tencent cloud



Last updated: 2024-07-18 14:26:14
    TRTCC (Tencent Real-Time Communication Co-pilot) serves as a dedicated Advisor application, embodying Tencent Cloud's Intelligent Assistant for a one-stop service across the entire lifecycle of real-time audio and video (TRTC) services. For audio and video related projects throughout their development lifecycle, TRTCC offers solution architecture, access guidance, migration assistance, risk patrol, and troubleshooting analysis as part of its full-process service support. Using TRTCC can significantly enhance your development efficiency for integration, ensuring a high-quality online operation for your project.

    Product Features

    Scenario-Based Solutions

    The scenario-based solutions of TRTCC currently cover multiple fields, such as social entertainment, online education, e-commerce live streaming, and video call. TRTCC also provides corresponding quick access guides and demos. These solutions summarize the scenario architecture, implementation scheme, key service logic, and FAQs of popular TRTC application scenarios. Developers can quickly get familiar with the scenarios and efficiently access TRTC and launch projects. For details, see Scenario-Based Solutions.
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