tencent cloud



Last updated: 2023-07-04 17:30:01

1. API Description

Domain name for API request: cfs.tencentcloudapi.com.

This API is used to create a file system.

A maximum of 10 requests can be initiated per second for this API.

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2. Input Parameters

The following request parameter list only provides API request parameters and some common parameters. For the complete common parameter list, see Common Request Parameters.

Parameter Name Required Type Description
Action Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: CreateCfsFileSystem.
Version Yes String Common Params. The value used for this API: 2019-07-19.
Region No String Common Params. This parameter is not required for this API.
Zone Yes String AZ name, such as "ap-beijing-1". For the list of regions and AZs, please see Overview
NetInterface Yes String Network type. Valid values: VPC and CCN. Select VPC for a Standard or High-Performance file system, and CCN for a Standard Turbo or High-Performance Turbo one.
PGroupId Yes String Permission group ID
Protocol No String File system protocol. Valid values: NFS, CIFS, TURBO. If this parameter is left empty, NFS is used by default. For the Turbo series, you must set this parameter to TURBO.
StorageType No String Storage type of the file system. Valid values: SD (Standard), HP (High-Performance), TB (Standard Turbo), and TP (High-Performance Turbo). Default value: SD.
VpcId No String VPC ID. This field is required if network type is VPC.
SubnetId No String Subnet ID. This field is required if network type is VPC.
MountIP No String IP address (this parameter supports only the VPC network type, and the Turbo series is not supported). If this parameter is left empty, a random IP in the subnet will be assigned.
FsName No String Custom file system name
ResourceTags.N No Array of TagInfo File system tag
ClientToken No String A unique string supplied by the client to ensure that the request is idempotent. Its maximum length is 64 ASCII characters. If this parameter is not specified, the idempotency of the request cannot be guaranteed. This string is valid for 2 hours.
CcnId No String CCN instance ID (required if the network type is CCN)
CidrBlock No String CCN IP range used by the CFS (required if the network type is CCN), which cannot conflict with other IP ranges bound in CCN
Capacity No Integer File system capacity, in GiB (required for the Turbo series). For Standard Turbo, the minimum purchase required is 40,960 GiB (40 TiB) and the expansion increment is 20,480 GiB (20 TiB). For High-Performance Turbo, the minimum purchase required is 20,480 GiB (20 TiB) and the expansion increment is 10,240 GiB (10 TiB).

3. Output Parameters

Parameter Name Type Description
CreationTime String File system creation time
CreationToken String Custom file system name
FileSystemId String File system ID
LifeCycleState String File system status. Valid values: creating, create_failed, available, unserviced, upgrading, deleting
SizeByte Integer Storage used by the file system, in bytes
ZoneId Integer AZ ID
FsName String Custom file system name
Encrypted Boolean Whether a file system is encrypted
RequestId String The unique request ID, which is returned for each request. RequestId is required for locating a problem.

4. Example

Example1 Creating a file system instance

This example shows you how to create a file system.

Input Example

&<Common request parameters>

Output Example

    "Response": {
        "RequestId": "fjo8aejo-fjei-32eu-2je9-fhue83nd81",
        "CreationTime": "2017-11-23 20:51:34",
        "CreationToken": "test_fs",
        "FileSystemId": "cfs-ocakq8tt",
        "LifeCycleState": "creating",
        "SizeByte": 0,
        "ZoneId": 800001,
        "FsName": "test_fs",
        "Encrypted": false

5. Developer Resources


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6. Error Code

The following only lists the error codes related to the API business logic. For other error codes, see Common Error Codes.

Error Code Description
FailedOperation Operation failed.
FailedOperation.BindResourcePkgFailed Failed to bind the resource pack to the file system.
FailedOperation.ClientTokenInUse The resource is being created.
InternalError Internal error.
InternalError.CreateFsFailed Failed to create the file system.
InternalError.GetAccountStatusFailed Failed to get the payment status of the user.
InvalidParameter Invalid parameter.
InvalidParameter.AutoPolicyNotFound The snapshot policy was not found.
InvalidParameterValue.ClientTokenLimitExceeded The length of the string used to ensure the idempotency of the request exceeds the upper limit of 64 bytes.
InvalidParameterValue.DuplicatedTagKey Duplicate tag key.
InvalidParameterValue.FsNameLimitExceeded The length of the custom file system name exceeds the limit (64 bytes).
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidClientToken The string used to ensure the idempotency of the request is incorrect.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidEncrypted Invalid encryption parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidFsName Invalid custom name.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidMountTargetIp Incorrect mount target IP.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidNetInterface Invalid network type.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidPgroupId Invalid permission group ID.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidProtocol Invalid protocol parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidRegionZoneInfo Either ZoneName or ZoneId, Region must be selected.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidResourceTags Invalid parameter value: invalid resource tag value.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSnapshotStatus The snapshot is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidStorageResourcePkg The resource pack does not exist or has been bound.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidStorageType Invalid storage class parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidSubnetId Invalid subnet ID.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTagKey The tag key cannot be empty.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTagValue The tag value is empty or the character is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidTurboCapacity The capacity value is invalid.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidVip The specified VIP is unavailable.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidVpcId Invalid VPCID.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidVpcParameter Invalid VPC parameter.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidZoneId Invalid AZ.
InvalidParameterValue.InvalidZoneOrZoneId Invalid AZ or AZ ID.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingKmsKeyId Key ID or ARN is missing.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingStorageResourcePkg No storage pack is bound to.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingSubnetidOrUnsubnetid SUBNETID and UNSUBNETID cannot both be empty.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingVpcParameter A VPC parameter is missing.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingVpcidOrUnvpcid VPCID and UNVPCID cannot both be empty.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingZoneId ZoneID is missing.
InvalidParameterValue.MissingZoneOrZoneId Either Zone or Zone_id must be selected.
InvalidParameterValue.TagKeyFilterLimitExceeded Invalid parameter value: the number of tag keys exceeds the upper limit (6).
InvalidParameterValue.TagKeyLimitExceeded The length of the tag key exceeds the upper limit of 127 bytes.
InvalidParameterValue.TagValueFilterLimitExceeded The number of tag values exceeds the maximum (10).
InvalidParameterValue.TagValueLimitExceeded The length of the tag value exceeds the upper limit of 255 bytes.
InvalidParameterValue.UnavailableRegion Services are unavailable in this AZ.
InvalidParameterValue.UnavailableZone Services are unavailable in this region.
InvalidParameterValue.ZoneIdRegionNotMatch ZoneId and Region do not match.
ResourceInsufficient.FileSystemLimitExceeded The number of file systems has reached the upper limit.
ResourceInsufficient.RegionSoldOut Resources in the region have been sold out.
ResourceInsufficient.SubnetIpAllOccupied There is no IP available in this subnet.
ResourceInsufficient.TagLimitExceeded The quantity of the resource tags reached the upper limit.
ResourceInsufficient.TagQuotasExceeded The tag quota is insufficient.
ResourceInsufficient.TurboSpecialCapacityFileSystemCountLimit The number of Turbo file systems with special capacity has reached the upper limit.
ResourceNotFound.PgroupNotFound The permission group does not exist.
UnsupportedOperation Unsupported operation.
UnsupportedOperation.BasicNetInterfaceNotSupported This AZ does not support the basic network.
UnsupportedOperation.OutOfService Your account is in arrears. Please top up and try again.
UnsupportedOperation.UnverifiedUser Unverified user.
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