tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-01-20 17:25:15
    The GROUP BY syntax, together with an aggregate function, is used to group analysis results by one or more columns.

    Syntax Format

    * | SELECT column, aggregate function GROUP BY [ column name | alias | serial number ]
    When executing a SELECT statement containing the GROUP BY syntax, you can select only the GROUP BY column or an aggregate calculation function, but not a non-GROUP BY column. For example, * | SELECT status, request_time, COUNT(*) AS PV GROUP BY status is an invalid analysis statement because request_time is not a GROUP BY column.
    The GROUP BY syntax supports grouping by column name, alias, or serial number, as described in the following table:
    Column name
    Group data by log field name or aggregate function calculation result column. The syntax supports grouping data by one or multiple columns.
    Group data by alias of the log field name or aggregate function calculation result.
    Serial number
    Serial number (starting from 1) of a column in the SELECT statement.
    For example, the serial number of the status column is 1, and therefore the following statements are equivalent:
    * | SELECT status, count(*) AS PV GROUP BY status
    * | SELECT status, count(*) AS PV GROUP BY 1
    Aggregate function
    The GROUP BY syntax is usually used together with aggregate functions such as MIN, MAX, AVG, SUM, and COUNT. For more information, please see Aggregate Function.

    Syntax Example

    Count the number of access requests with different status codes:
    * | SELECT status, count(*) AS pv GROUP BY status
    Calculate PV by the time granularity of 1 minute:
    * |
    cast(__TIMESTAMP__ as timestamp)
    ) AS dt,
    count(*) AS pv
    The \\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ field is the reserved field in CLS and indicates the time column. **dt** is the alias of date_trunc('minute', cast(\\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ as timestamp)). For more information on the date_trunc() function, see Time Truncation Function.
    limit 10 indicates up to 10 rows of results are obtained. If the LIMIT syntax is not used, CLS obtains 100 rows of results by default.
    If you enable the statistics feature for any field during index configuration, CLS will automatically enable the statistics feature for the \\_\\_TIMESTAMP\\_\\_ field.
    Calculate PV and UV by the time granularity of 5 minutes: The date_trunc() function collects statistics only at fixed time intervals. You can use the histogram function to collect statistics at custom time intervals.
    * | SELECT histogram( cast(TIMESTAMP as timestamp), interval 5 minute ) as dt, count(*) as pv, count( distinct(remote_addr) ) as uv group by dt order by dt
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