tencent cloud


Nested JSON Handling

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-20 17:44:35

    Use Case

    Tom has collected logs to in nested JSON format to CLS. Now he wants to extract the user (secondary nested field) and App fields from the logs.

    Raw Log

    "content": {
    "App": "App-1",
    "start_time": "2021-10-14T02:15:08.221",
    "resonsebody": {
    "method": "GET",
    "user": "Tom"
    "response_code_details": "3000",
    "bytes_sent": 69
    "content": {
    "App": "App-2",
    "start_time": "2222-10-14T02:15:08.221",
    "resonsebody": {
    "method": "POST",
    "user": "Jerry"
    "response_code_details": "2222",
    "bytes_sent": 1

    DSL Processing Function

    Option 1. Use the JMES formula to extract fields directly without expanding all key-value pairs
    ext_json_jmes("content", jmes="resonsebody.user", output="user")
    ext_json_jmes("content", jmes="App", output="App")
    Option 2. Expand all key-value pairs and discard unwanted fields

    DSL Processing Function Details

    Option 1:
    1. Use the JMES formula resonsebody.user to directly specify the secondary nested field user.
    ext_json_jmes("content", jmes="resonsebody.user", output="user")
    2. Use the JMES formula App to directly specify the App field.
    ext_json_jmes("content", jmes="App", output="App")
    Option 2:
    1. Use the ext_json function to extract structured data from the JSON data. All fields are expanded by default.
    2. Discard the content field.
    3. Discard the unwanted fields bytes_sent, method, response_code_details, and start_time.

    Processing Result

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