Operation Name | Resource Type | Event Name |
Copying function | scf | CopyFunction |
Creating function version alias | scf | CreateAlias |
Creating function | scf | CreateFunction |
Creating function testing template | scf | CreateFunctionTestModel |
Creating namespace | scf | CreateNamespace |
Setting function trigger | scf | CreateTrigger |
Deleting alias | scf | DeleteAlias |
Deleting function | scf | DeleteFunction |
Deleting function testing template | scf | DeleteFunctionTestModel |
Deleting the specified version of specified layer (once deleted, a version cannot be associated with the function again, but will not affect other functions that are referencing this layer) | scf | DeleteLayerVersion |
Deleting namespace | scf | DeleteNamespace |
Deleting function trigger | scf | DeleteTrigger |
Querying account quota | scf | GetAccount |
Querying account quota | scf | GetAccountSettings |
Getting alias details | scf | GetAlias |
Getting function details | scf | GetFunction |
Getting the download address of function code | scf | GetFunctionAddress |
Getting function log | scf | GetFunctionLogs |
Getting the corresponding serverless application model of function | scf | GetFunctionSAM |
Getting function testing template | scf | GetFunctionTestModel |
Getting the total number of functions | scf | GetFunctionTotalNum |
Getting the number of function triggers | scf | GetFunctionUsageTriggerCount |
Getting layer version details, such as links for downloading files in layer | scf | GetLayerVersion |
Getting monthly usage | scf | GetUserMonthUsage |
Getting yesterday's data | scf | GetUserYesterdayUsage |
Getting alias list | scf | ListAliases |
Getting function list | scf | ListFunctions |
Getting the list of function testing templates | scf | ListFunctionTestModels |
Returning the list of all layers, which contains the information of the latest version of each layer and can be used for filtering during runtime after adaptation | scf | ListLayers |
Returning the information of all versions of specified layer | scf | ListLayerVersions |
Listing namespaces | scf | ListNamespaces |
Querying function version | scf | ListVersionByFunction |
Using specified ZIP file or COS object to create layer version (every time this API is called with the name of the same layer, a new version will be generated) | scf | PublishLayerVersion |
scfPublishVersion | scf | PublishVersion |
Updating alias configuration | scf | UpdateAlias |
Updating function code | scf | UpdateFunctionCode |
Updating function configuration | scf | UpdateFunctionConfiguration |
Incrementally updating function code | scf | UpdateFunctionIncrementalCode |
Updating function testing template | scf | UpdateFunctionTestModel |
Updating namespace | scf | UpdateNamespace |
Updating trigger status | scf | UpdateTriggerStatus |