tencent cloud


Basic Traffic Throttling

Last updated: 2023-12-22 09:59:46


    Basic traffic throttling plugin is a powerful traffic throttling component provided by API Gateway. It can throttle traffic in three dimensions of API, application, and client IP by second, minute, hour, or day. You can create a basic traffic throttling plugin and bind it to your API to take effect and protect your backend services.


    Step 1. Create the plugin

    1. Log in to the API Gateway console.
    2. Click Plugin on the left sidebar to open the plugin list page.
    3. Click Create in the top-left corner of the page and select Basic Throttling as the plugin type to create a basic traffic throttling plugin.
    The duration of traffic throttling, which supports four dimensions: second, minute, hour, and day. It is used in conjunction with "throttling limit" to indicate the upper limit of the number of requests per unit time.
    API Throttling Limit
    The upper limit of the number of times an API can be accessed within a certain period of time.
    Application Throttling Limit
    The upper limit of the number of times an application can be accessed within a certain period of time, which takes effect for all applications bound to this API.
    Client IP Throttling Limit
    The upper limit of the number of times a client IP can be accessed within a certain period of time, which takes effect for all client IPs bound to this API.
    Special Application
    Up to 30 items can be entered. For such applications, the basic API traffic throttling of the traffic throttling policy still takes effect, but you need to set an additional traffic throttling threshold for them. Meanwhile, the basic application traffic throttling and user traffic throttling of the traffic throttling policy will stop working for such applications.
    Special Client IP
    Up to 30 items can be entered. For such IPs, the basic API traffic throttling of the traffic throttling policy still takes effect, but you need to set an additional traffic throttling threshold for them. Meanwhile, the basic application traffic throttling and client IP traffic throttling of the traffic throttling policy will stop working for such IPs.

    Step 2. Bind an API and make the plugin effective

    1. Select the just created plugin in the list and click Bind API in the Operation column.
    2. In the Bind API pop-up window, select the service, environment, and the API to which the plugin needs to be bound.
    3. Click OK to bind the plugin to the API. At this time, the configuration of the plugin has taken effect for the API.


    "expire_type":"hour", // Traffic throttling time window unit. Valid values: day, hour, minute, second
    "expire":1, // Traffic throttling time window
    "api_rate_limit":500, // API throttling limit, which must be a positive integer
    "app_rate_limit":1, // Application throttling limit, which must be a positive integer
    "ip_rate_limit":2, // Client IP throttling limit, which must be a positive integer
    "spec_app_rate_limits":[ // List of special applications for traffic throttling
    "app_id":"app-3q9l4909", // Application ID
    "rate_limit":10 // Throttling limit, which must be a positive integer
    "spec_ip_rate_limits":[ // List of special client IPs for traffic throttling
    "ip_key":"", // Client IP
    "rate_limit":10 // Throttling limit, which must be a positive integer


    The basic traffic throttling plugin will be affected by service traffic throttling and API traffic throttling. If multiple traffic throttling rules take effect at the same time, the lowest throttling limit will prevail. For example, if the traffic throttling threshold of an API is set to 500 QPS in the basic traffic throttling plugin, the throttling limit of the service to which the API belongs is 100 QPS, and the throttling limit of the API itself is 50 QPS, then the actually effective threshold is 50 QPS.
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