tencent cloud


API Category

最后更新时间:2024-11-27 09:47:31

Asset Management APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeDomains Obtains the domain name list 20

Billing APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
CreateDeals Creates a billed resource order 20
GenerateDealsAndPayNew Billing Resource Purchase, Renewal Order API 20
DescribeInstances Query detailed information of all user instances 20

Protection Settings APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AddAntiFakeUrl Add tamper-proof URL 20
AddAntiInfoLeakRules Add information leakage prevention rule 20
DeleteAntiFakeUrl Delete tamper-proof URL 20
DeleteSession Delete CC attack session settings 20
DescribeAntiFakeRules Obtains the anti-tampering information 20
DescribeAntiInfoLeakageRules Obtain the information leakage prevention rule list 20
DescribeCCRule WAF CC V2 query API 20
DescribeCCRuleList Queries CC Prevention Rules 20
DescribeCustomRuleList Queries access control rules 20
DescribeCustomWhiteRule Queries precise allowlist rules 20
DescribeDomainVerifyResult Obtain the result of adding domain operation 20
DescribeModuleStatus Queries the enabling status of each WAF module 20
DescribeObjects View protected object list 20
DescribeRuleLimit Obtains specification limits 20
DescribeSession WAF session definition query API 20
DescribeSpartaProtectionInfo WAF Sparta - Obtain protection domain information 20
DescribeUserLevel Obtain the user protection rule level 20
ModifyAntiFakeUrl Edit a tamper-proof URL 20
ModifyAntiInfoLeakRuleStatus Information leakage prevention toggle rule switch 20
ModifyAntiInfoLeakRules Edit an information leakage prevention rule 20
ModifyCustomRule Edits a custom rule 20
ModifyCustomRuleStatus Enable or disable access control (from custom policy) 20
ModifyCustomWhiteRule Edits a precise allowlist 20
ModifyCustomWhiteRuleStatus Enable or disable a precision allowlist 20
ModifyModuleStatus Set the switch for the basic security module under a certain domain 20
ModifyObject Modify protection object 20
ModifyProtectionStatus Obtains the enabling status of the basic security protection module of WAF 20
ModifySpartaProtectionMode Set WAF protection status 20
ModifyUserLevel Modify the user protection rule level 20
ModifyUserSignatureRule Modifies a user protection rule 20
SwitchElasticMode Toggles the switch of the elastic QPS 20

Other APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
AddCustomWhiteRule Adds a precise allowlist rule 20
DeleteAntiInfoLeakRule Delete information leakage prevention rule 20
DeleteCCRule WAF CC V2 deletion API 20
DeleteCustomRule Delete custom rule 20
DeleteCustomWhiteRule Delete precision allowlist rules 20
DescribeDomainCountInfo Obtain domain overview 20
DescribeFindDomainList Obtain discovered domain name list API 20
DescribeHost Obtains protected domain name details 20
DescribeHosts Obtains the list of protected domain names 50
DescribeWebshellStatus Obtains the webshell detection status of a domain name 20
FreshAntiFakeUrl Refresh a tamper-proof URL 20
ModifyAntiFakeUrlStatus Toggle tamper-proof switch 20
ModifyBotStatus Bot_V2 bot master switch update 20
ModifyDomainsCLSStatus Enable or disable access log for domain list 20
ModifyHostMode Sets the protection status of a protected domain name 20
ModifyHostStatus Enables or disables WAF for protected domain names 20
ModifyInstanceElasticMode Modify the QPS elastic billing switch for an instance 20
ModifyInstanceName Modifies the instance name 20
ModifyInstanceQpsLimit Set elastic QPS limit for package instances 20
ModifyInstanceRenewFlag Enable or disable auto-renewal for instance 20
ModifyWebshellStatus Sets the webshell detection status 20
UpsertCCRule WAF CC V2 upsert API 20
UpsertSession WAF session definition upsert API 20
GetInstanceQpsLimit Obtain the elastic QPS limit of package instances 20
AddCustomRule Add access control (from custom policy) 20
ModifyApiAnalyzeStatus API analysis page switch 20

IP Management APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DeleteIpAccessControlV2 Deletes an IP blocklist/allowlist 20
DescribeBatchIpAccessControl Queries the IP blocklist and allowlist for batch protection 20
DescribeIpAccessControl Queries IP blocklists and allowlists 20
CreateIpAccessControl Adds an IP blocklist/allowlist 20
ModifyIpAccessControl Edits an IP blocklist/allowlist 20
ImportIpAccessControl This API is used to import IP allowlists/blocklists. 20

Integration APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeHostLimit Verifies the existence of the domain name to be added 20
DescribeUserDomainInfo Query Domain Information for SaaS and CLB 20
DescribeCertificateVerifyResult Obtain certificate inspection result 20
DeleteHost Deletes a domain name protected by CLB WAF 20
DescribeTlsVersion Queries TLS versions supported by SaaS WAF 20
ModifyHost Edits domain names protected by CLB WAF 20
ModifyHostFlowMode Edits the traffic mode for domain names protected by CLB WAF 20
ModifySpartaProtection Edits the configuration of domain names protected by SaaS WAF 2
AddSpartaProtection Add SaaS WAF protection domain 20
DescribePorts Obtain the SaaS-type WAF protection port list 20
DescribeUserClbWafRegions Obtains the regions where CLB WAF (clb-waf) is available to customers 20
RefreshAccessCheckResult Refreshes the access configuration check result 3
DeleteSpartaProtection Deletes a domain name protected by SaaS WAF 20
DescribeCiphersDetail Queries the cipher suite information 20
DescribeDomainDetailsClb Obtains details of domain names protected by CLB WAF 20
DescribeDomainDetailsSaas Queries a single domain details of SaaS WAF instance 20
ModifyDomainIpv6Status Toggle the IPv6 switch 20
CreateHost Adds a protected domain name to CLB WAF 20
DescribeVipInfo Queries the VIP information 20

Log Service APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
GetAttackHistogram Collects attack logs 20
GetAttackTotalCount Total attack count 10
ModifyDomainPostAction Modifies the domain shipping status 20
SearchAttackLog Searches for attack logs of CLS of the new version 10

Security Overview APIs

API Name Feature Frequency Limit (maximum requests per second)
DescribeAttackType Queries top N attack types 20
DescribeHistogram Queries the statistical data for analysis by multiple conditions 20
DescribePeakPoints Query business and attack summary trends 10
DescribePolicyStatus Obtain protection status and the effective instance ID 20
DescribeTopAttackDomain Query top 5 attack domains 20
DescribeAttackOverview Describes the attack overview 10




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