Software | Version |
apache-beam | 2.27.0 |
apache-flink | 1.13.2 |
apache-flink-libraries | 1.13.2 |
avro-python3 | 1.9.1 |
beautifulsoup4 | 4,10.0 |
certifi | 2020.12.5 |
chardet | 4.0.0 |
click | 8.0.3 |
cloudpickle | 1.2.2 |
crcmod | 1.7 |
Cython | 0.29.16 |
dill | |
docopt | 0.6.2 |
fastavro | 0.23.6 |
future | 0.18.2 |
grpcio | 1.29.0 |
hdfs | 2.6.0 |
httplib2 | 0.17.4 |
idna | 2.10 |
importlib-metadata | 4.10.0 |
joblib | 1.1.0 |
jsonpickle | 1.2 |
mock | 2.0.0 |
nltk | 3.6.7 |
numpy | 1.19.5 |
oauth2client | 3.0.0 |
pandas | 1.0.0 |
pbr | 5.5.1 |
protobuf | 3.15.3 |
py4j | |
pyarrow | 0.17.1 |
pyasn1 | 0.4.8 |
pyasn1-modules | 0.2.8 |
pydot | 1.4.2 |
pymongo | 3.11.3 |
pyparsing | 2.4.7 |
python-dateutil | 2.8.0 |
pytz | 2021.1 |
regex | 2021.11.10 |
requests | 2.25.1 |
rsa | 4.7.2 |
scikit-learn | 1.0.2 |
scipy | 1.7.3 |
six | 1.15.0 |
soupsieve | 2.3.1 |
threadpoolctl | 3.0.0 |
tqdm | 4.62.3 |
typing-extensions | |
urllib3 | 1.26.3 |
zipp | 3.7.0 |
pip install xxx -t .
command to install the package to the current directory. Then run zip -r xxx/*
to generate a ZIP file.mkdir /tmp/examplecd /tmp/examplepip install requests -t .zip -r9 ../ ./*
. You can use the following custom Python function to access the data files.def my_udf():with open("") as f:...
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