Operation Name | Resource Type | Event Name |
Adding maintenance window to TencentDB instance | cdb | AddTimeWindow |
Binding security groups in batches | cdb | AssociateSecurityGroups |
Balancing load in RO group | cdb | BalanceRoGroupLoad |
Canceling task | cdb | CancelDBInstanceTask |
Disabling public network access for instance | cdb | CloseWanService |
Creating TencentDB account | cdb | CreateAccounts |
Creating TencentDB instance backup | cdb | CreateBackup |
Creating data import task | cdb | CreateDBImportJob |
Creating TencentDB instance | cdb | CreateDBInstance |
Creating pay-as-you-go TencentDB instance | cdb | CreateDBInstanceHour |
Creating monitoring template item | cdb | CreateMonitorTemplate |
Creating parameter template | cdb | CreateParamTemplate |
Binding independent VIP to RO instance | cdb | CreateRoInstanceIp |
Deleting TencentDB account | cdb | DeleteAccounts |
Deleting TencentDB backup | cdb | DeleteBackup |
Deleting monitoring template item | cdb | DeleteMonitorTemplate |
Deleting parameter template | cdb | DeleteParamTemplate |
Deleting time window related to TencentDB instance | cdb | DeleteTimeWindow |
Querying the permission information of TencentDB account | cdb | DescribeAccountPrivileges |
Querying the information of all TencentDB accounts | cdb | DescribeAccounts |
Querying the execution result of the async task of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeAsyncRequestInfo |
Querying the configuration information of TencentDB instance backup | cdb | DescribeBackupConfig |
Querying the list of backup databases | cdb | DescribeBackupDatabases |
Querying the backup log of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeBackups |
Querying the backup table list of specified database | cdb | DescribeBackupTables |
Getting the binary log of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeBinlogs |
Querying TencentDB instance database | cdb | DescribeDatabases |
Querying databases of TencentDB instances in batches | cdb | DescribeDatabasesForInstances |
Querying import task operation log | cdb | DescribeDBImportRecords |
Querying the character set of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeDBInstanceCharset |
Querying TencentDB instance configuration | cdb | DescribeDBInstanceConfig |
Querying the estimated restart time of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime |
Querying instance list | cdb | DescribeDBInstances |
Querying TencentDB instance route | cdb | DescribeDBRoutes |
Querying the security group information of instance | cdb | DescribeDBSecurityGroups |
Getting instance switch log | cdb | DescribeDBSwitchRecords |
Querying the list of default configurable parameters | cdb | DescribeDefaultParams |
Getting error log details of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeErrLogInfo |
Querying instance parameter modification records | cdb | DescribeInstanceParamRecords |
Querying the list of configurable parameters for instance | cdb | DescribeInstanceParams |
Querying monitoring template item | cdb | DescribeMonitorTemplate |
Querying parameter template details | cdb | DescribeParamTemplateInfo |
Querying parameter template list | cdb | DescribeParamTemplates |
Querying the security group information of project | cdb | DescribeProjectSecurityGroups |
Querying the execution result of async task | cdb | DescribeRequestResult |
Querying RO group details | cdb | DescribeRoGroupInfo |
Querying the RO group information of specified source instance | cdb | DescribeRoGroups |
Querying the time range available for rollback | cdb | DescribeRollbackRangeTime |
Getting the minimum purchasable specification of read-only instance | cdb | DescribeRoMinScale |
Getting the slow query analysis log of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeSlowLogInfo |
Getting the slow query log of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeSlowLogs |
Querying the information of supported TencentDB instance permissions | cdb | DescribeSupportedPrivileges |
Querying database table column | cdb | DescribeTableColumns |
Querying database table | cdb | DescribeTables |
Querying the task list of TencentDB instance | cdb | DescribeTasks |
Querying time window related to instance | cdb | DescribeTimeWindow |
File import: getting uploaded file | cdb | DescribeUploadedFiles |
Unbinding security groups in batches | cdb | DisassociateSecurityGroups |
Initializing TencentDB instance | cdb | InitDBInstances |
Isolating TencentDB instance | cdb | IsolateDBInstance |
Terminating TencentDB instance execution thread | cdb | KillDBProcessByIds |
Modifying the remarks of TencentDB instance account | cdb | ModifyAccountDescription |
Modifying the password of TencentDB instance account | cdb | ModifyAccountPassword |
Modifying the permission of TencentDB instance account | cdb | ModifyAccountPrivileges |
Modifying the auto-renewal flag of TencentDB instance | cdb | ModifyAutoRenewFlag |
Modifying the backup configuration information of TencentDB instance | cdb | ModifyBackupConfig |
Modifying TencentDB instance name | cdb | ModifyDBInstanceName |
Modifying the project of TencentDB instance | cdb | ModifyDBInstanceProject |
Modifying security group bound to instance | cdb | ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups |
Modifying the VIP and Vport of TencentDB instance | cdb | ModifyDBInstanceVipVport |
Modifying instance parameter | cdb | ModifyInstanceParam |
Modifying parameter template | cdb | ModifyParamTemplate |
Updating RO group information | cdb | ModifyRoGroupInfo |
Modifying the VIP and Vport of RO group | cdb | ModifyRoGroupVipVport |
Updating time window related to instance | cdb | ModifyTimeWindow |
Enabling database instance encryption | cdb | OpenDBInstanceEncryption |
Enabling TencentDB instance GTID | cdb | OpenDBInstanceGTID |
Enabling public network access for instance | cdb | OpenWanService |
Desolating TencentDB instance | cdb | ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances |
Restarting TencentDB instance | cdb | RestartDBInstances |
Viewing MySQL execution thread | cdb | ShowProcessList |
Starting batch rollback task | cdb | StartBatchRollback |
Stopping data import task | cdb | StopDBImportJob |
Switching disaster recovery TencentDB instance to source instance | cdb | SwitchDrInstanceToMaster |
Upgrading switch VIP | cdb | SwitchForUpgrade |
Upgrading TencentDB instance | cdb | UpgradeDBInstance |
Upgrading TencentDB instance version | cdb | UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion |