To implement a feature, we usually need to use a group of APIs. In API Gateway, you can add related APIs to a service for easy and efficient management.
2. Click Service on the left sidebar.
3. Under the current region, click Create at the top-left corner to create a service.
Up to 50 services per region.
If the current region is not the one you need, switch the region first. Note that the following regions do not support public IP access: East China (Shanghai Finance
4. Enter the service name and description, and select a frontend type.
Fontend type: The supported protocol. It supports HTTP and HTTPS.
Access type: Public network access, private network VPC access, or both can be selected. API Gateway will generate different domain names accordingly. It's only available to beta users.
Access scope of a private network VPC domain name: CVM instances in VPCs in the same region as the service.
Private network VPC access is in now. To try it out, contact your sales rep or submit a ticket. The service name can contain up to 50 characters ([a-z], [A-Z], [0-9], and [_]).
5. Click Submit to complete the creation.
6. You can click the service name to enter the service details page and create APIs.
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