syntax, together with an aggregate function, is used to group analysis results by one or more columns.* | SELECT column, aggregate function GROUP BY [ column name | alias | serial number ]
statement containing the GROUP BY
syntax, you can select only the GROUP BY
column or an aggregate calculation function, but not a non-GROUP BY column. For example, * | SELECT status, request_time, COUNT(*) AS PV GROUP BY status
is an invalid analysis statement because request_time is not a GROUP BY
column.GROUP BY
syntax supports grouping by column name, alias, or serial number, as described in the following table:Parameter | Description |
Column name | Group data by log field name or aggregate function calculation result column. The syntax supports grouping data by one or multiple columns. |
Alias | Group data by alias of the log field name or aggregate function calculation result. |
Serial number | Serial number (starting from 1) of a column in the SELECT statement.For example, the serial number of the status column is 1, and therefore the following statements are equivalent:* | SELECT status, count(*) AS PV GROUP BY status * | SELECT status, count(*) AS PV GROUP BY 1 |
Aggregate function | The GROUP BY syntax is usually used together with aggregate functions such as MIN , MAX , AVG , SUM , and COUNT . For more information, please see Aggregate Function. |
* | SELECT status, count(*) AS pv GROUP BY status
* |SELECTdate_trunc('minute',cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp)) AS dt,count(*) AS pvGROUP BYdtORDER BYdtlimit10
field is the reserved field in CLS and indicates the time column. **dt** is the alias of date_trunc('minute', cast(\\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ as timestamp))
. For more information on the date_trunc() function, see Time Truncation Function.limit 10
indicates up to 10 rows of results are obtained. If the LIMIT
syntax is not used, CLS obtains 100 rows of results by default.\\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_
field.* | SELECT histogram( cast(TIMESTAMP as timestamp), interval 5 minute ) as dt, count(*) as pv, count( distinct(remote_addr) ) as uv group by dt order by dt
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