{"InputInfo": {"Type": "URL","UrlInputInfo": {"Url": "https://facedetectioncos-1251132611.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com/video/test.mp4" // Replace it with the URL of the video to be summarized.}},"AiAnalysisTask": {"Definition": 22, //Preset LLM summarize template ID."ExtendedParameter": "{\\"des\\":{\\"need_ocr\\":true,\\"only_segment\\":0,\\"dstlang\\":\\"en\\"}}"},"OutputStorage": {"CosOutputStorage": {"Bucket": "test-mps-123456789","Region": "ap-guangzhou-2"},"Type": "COS"},"OutputDir": "/output/","TaskNotifyConfig": {"NotifyType": "URL","NotifyUrl": "http://qq.com/callback/qtatest/?token=xxxxxx"},"Action": "ProcessMedia","Version": "2019-06-12"}
{"des":{"need_ocr":true,"only_segment":0,"text_requirement":"summary within 40 characters","dstlang": "en"}}
Parameter | Required | Type | Description |
need_ocr | No | bool | Whether to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to assist segmentation, true means enabled. The default value is false. If disabled, the system only recognizes the video's speech content to assist in video segmentation; if enabled, it also recognizes the text content on the video image to assist in video segmentation. |
only_segment | No | int | Whether to only segment without generating a summary. The default value is 0. 1: Only segment without generating a summary. 0: Segment and generate a summary. |
text_requirement | No | string | Requirements for generating a summary. For example, the character limit is "summary is within 40 characters". |
dstlang | No | string | Title and summary language. The default value is "zh". "zh": Chinese. "en": English. |
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