tencent cloud


How to Fill In the Domains Bound to an SSL Certificate During the Application?

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-03-06 18:00:08

    How to fill in the Bound Domain during the certificate application?

    After purchasing the SSL certificate, you need to go to the SSL Certificate Service console to submit the materials for review. The console will prompt you the type and number of domain names based on the certificate you purchased.
    Unable to bind a .ru domain name to an SSL certificate.
    To ensure that your SSL certificate can be issued and HTTPS can be used properly, fill in correct information about the bound domains.
    Some certificates can be bound with IP addresses. For details, see SSL Certificates Supporting IP Address Binding.
    Based on the brand of your certificate and the domains bound, SSL Certificate Service will offer the corresponding parent domain for free. Details are described as follows:
    TrustAsia (OV/EV)
    TrustAsia (DV)
    If the bound domain is not prefixed with www., the respective www. sub-domain is offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a primary domain, the www. sub-domain is offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a primary domain, the www. sub-domain is offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a primary domain, the www. sub-domain is offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a general or wildcard domain, the parent domain is offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a primary domain, some brands will offer the www. sub-domain for free. For example, if the bound domain is tencent.com, the www.tencent.com sub-domain will be offered for free.
    If the bound domain is a general or wildcard domain, some brands will offer the corresponding parent domain for free. For example, if the bound domain is *.tencent.com, tencent.com will be offered for free.
    A parent domain will be offered for free only if the general or wildcard domain is of level three or above.

    Wildcard domains

    A wildcard domain is one with a wildcard, such as *.tencent.com and *.cloud.tencent.com. It includes all sub-domains at the same level.
    Cross-level domains are not supported. For example, *.tencent.com does not include the *.cloud.tencent.com child domains.

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