Category | Item | Description | Stream Compute Service | Open-Source Apache Flink | |
Development and debugging | Data connection | Connection to various upstream and downstream data services through connectors, quickly aggregating real-time data and applying output data | | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Cloud data products | Seamless integration with mainstream Tencent Cloud data products, including Cloud Data Warehouse, EMR, CDB, CKafka, TDMQ, and COS | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Self-built data services | Custom connectors for connecting to various external data systems, including those in the cloud and IDC | Supported | Supported |
| Web IDE | Provides Web IDE as a one-stop development and debugging platform that integrates graphical development, multi-language development, metadata management, code debugging, and dependency management | | Supported | Not supported |
| | Low-code development | Real-time ETL graphical development | Supported | Not supported |
| | Multiple languages | SQL, Java, and Scala | Supported | Not supported |
| | Metadata | Built-in metadata management that allows users to manage the variables of metadata parameters | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Automatic DDL | Intelligent detection of connected external data systems and automatic generation of table creation statements for data sources and data sinks | Supported | Not supported |
| | Custom functions | Custom functions such as UDF, UDTF, and UDAF | Supported | Supported |
| | Job debugging | Online SQL syntax check | Supported | Not supported |
| | | | | Online SQL debugging that does not affect the production environment |
| | Dependencies | Management of packages, and management and dynamic distribution of external dependencies (configuration files, dependent libraries, etc.) | Supported | Not supported |
| | Compute resources | Configuration of fine-grained resources and operator parallelism for JobManager and TaskManager | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Job versions | Historical version management of jobs and resources to facilitate business upgrade and development | Supported | Not supported |
| Development using TencentCloud API | TencentCloud API provides all the APIs required for Web IDE development, through which business platforms and Stream Compute Service can be seamlessly connected. | | Supported | Not supported |
Deployment and Ops | Job deployment | Deployment management of jobs throughout the lifecycle (including start, stop, suspend, and resume) using Web IDE and TencentCloud API | | Supported | Not supported |
| Monitoring | Visualization of running parameters and status of jobs | | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Running parameters | Visualization of the logic and parameters of running jobs, such as SQL statement details and parameter configurations | Supported | Not supported |
| | Running status events | Visualization of events such as unexpected job restarts, snapshot failures, and CPU or memory exceptions of JobManager/TaskManager | Supported | Not supported |
| Metrics and alarms | Comprehensive job monitoring and alerting based on dynamic metrics defined at task granularity and over 65 monitoring metrics. The monitoring metrics are related to healthy running of cluster jobs and upstream and downstream systems and aggregated using functions such as sum, max, min, and avg. | | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Monitoring metrics | Display of metrics at job, JobManager, TaskManager, and Task granularity, as well as accurate CPU/memory metrics for container Pods | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Monitoring alarms | Alarm rule (including AI-based dynamic threshold alarms) configuration for over 65 monitoring metrics using Tencent Cloud Observability Platform | Supported | Not supported |
| Smart diagnosis | Intelligently diagnoses and analyzes the exception information by collecting and analyzing exception logs and provides recommended solutions | | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Exception information collection | Ships the exception logs generated during job running to Tencent Cloud Log Service (CLS) in real time | Supported | Not supported |
| | Exception information search | Allows users to view job instance exception logs, which can be aggregated and searched by instance ID, process role, and process ID | Supported | Not supported |
| | Exception diagnosis | Allows users to quickly identify the causes of job exceptions using the exception log-based quick diagnosis feature and provides recommended solutions | Supported | Not supported |
| Black window diagnosis | Automatically uploads the underlying OOM Dump, JFR, exception logs, and other exception information from actual jobs to the user's Object Storage Service (COS) | | Supported | Not supported |
| | Information collection | Provides a list of files (including OOM Dump and JFR files) in the log directory for user analysis after the job process is ended | Supported | Not supported |
| High availability | SLA guarantee | Distributed cluster design without any single point of failure, full-linkage monitoring, and rapid self-healing capabilities to ensure the availability of 99.9% | Supported | Not supported |
Cost | Resource cost | Reduces computing resource costs by allocating and utilizing resources on demand based on actual business load | | Supported | Not supported |
| | Auto scaling | Auto scaling based on the business load to ensure normal business operations and avoid resource waste | Supported | Not supported |
| | Fine-grained resources | Selection of fine-grained resources (e.g. 0.5 CU/process) for jobs to avoid resource waste | Supported | Partially supported |
Security | Security isolation | Multi-dimensional isolation of the resource environment to ensure data security across tenants | | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Space isolation | Exclusive tenant access to network space, computing resources, and storage resources, ensuring physical isolation between tenants | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Process isolation | Isolates job processes by container deployment to ensure process stability and security | Supported | Partially supported |
| Access control | Ensures account security using the Tencent Cloud account system and SAML authentication mechanism, and achieves fine-grained access control | | Supported | Not supported |
| | Account system | Connects to the Tencent Cloud account system and supports SAML authentication | Supported | Partially supported |
| | Fine-grained access control | Fine-grained permission management at cluster or job level to meet the needs of collaborative development by multiple persons | Supported | Not supported |
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