tencent cloud


Standard Service - Third-Party Software Support

Last updated: 2024-01-09 15:07:06
Tencent Cloud's third-party software support service aims to share its experience in using third-party software with clients. By offering advices, we aim to assist clients in resolving issues encountered during business deployment and operation processes. Our service assurance team provides advices concerning third-party software to system administrators or other relevant IT professionals. However, Tencent Cloud is not responsible for the implementation of such advice. If you encounter issues related to third-party applications during business deployment and operation, we will make every effort to provide troubleshooting advice.
The following table lists the scope of the third-party software support service:
Third-Party Software Name
System and Software Version Range
Support Scope: Example
Remote access and file copy tools
Native SSH on various Linux distribution versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Troubleshooting assistance for SSH service startup failures
Troubleshooting assistance for SSH service connection startup failures
Native MSTSC on various Windows versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Troubleshooting assistance for issues of start failures of the server-side Remote Desktop Service (RDS)
Troubleshooting assistance for service-side issues of login issues after RDS service startup
Native SCP&Rsync on various Linux distribution versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Troubleshooting assistance for SCP&Rsync connection failures and reported errors
Native SFTP on various Linux distribution versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Assistance in configuring SFTP for system account login
Troubleshooting assistance for service-side SFTP connection failures
- Native yum-installed vsftpd software with the version of 3.0 or higher installed on the native yum on various Linux distribution versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud- FileZilla Server with the version of or higher installed on various Windows versions provided by Tencent Cloud
Troubleshooting assistance for FTP server installation and startup failures
Troubleshooting assistance for service-side FTP connection failures
Security policy tools
Linux iptables&firewalld
Various Linux distribution versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Assistance with basic syntax allowing rules for Iptables and firewalld
Windows firewall
Various Windows versions' images provided by Tencent Cloud
Assistance with adding basic inbound and outbound rules

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