tencent cloud


Log Masking

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-12-03 19:08:26

    Use Case

    Tom has collected a log to CLS. The log contains sensitive information such as the user ID (dev@12345), login IP (, and mobile number (13912345678). Tom wants to mask these sensitive information.

    Scenario Analysis

    The log itself is a structured log, and therefore its fields can be masked directly.

    Raw Log

    "Id": "dev@12345",
    "Ip": "",
    "phonenumber": "13912345678"

    DSL Processing Function

    fields_set("Id",regex_replace(v("Id"),regex="\\d{3}", replace="***",count=0))
    fields_set("Id",regex_replace(v("Id"),regex="\\S{2}", replace="**",count=1))
    fields_set("phonenumber",regex_replace(v("phonenumber"),regex="(\\d{0,3})\\d{4}(\\d{4})", replace="$1****$2"))
    fields_set("Ip",regex_replace(v("Ip"),regex="(\\d+\\.)\\d+(\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)", replace="$1***$2",count=0))

    DSL Processing Function Details

    1. Mask the Id field. The result is dev@***45.
    fields_set("Id",regex_replace(v("Id"),regex="\\d{3}", replace="***",count=0))
    2. Mask the Id field again. The result is **v@***45.
    fields_set("Id",regex_replace(v("Id"),regex="\\S{2}", replace="**",count=1))
    3. Mask the phonenumber field by replacing the middle 4 digits with ****. The result is 139****5678.
    fields_set("phonenumber",regex_replace(v("phonenumber"),regex="(\\d{0,3})\\d{4}(\\d{4})", replace="$1****$2"))
    4. Mask the IP field by replacing the octet with ***. The result is 11.***137.225.
    fields_set("Ip",regex_replace(v("Ip"),regex="(\\d+\\.)\\d+(\\.\\d+\\.\\d+)", replace="$1***$2",count=0))

    Processing Result

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