tencent cloud


Last updated: 2024-12-25 12:02:21
Heatmaps display statistical charts by coloring the blocks. For statistical indicators, higher values are represented by darker colors and lower values are represented by lighter colors. Heatmaps are suitable for viewing the overall situation, detecting anomalies, displaying differences among multiple variables, and checking whether there is any correlation between them.


1. Log in to the CLS console, click Dashboard > Dashboard List, select the dashboard you want to view, click Add Chart, create a new chart, and choose Heat Map as the chart type.
2. Configure the chart according to needs.

Chart Configuration

General configuration

Configuration Item
Basic Information
Chart Name: Set the display name of the table, which can be left empty.
Statistical Analysis Field
Define the chart fields and support manually specifying the fields corresponding to the chart content with default automatic adaptation.
X-axis field: Select the field corresponding to the heatmap X-axis.
Y-axis field: Select the field corresponding to the heatmap Y-axis.
Metric field: Select the field corresponding to the heatmap block.
Show X-axis: Show/hide X-axis.
Y-axis position: Configure the display position of the Y-axis.
Standard configuration
Set the field units for all metric types within the chart. For details, see Unit Configuration.
Visual mapping
Show/hide Visual Map Configuration.
Interaction event
Support clicking the numbers in the chart to trigger interactive events, such as jumping to the set URL address, opening the search analysis page, opening the dashboard page, adding filter conditions, etc. For details, see Interaction Event.

Heatmap configuration

Configuration Item
Heat Map
Counts: Setting the display and hide of heatmap block value tags. The value is hidden by default.

Sample Statement

Statistics of average request delays from ISPs on the timestamp:
* | select histogram(__TIMESTAMP__,interval 1 hour) as time,isp,round(avg( "request_time" ),1) as "request_time" group by time,isp order by time limit 10000
Statistics of URL access the province distribution of PV:
* | select url,prov, count(*) as count group by url,prov order by count desc limit 1000

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