wget https://mirrors.tencent.com/install/cls/k8s/tencentcloud-cls-k8s-install.sh
bash +x tencentcloud-cls-k8s-install.sh
./tencentcloud-cls-k8s-install.sh --region ap-guangzhou --secretid xxx --secretkey xxx
Parameter | Description |
secretid | Tencent Cloud account access ID |
secretkey | Tencent Cloud account access key |
region | CLS region |
docker_root | The root directory of the cluster Docker. The default value is `/var/lib/docker`. If the actual directory is different from the default one, specify the root directory of Docker. |
cluster_id | Cluster ID. If it is not specified, a default ID will be generated during installation (we recommend that you specify a cluster ID, as the generated default ID is less readable). |
network | Private network or public network (default). |
api_network | Private network or internet (default) for TencentCloud API. |
api_region |
./tencentcloud-cls-k8s-install.sh --secretid xxx --secretkey xx --region ap-guangzhou --network internet --api_region ap-guangzhou
Helm package.helm list -n kube-system
kubectl get pods -o wide -n kube-system | grep tke-log-agent
kubectl get pods -o wide -n kube-system | grep cls-provisioner
collection Pod and a cls-provisioner
Pod will start on each host.tke-log-agent
.kubectl edit ds tke-log-agent -n kube-system
Variable | Description |
MAX_CONNECTION | Maximum number of connections, which is `10` by default. |
CHECKPOINT_WINDOW_SIZE | The checkpoint window size of a file, which is `1024` by default. |
MAX_FILE_BREAKPOINTS | Breakpoint file size, which is `N*2k`. `N` defaults to `8k`. |
MAX_SENDRATE | Maximum sending rate (bytes/s), which is not limited by default. |
MAX_FILE | Maximum number of monitored files, which is `15000` by default. |
MAX_DIR | Maximum number of monitored directories, which is `5000` by default. |
MAX_HTTPS_CONNECTION | Maximum number of HTTPS connections, which is `100` by default. |
CONCURRENCY_TASKS | LogListener task pool, which is `256` by default (supported by v3.x or later). |
PROCESS_TASKS_EVERY_LOOP | Number of tasks processed every loop, which is `4` by default. |
CPU_USAGE_THRES | LogListener memory usage threshold, which is not limited by default. |
wget http://mirrors.tencent.com/install/cls/k8s/upgrade/upgrade.sh
chmod +x upgrade.sh
wget http://mirrors.tencent.com/install/cls/k8s/upgrade/upgrade-1.13.sh
chmod +x upgrade-1.13.sh
helm uninstall tencent-cloud-cls-log -n kube-system
kubectl delete secret -n kube-system cls-k8s
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