Operation Name | Resource Type | Event Name |
Consumer heartbeat | cls | consumerGroupHeartBeat |
Creating chart | cls | CreateChart |
Creating consumer group | cls | createConsumerGroup |
Creating dashboard | cls | CreateDashboard |
Creating logset | cls | createLogset |
Creating server group | cls | createMachineGroup |
Creating shipping configuration | cls | createShipper |
Creating log topic | cls | createTopic |
Deleting chart | cls | DeleteChart |
Deleting consumer group | cls | deleteConsumerGroup |
Deleting dashboard | cls | DeleteDashboard |
Deleting logset | cls | deleteLogset |
Deleting server group | cls | deleteMachineGroup |
Deleting shipping configuration | cls | deleteShipper |
Deleting log topic | cls | deleteTopic |
Getting consumer group cursor | cls | getConsumerGroupCursor |
Getting log cursor | cls | getCursor |
Getting dashboard information | cls | GetDashboard |
Getting fast analysis result | cls | GetFastAnalysis |
Getting the histogram of the number of logs | cls | GetHistogram |
Getting index configuration | cls | getIndex |
Getting logset details | cls | getLogset |
Getting server group details | cls | getMachineGroup |
Getting server status | cls | getMachineStatus |
Getting shipping configuration details | cls | getShipper |
Getting log topic details | cls | getTopic |
Getting chart list | cls | ListChart |
Getting consumer group list | cls | listConsumerGroup |
Getting dashboard list | cls | ListDashboard |
Getting logset list | cls | listLogset |
Getting server group list | cls | listMachineGroup |
Getting topic partition list | cls | listPartitions |
Getting shipping configuration list | cls | listShipper |
Getting shipping task list | cls | listShipperTask |
Getting log topic list | cls | listTopic |
Modifying chart | cls | ModifyChart |
Modifying consumer group | cls | modifyConsumerGroup |
Modifying consumer group cursor | cls | modifyConsumerGroupCursor |
Modifying index configuration | cls | modifyIndex |
Modifying logset | cls | modifyLogset |
Modifying server group | cls | modifyMachineGroup |
Modifying shipping configuration | cls | modifyShipper |
Modifying log topic | cls | modifyTopic |
Splitting/Merging topic partition | cls | updatePartition |