Statement | Description |
Concatenation function || | The result of a || b is ab . |
length(binary) → bigint | Returns a binary length. |
concat(binary1, …, binaryN) → varbinary | Concatenates binary strings. This function provides the same functionality as ||. |
to_base64(binary) → varchar | Converts a binary string into a base64 string. |
from_base64(string) → varbinary | Converts a base64 string into a binary string. |
to_base64url(binary) → varchar | Converts a binary string into a base64 string with a URL safe alphabet. |
from_base64url(string) → varbinary | Converts a base64 string with a URL safe alphabet into a binary string. |
to_hex(binary) → varchar | Converts a binary string into a hexadecimal string. |
from_hex(string) → varbinary | Converts a hexadecimal string into a binary string. |
to_big_endian_64(bigint) → varbinary | Converts a bigint number into a big endian binary string. |
from_big_endian_64(binary) → bigint | Converts a big endian binary string into a number. |
md5(binary) → varbinary | Computes the MD5 hash of a binary string. |
sha1(binary) → varbinary | Computes the SHA1 hash of a binary string. |
sha256(binary) → varbinary | Computes the SHA256 hash of a binary string. |
sha512(binary) → varbinary | Computes the SHA512 hash of a binary string. |
xxhash64(binary) → varbinary | Computes the xxHash64 hash of a binary string. |
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