tencent cloud


Alarm Silence

Last updated: 2024-06-06 17:05:09


    When an exception occurs in the system, there will be alarms continuously. For some problems that are under processing, the alarms can be silenced for some time to avoid disturbance. In addition, scheduled system changes may also generate alarms as expected and this type of alarms can be silenced in advance.
    Cloud Log Service provides two methods for Alarm Silence:
    Temporary Alarm Silence: When an alarm notification is received, the alarm can be directly silenced for a period of time (15 minutes to 12 hours). The operation is convenient and suitable for temporarily silencing alarms that are already under processing.
    Scheduled Alarm Silence: Create alarm silencing rules in advance on the console, which can be operated in batches. It is suitable for silencing some expected alarms in advance before system changes.
    Alarm Silence rules belong to Management Notification Groups. When multiple alarm policies use the same Notification Channel Group, you can silence multiple alarm policies in batches in the Notification Channel Group.


    Temporary Alarm Silence

    This feature does not support phone calls and WeChat.
    You need to enable Block alarms without login feature in Management Notification Groups, which allows you to silence subsequent notifications of related alarms directly in the alarm notification without logging in to the console.
    1. Receive alarm notifications through Short Message Service, email, WeCom, DingTalk and other channels.
    2. Click Alarm Silence or Detailed Report (and click Alarm Silence at the bottom) in the notification to enter the configuration page of Alarm Silence, and view or fill in the following information:
    Notification Channel Group: The notification channel group used by the current alarm policy. There may be multiple notification channel groups and they cannot be modified.
    Range of Silencing Time: It supports 15 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 6 hours, 1 day. You can only select one option.
    Silencing Rule: Automatically generated, only silencing the alarm policy, alarm severity, monitoring object and alarm group (need to open Trigger by Group feature) corresponding to the current alarm. The rules cannot be modified.
    Operator: Name of the operator, required.
    Reason for Silencing: The reason for silencing the alarm, required.

    Scheduled Alarm Silence

    1. Log in to the Cloud Log Service Console.
    2. In the left sidebar, click Monitoring Alarm > Notification Group to enter the management page of Notification Channel Group.
    3. In the list, click Notification Group Name/ID for which you want to configure silencing rules to enter the details page of Notification Channel Group.
    4. Click Alarm Blocking Rule tag at the top tab to enter the management page of alarm silence rules.
    5. Click Add Rule to fill in the following information in the pop-up dialog box:
    Blocking Period: the period for which you want to silence the alarms.
    Blocking Rule:
    All notifications: Silencing all alarms using this Notification Channel Group.
    Notifications satisfying the following rules: Only silence alarms that meet custom rules, such as silencing all alarms of Reminder level. For details on supported rules, see Rule Details .
    Blocking Reason: The reason for silencing the alarm, required.

    Viewing Created Silencing Rules

    Regardless of the method used to create the silencing rules, you can view and manage the rules in the console.
    1. Log in to the Cloud Log Service Console.
    2. In the left sidebar, click Monitoring Alarm > Notification Group to enter the management page of Notification Channel Group.
    3. In the list, click Notification Group Name/ID for which you want to configure silencing rules to enter the details page of Notification Channel Group.
    4. Click Alarm Blocking Rule tag at the top tab to enter the management page of alarm silence rules.
    5. Rules of different status support the following operations:
    Activating: The rule supports copying and expiration. After clicking Expire, the rule will no longer be effective.
    Expired: The rule supports copying and viewing, but not manual deletion. The system can save up to 1,000 expired silencing rules, and automatically delete old rules after exceeding this limit.
    Not activated yet: The rule supports editing, copying, and deleting.

    Rule Details

    When creating a silencing rule through the console or API, you can define the silencing rule according to the following fields and comparison methods:
    Comparison Method
    Comparison Value
    Example of API Parameter (Rule)
    Alarm Severity Level
    It belongs to In.
    It doesn't belong to NotIn.
    Emergency 2
    (Multiple values supported)
    Example meaning: The alarm severity is not reminder.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "Level",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "NotIn",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[1]",
    "Type": "Value"
    Alarm Policy AlarmID
    It belongs to In.
    It doesn't belong to NotIn.
    Alarm policy
    (Multiple policies supported)
    Example meaning: Alarm Policy belongs to alarm-4ddebe88-xxxx-4d8c-acce-6a8613e24cbf, alarm-12a93b68-xxxx-4a42-bcf3-843690fc0793.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "AlarmID",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "In",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[\\"alarm-4ddebe88-xxxx-4d8c-acce-6a8613e24cbf\\",\\"alarm-12a93b68-xxxx-4a42-bcf3-843690fc0793\\"]",
    "Type": "Value"
    Alarm Policy Name AlarmName
    Regular expression match =~
    Regular expression mismatch ! =~
    Alarm policy name
    (Regular expression)
    Example meaning: The regular expression of alarm policy name does not match test.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "AlarmName",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "!=~",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "test",
    "Type": "Value"
    Alarm Classification Field Label.
    (The specific classified field name is required to be specified.)
    It belongs to In.
    It doesn't belong to NotIn.
    Classified field value
    (Multiple values supported)
    Example meaning: Alarm Classification Field key1 belongs to value1, value2.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "Label",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "key1",
    "Type": "Key"
    }, {
    "Value": "In",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[\\"value1\\",\\"value2\\"]",
    "Type": "Value"
    Regular expression match =~
    Regular expression mismatch ! =~
    Classified field value
    (Regular expression)
    Example meaning: Alarm Classification Field key2 regular expression matches value3.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "Label",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "key2",
    "Type": "Key"
    }, {
    "Value": "=~",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "value3",
    "Type": "Value"
    Group Trigger Field Group
    (The specific group field name is required to be specified.)
    It belongs to In.
    It doesn't belong to NotIn.
    Classified field value
    (Multiple values supported)
    Example meaning: Group Trigger Field $1.key1 belongs to value1, value2.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "Group",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "$1.key1",
    "Type": "Key"
    }, {
    "Value": "In",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[\\"value1\\",\\"value2\\"]",
    "Type": "Value"
    Regular expression match =~
    Regular expression mismatch ! =~
    Classified field value
    (Regular expression)
    Example meaning: Group Trigger Field $1.key2 regular expression does not match value3.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "Group",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "$1.key2",
    "Type": "Key"
    }, {
    "Value": "!=~",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "value3",
    "Type": "Value"
    Monitor Object MonitorObject.
    It belongs to In.
    It doesn't belong to NotIn.
    Log topic and metric topic
    (Multiple topics supported)
    Example meaning: The monitor object belongs to log topic aa6b76f1-9040-47bc-xxxx-cdd67000c0ce and metric topic 554588f7-3481-4c15-xxxx-80363b3a1c8e.
    Note: BizType=0 represents the log topic; BizType=1 represents the metric topic.
    "Type": "Condition",
    "Value": "MonitorObject",
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "In",
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[{\\"TopicId\\":\\"aa6b76f1-9040-47bc-xxxx-cdd67000c0ce\\",\\"BizType\\":0},{\\"TopicId\\":\\"554588f7-3481-4c15-xxxx-80363b3a1c8e\\",\\"BizType\\":1}]",
    "Type": "Value"
    For example, to silence the alarms at the Reminder level in the demo alarm policy, the corresponding API parameter rule is:
    "Value": "AND", //Meet the following rules at the same time, and it must be AND
    "Type": "Operation",
    "Children": [{
    "Type": "Condition", //The first rule
    "Value": "Level", //Alarm severity
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "In", //Belongs to
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[1]", //Reminder
    "Type": "Value"
    }, {
    "Type": "Condition", //The second rule
    "Value": "AlarmID", //Alarm policy
    "Children": [{
    "Value": "In", //Belongs to
    "Type": "Compare"
    }, {
    "Value": "[\\"alarm-57105ec6-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-892f3b8d143a\\"]", // ID corresponding to the demo alarm policy
    "Type": "Value"
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