Operation | Resource Type | Event Name |
Deleting a bucket | COS | DeleteBucket |
Deleting the CORS configuration of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketCORS |
Deleting the custom domain name of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketDomain |
Deleting the default encryption configuration of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketEncryption |
Deleting the inventory jobs of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketInventory |
Deleting the lifecycle configuration of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketLifecycle |
BucketWrite_All | COS | DeleteBucketOrigin |
Deleting the permission policy of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketPolicy |
Deleting the replication configuration of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketReplication |
Deleting bucket tags | COS | DeleteBucketTagging |
Deleting the static website configuration of a bucket | COS | DeleteBucketWebsite |
Deleting object tags | COS | DeleteObjectTagging |
Getting the configuration status of the global acceleration feature | COS | GetBucketAccelerate |
Getting the access control list of a bucket | COS | GetBucketACL |
Getting the CORS access control list of a bucket | COS | GetBucketCORS |
Getting the custom domain name of a bucket | COS | GetBucketDomain |
Querying the default encryption configuration of a bucket | COS | GetBucketEncryption |
Getting the user inventory job information of a bucket | COS | GetBucketInventory |
Getting the lifecycle configuration of a bucket | COS | GetBucketLifecycle |
Getting the log configuration of a bucket | COS | GetBucketLogging |
Getting the callback configuration of a bucket | COS | GetBucketNotification |
Getting the object versions | COS | GetBucketObjectVersions |
BucketRead_All | COS | GetBucketOrigin |
Getting the read permission policy of a bucket | COS | GetBucketPolicy |
Getting the referer allowlist or blocklist of a bucket | COS | GetBucketReferer |
Getting the user’s bucket replication configuration | COS | GetBucketReplication |
Getting the existing tags of a bucket | COS | GetBucketTagging |
Getting the versioning information of a bucket | COS | GetBucketVersioning |
Getting the static website configuration of a bucket | COS | GetBucketWebsite |
Querying the access control list of an object | COS | GetObjectACL |
Getting the existing tags of an object | COS | GetObjectTagging |
Getting the list of all buckets under a specified account | COS | GetService |
Listing the files that failed to be uploaded | COS | ListMultipartUploads |
Restoring archived files | COS | PostObjectRestore |
Creating a bucket under a specified account | COS | PutBucket |
Enabling or disabling the global acceleration feature of a bucket | COS | PutBucketAccelerate |
Setting the access control list of a bucket | COS | PutBucketACL |
Setting the CORS permission of a bucket | COS | PutBucketCORS |
Setting the custom domain name of a bucket | COS | PutBucketDomain |
Setting the default encryption configuration of a bucket | COS | PutBucketEncryption |
Setting the inventory jobs of a bucket | COS | PutBucketInventory |
Configuring lifecycle management for a bucket | COS | PutBucketLifecycle |
Enabling logging for a source bucket | COS | PutBucketLogging |
PutBucketNotification | COS | PutBucketNotification |
PutBucketOrigin | COS | PutBucketOrigin |
Configuring the permission policy for a bucket | COS | PutBucketPolicy |
Setting the referer allowlist or blocklist for a bucket | COS | PutBucketReferer |
Setting cross-region replication rules for a bucket | COS | PutBucketReplication |
Setting tags for an existing bucket | COS | PutBucketTagging |
Setting versioning for a bucket | COS | PutBucketVersioning |
Configuring the static website for a bucket | COS | PutBucketWebsite |
Setting tags for an existing object | COS | PutObjectTagging |