tencent cloud


Installing an SSL Certificate on an Apache Server (Windows)

마지막 업데이트 시간:2024-03-06 17:38:42


    This document describes how to install an SSL certificate on an Apache server.
    The certificate name cloud.tencent.com is used as an example.
    The Apache/2.4.53 version is used as an example. The default port is 80. You can download it from the Apache official website. If you need to use another version, contact us.
    The current server OS is Windows Server 2012 R2. Detailed steps vary slightly by OS.
    Before you install an SSL certificate, enable port 443 on the Apache server so that HTTPS can be enabled after the certificate is installed. For more information, see How Do I Enable Port 443 for a VM?.
    For detailed directions on how to upload SSL certificate files to a server, see Copying Local Files to CVMs.


    Install the Apache service on the current server.
    The data required to install the SSL certificate includes the following:
    Server IP address
    IP address of the server, which is used to connect the PC to the server.
    The username used to log in to the server.
    The password used to log in to the server.
    For a CVM instance purchased on the Tencent Cloud official website, log in to the CVM console to get the server IP address, username, and password.


    Step 1. Upload the certificate file

    1. Log in to the SSL Certificate Service console, and click Download for the certificate you need to install.
    2. In the pop-up window, select Apache for the server type, click Download, and decompress the cloud.tencent.com certificate file package to the local directory. After decompression, you can get the certificate file of the corresponding type, which includes the cloud.tencent.com_apache file.
    Folder: cloud.tencent.com_apache
    Files in the folder:
    root_bundle.crt: certificate file
    cloud.tencent.com.crt: certificate file
    cloud.tencent.com.key: Private key file
    cloud.tencent.com.csr: CSR file
    Note: You can upload the CSR file when applying for a certificate or have it generated online by the system. It is provided to the CA and irrelevant to the installation.
    3. Log in to the Apache server via the RDP port.
    We recommend that you use CVM's file upload feature for deployment to CVM.
    4. Copy the root_bundle.crt certificate file, cloud.tencent.com.crt certificate file, and cloud.tencent.com.key private key file from the local directory to the ssl.crt and ssl.key folders under the \\conf directory of the Apache server, respectively.
    SSL Certificate File

    Step 2. Configure the file

    1. Open the httpd.conf file in the conf directory of the Apache server with a text editor and delete the # before the following fields.
    #LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
    #Include conf/extra/httpd-ssl.conf
    2. Open the httpd-ssl.conf file in the conf\\extra directory of the Apache server with a text editor.
    3. Modify the httpd-ssl.conf file and set the following field parameters to the paths of the uploaded certificate files as shown below:
    SSLCertificateFile "C:/apache/conf/ssl.crt/cloud.tencent.com.crt"
    SSLCertificateKeyFile "C:/apache/conf/ssl.key/cloud.tencent.com.key"
    SSLCACertificateFile "C:/apache/conf/ssl.crt/root_bundle.crt"
    4. Restart the Apache server and then you can access it through https://cloud.tencent.com.
    If the security lock icon is displayed in the browser, the certificate has been installed successfully.
    In case of a website access exception, troubleshoot the issue by referring to the following FAQs:

    (Optional) Security configuration for automatic redirect from HTTP to HTTPS

    1. Open the httpd.conf file in the conf directory of the Apache server with a text editor and delete the # before the following fields.
    #LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
    2. Configure the fields in the website running directory. For example, add the following content to the <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs"> field:
    <Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs">
    RewriteEngine on
    RewriteCond %{SERVER_PORT} !^443$
    RewriteRule ^(.*)?$ https://%{SERVER_NAME}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R]
    3. Restart the Apache server and then you can access it through both https://www.tencentcloud.com/ (which will be automatically redirected to https://www.tencentcloud.com/) and https://www.tencentcloud.com/.

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