tencent cloud


Step 5. Create a Plugin and Bind It to the API

Last updated: 2024-01-03 10:03:44


    This document describes how to create a plugin and bind it to a created API in the API Gateway console.


    You have created an API.


    1. In the API Gateway console, select Plugin > System Plugin on the left sidebar.
    2. Click Create and enter the plugin information.
    Plugin Name: it can contain up to 50 letters, digits, and underscores. exampleplugin is entered here as an example.
    Type: select IP access control.
    Plugin Description: description of the plugin. Test is entered here as an example.
    Attribute: blocklist or allowlist. Allowlist is selected here as an example.
    IP: enter the IP address or CIDR block that can access the API.
    Tag: it is optional and makes it easier to categorize and manage resources.
    3. Click Save.
    4. On the plugin list page, click Bind API in the Operation column of the just created plugin.
    Service: select the just created exampleservice service.
    Select Environment: select Release.
    Select APIs to bind: select the just created exampleapi API.
    5. Click OK.
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