Flink | ClickHouse |
VARCHAR | String/FixedString(N) |
STRING | String/FixedString(N) |
BOOLEAN | There isn't a dedicated ClickHouse type for boolean. You can use UInt8 to store boolean data, limiting the valid values to 0 and 1 , or use the string type, limiting the valid values to true and false . |
DECIMAL | Decimal32(S)/Decimal64(S)/Decimal128(S) |
TINYINT | Int8 |
SMALLINT | Int16 |
INTEGER | Int32 |
BIGINT | Int64 |
FLOAT | Float32 |
DOUBLE | Float64 |
DATE | Date |
TIMESTAMP | DateTime |
TIMESTAMP WITH LOCAL TIME ZONE | DateTime. Example: DateTime64(3, 'Asia/Shanghai'). |
ENGINE = CollapsingMergeTree(Sign)
when creating a table. To learn more, see the ClickHouse document.
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