Status Code | Possible Cause | Solution |
137 | The memory occupied by the job exceeded the memory quota of the Pod, and the Pod was killed due to OOM. | Increase the operator parallelism and the Task Manager spec (CUs) as instructed in Configuring Job Resources. |
-1 | This is the code of the basic policy, indicating that the Pod has exited, but no exit code is returned due to system errors or other reasons. | Submit a ticket to contact the technicians for help. |
0 | During the startup process, the Pod cannot assign IPs in the associated subnet (no IPs available, for example), resulting in startup failure and exit. | Check whether available IPs are sufficient in the VPC subnet associated with the cluster. If yes, submit a ticket to contact the technicians for help. |
1 | An exception occurred during Flink initialization, resulting in startup failure. | This is generally caused by basic conflicts or overwriting of critical configuration files. You can search logs by Could not start cluster entrypoint and view relevant exceptions. |
2 | A fatal error occurred during the startup of the Flink JobManager. | Search logs by Fatal error occurred in the cluster entrypoint and view relevant exceptions. |
239 | An uncaptured fatal error occurred in Flink execution threads. | Search logs by produced an uncaught exception. Stopping the process and other keywords and view relevant exceptions. |
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