource description in the sixth segment can be found during policy creation.

    Associating/Unassociating policy with/from sub-account (OperateCamStrategy)

    This API is used to associate/unassociate a policy with/from a user or user group.
    Policy example: this example shows you how to associate a policy (ID: 666) with a user (UIN: 123456).
    Field description:
    Example Value
    If the operation object is a user, set groupId to -1;
    If the operation object is a user group, set groupId to a specific group ID.
    If the operation object is a user, set relateUin to a specific user uin; if the operation object is a user group, set relateUin to -1.
    Target policy ID.
    1: associates policy; 2: unassociates policy.
    Sample code:

    Call Description

    The following description is applicable to user and permission management in various services. When configuring the CMQ service, please select values for CMQ parameters accordingly:
    1. You can leave principal empty and associate the user by using the policy associating API.
    2. If there is only one element in principal, action, or resource, you do not need to add [].
    3. resource is generally described in a six-segment format of qcs:project:serviceType:region:account:resource.
    project: you can use id/0, *, or id/* to indicate all projects. If project is empty during authorization, the value will be id/0 by default. If project is empty during authentication, it indicates that the resource can exist in all projects. This segment is empty by default.
    serviceType: valid values include cos, cdn, vpc, etc. * indicates all services. You cannot leave this segment empty.
    region: it specifies the region. If this segment is empty, it indicates all regions. It is empty by default. Valid values include gz, st, tj, sh, hk, ca, shjr, and bj.
    account: it can be represented as uin/${uin} or uid/${uid}. If this segment is empty, it will be populated with uin/${uin} for resources of services such as CDN and VPC or with uid/${uid} for COS resources. ${uin} and ${uid} indicate the uin and uid of the requester, respectively. This segment is empty by default. There is a special case: uin/-1 is generally used in preset policies. After the extension table is expanded, -1 will be replaced with the developer uin. In addition, preset policies support authorization for sub-accounts and roles only; therefore, you can directly replace -1 with the uin of the root account of the sub-account or role.
    resource consists of name and value. name represents the resource definition in the service; for example, it is described as queueName or topicName for CMQ, prefix for COS, and host for CDN. * indicates all resources, which will be represented as */* uniformly. This segment cannot be empty.
    Users and policies are also resources. A CAM root account is described as qcs::cam::uin/1238423: uin/1238423, a CAM sub-account is described as qcs::cam::uin/1238423: uin/3236671, and an anonymous user is described as qcs::cam::anonymous:anonymous.
    If resource is empty, it indicates that no objects need to be associated with the operation, which will be represented as * in the system uniformly.
    The service needs to verify whether the uin or uid in the resource description is the real resource owner. It is required that the service perform verification after successful authentication. It is recommended to perform verification during authentication as well.
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