Flink Version | Description |
1.11 | Unsupported |
1.13 | Supported (use as sink) |
1.14 | Unsupported |
1.16 | Unsupported |
CREATE TABLE `eason_internal_test`(`name` STRING,`age` INT) WITH ('connector' = 'dlc-inlong','catalog-database' = 'test','catalog-table' = 'eason_internal_test','default-database' = 'test','catalog-name' = 'HYBRIS','catalog-impl' = 'org.apache.inlong.sort.iceberg.catalog.hybris.DlcWrappedHybrisCatalog','qcloud.dlc.secret-id' = '12345asdfghASDFGH','qcloud.dlc.secret-key' = '678910asdfghASDFGH','qcloud.dlc.region' = 'ap-guangzhou','qcloud.dlc.jdbc.url' = 'jdbc:dlc:dlc.internal.tencentcloudapi.com?task_type=SparkSQLTask&database_name=test&datasource_connection_name=DataLakeCatalog®ion=ap-guangzhou&data_engine_name=dailai_test','qcloud.dlc.managed.account.uid' = '100026378089','request.identity.token' = '100026378089','user.appid' = '1257058945','uri' = 'dlc.internal.tencentcloudapi.com');
Option | Required | Default Value | Description |
connector | Yes | None | The connector to use. Here, it should be dlc-inlong . |
catalog-database | Yes | None | The name of the database where the Data Lake Compute internal table resides. |
catalog-table | Yes | None | The name of the Data Lake Compute internal table. |
default-database | Yes | None | The name of the database where the Data Lake Compute internal table resides. |
catalog-name | Yes | None | The name of the catalog. Here, it should be HYBRIS . |
catalog-impl | Yes | None | The implementation class of the catalog. Here, it should be org.apache.inlong.sort.iceberg.catalog.hybris.DlcWrappedHybrisCatalog . |
qcloud.dlc.managed.account.uid | Yes | None | The uid of the Data Lake Compute account. Here, it should be 100026378089 . |
qcloud.dlc.secret-id | Yes | None | The secretId of the Data Lake Compute user, which can be obtained via https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi. |
qcloud.dlc.secret-key | Yes | None | The secretKey of the Data Lake Compute user, which can be obtained via https://console.tencentcloud.com/cam/capi. |
qcloud.dlc.region | Yes | None | The region where the Data Lake Compute instance resides. Here, it should be in the format of ap-region. |
qcloud.dlc.jdbc.url | Yes | None | The URL for Data Lake Compute JDBC connection. |
uri | Yes | None | The URI for Data Lake Compute connection. Here, it should be dlc.internal.tencentcloudapi.com . |
user.appid | Yes | None | The appid of the Data Lake Compute user. |
request.identity.token | Yes | None | The token for connecting the Data Lake Compute internal table. Here, it should be 100026378089 . |
sink.ignore.changelog | No | Yes | Whether to ignore delete data, which defaults to false . If this option is set to true , the append mode is enabled. |
Upsert mode-- Statements to create a Data Lake Compute tableCREATE TABLE `bi_sensor`(`uuid` string,`id` string,`type` string,`project` string,`properties` string,`sensors_id` string,`time` int,`hour` int) PARTITIONED BY (`time`);-- Set the target table as table v2 and allow for upsert operations.ALTER TABLE `bi_sensor` SET TBLPROPERTIES ('format-version'='2','write.metadata.delete-after-commit.enabled' = 'true', 'write.metadata.previous-versions-max' = '100', 'write.metadata.metrics.default' = 'full', 'write.upsert.enabled'='true', 'write.distribution-mode'='hash');-- oceanus sink DDL. The primary key and partitioning field of the Data Lake Compute table must be entered in the primary key field defined in Flink.create table bi_sensors (`uuid` STRING,`id` STRING,`type` STRING,`project` STRING,`properties` STRING,`sensors_id` STRING,`time` int,`hour` int,PRIMARY KEY (`uuid`, `time`) NOT ENFORCED) with (...)
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