CLS manages its stored metric data by using Metric Topics and Logsets. A Metric Topic is the basic unit for collecting, storing, and querying metric data, while a Logset categorizes metric topics to help users manage them more easily. A Logset can contain both metric topics and log topics simultaneously. This document describes how to manage metric topics. Note:
The metric topics service ended its public beta on July 1, 2024, and is now officially a paid service. For more details, see the Billing Overview. Prerequisites
Creating a Metric Topic
1. In the left sidebar, click Metric Topic.
2. On the Metric Topic management page, select the region for the Metric Topic, and click Create Metric topic.
3. In the pop-up window, fill in the following information:
Metric topic name: for example, nginx_metric.
Metric topicID: a random ID is generated by default; you can also define an ID. Only lowercase letters, numbers, and - are supported, and it cannot start or end with -. Length 3 to 40 characters.
Metric save policy:
Retention Time: It is 30 days by default. You can customize the data retention period. Data will be automatically deleted after expiration, or it can be set to be retained permanently.
Logset Operation:
Select an existing logset: select a target logset from the Logset dropdown list.
Create logset: Enter the name of the new logset, and set a tag for the current logset to be created so that resources can be managed by category from different dimensions.
Metric topic tag: set a tag for the newly created Metric Topic to facilitate resource classification management from different dimensions.
Advanced Settings:
Metric topic description: description information to understand the purpose of the Metric Topic in the future.
Topic partition:
Initial partitions: the number of partitions automatically created when the topic is created, supporting 1~10, default is 1. For more information on topic partitions, see Topic Partition. Auto-split: whether to automatically add partitions based on the topic's write traffic size, enabled by default.
Maximum partitions: When auto split is enabled, the maximum number of partitions is 50 by default.
4. Click OK to create the metric topic.
After the metric topic is successfully added, you can go to the metric topic management page, click the created metric topic name/ID to view detailed information.
Once a metric topic is created, the associated region and logset cannot be modified.
Editing a Metric Topic
1. In the left sidebar, click Metric Topic.
2. In the metric topic management page, find the metric topic name/ID you want to edit and click Edit.
3. In the pop-up window, modify the basic information of the metric topic.
4. Click OK to update the metric topic information.
Deleting a Metric Topic
1. In the left sidebar, click Metric Topic.
2. In the metric topic management page, find the metric topic name/ID you want to delete and click Delete.
3. In the pop-up window, click Next > Delete to delete the current metric topic.
Once a metric topic is deleted, the associated configurations and data cannot be recovered. Operate with caution.