tencent cloud


Log Structuration-JSON

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-12-18 16:37:58

    Scenario description

    Xiaowang collects logs in JSON format to CLS (Cloud Log Service, CLS) under the following two conditions:
    1. The JSON is multi-layer nested. Xiaowang wants to extract the user and App fields, where user is a secondary nested field.
    2. Xiaowang's JSON log is an array and needs to split multiple logs from the array.

    Raw Log

    Log 1: Nested JSON
    Log 2: JSON Array
    "content": {
    "App": "App-1",
    "start_time": "2021-10-14T02:15:08.221",
    "resonsebody": {
    "method": "GET",
    "user": "Tom"
    "response_code_details": "3000",
    "bytes_sent": 69
    "content": {
    "App": "App-2",
    "start_time": "2222-10-14T02:15:08.221",
    "resonsebody": {
    "method": "POST",
    "user": "Jerry"
    "response_code_details": "2222",
    "bytes_sent": 1
    "timestamp": 1732099684144000,
    "topic": "log-containers",
    "records": [
    "category": "kube-request",
    "log": "{\\"requestID\\":\\"12345\\",\\"stage\\":\\"Complete\\"}"
    "category": "db-request",
    "log": "{\\"requestID\\":\\"67890\\",\\"stage\\":\\"Response\\"}"

    Processing result

    Log 1
    Log 2

    DSL Processing Function

    Log 1:Processing statement
    Log 2:Processing statement
    //Use the ext_json function to extract structured data from JSON data, by default, it will flatten all fields
    //Discard the content field
    //Discard unnecessary fields bytes_sent,method,response_code_details,start_time
    //Split logs from the array, splitting into 2 logs
    //Discard the original field records
    //Expand the KV pairs of the log
    //Discard the original field log
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