tencent cloud


Use Case Solution

Last updated: 2024-07-18 14:26:14

    Scene Overview

    Scene Introduction

    1V1 Audio and Video Call is a high-frequency usage scene similar to WeChat calls. TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) has an audio call latency of less than 300 ms, a packet loss resistance rate of over 80%, and can resist network jitter of over 1000 ms, ensuring smooth and stable audio calls even in weak network environments. Video calls support high-definition quality of 720 p, 1080 p, 2 K, and 2 K+ (specific devices), providing high-quality video call services. Combined with the rich call signaling management APIs provided by Chat, it easily adapts to various use cases. In addition, we also offer Audio/Video Call scene-based components that can be directly reused, significantly reducing development costs. For details, see Component Introduction.

    Scene Approach

    The 1V1 Audio and Video Call feature not only incorporates the basic functionality of a WeChat-like calling application, but it also has the potential to transform into a wide range of diverse use cases. Below are a few common scenes briefly introduced.

    Game Socializing

    In the gaming field, Audio/Video Call facilitates real-time interactions among players, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Players can engage in voice or video chats with friends within the game, share gaming experiences, techniques, or collaborate on policy. Nowadays, audio and video calls are extensively utilized in game socializing features, such as team voice chats.

    Online Customer Service

    1V1 Audio and Video Call enables customers to communicate with customer service representatives in real-time, resulting in more effective problem-solving. Compared to traditional text-based customer service, audio and video calls allow customers to describe their issues more vividly and enable service personnel to understand customer needs more clearly, thus improving the efficiency of problem resolution. For instance, dispute resolution and insurance consulting are excellent use cases for this type of communication.

    Online Consultation

    In the healthcare field, 1V1 Audio and Video Call enables patients to consult with doctors remotely. Patients can describe their symptoms via Audio/Video Call, and doctors can make preliminary diagnoses based on the descriptions. This method not only saves time and energy for patients but also allows doctors to serve more patients, improving the usage of medical resources.

    Financial Review

    In the financial field, 1V1 Audio and Video Call can be utilized for identity verification and risk assessment. When performing online financial management, account opening, or face-to-face signing, in accordance with national regulatory requirements, audio and video recording services must be provided to create transaction record videos for archiving and reference. Audio/Video Calls are extensively used in the financial review sector, not only enhancing the efficiency of reviews but also mitigating the risk of fraud.

    Implementation Scheme

    Typically, implementing a basic 1V1 Audio and Video Call scene involves multiple feature modules. We can divide the implementation scheme into three parts: Call Signaling Control, Audio/Video Call, Call Feature Control. The key actions and features of each part are shown in the table below:
    Functional Module
    Key Actions and Feature Points
    Call Signaling Control
    Call, Answer, Decline, Hang up
    Audio/Video Call
    Voice Call, Video Call
    Call Feature Control
    Enable/Disable Microphone/Camera/Speaker, Earpiece/Hands-free Switching, Camera Switching, Window Size Switching, Network Status Prompt, Call Duration Statistics
    The complete implementation of Audio/Video Call scenes often relies on the combined capabilities of real-time audio and video and instant messaging. The real-time audio and video module is responsible for audio and video communication and device status control, while the instant messaging module handles signaling transmission and message push. The main architecture of Audio/Video Call scene is shown below:

    Call Signaling Control

    Based on a complete call process, call signaling can be divided into Call,Answer,Decline,Hang up. Taking Chat as an example, the following describes the specific implementation logic of the call signaling control after completing the Log-in Operation.


    Call signaling can be subdivided into initiating a call, canceling a call, and call timeout, and their invocation sequence is shown below:
    Initiating a call: The caller sends a call invitation to the callee, displays the call page, and plays the ringtone; the callee receives the invitation, displays the call page, and plays the ringtone.
    Canceling a call: The caller can cancel the call invitation midway, destroy the call page, and stop the ringtone; the callee receives the cancellation notification, terminates the call page, and stops the ringtone.
    Call Timeout: If there is no response beyond the invite's predefined timeout period, both the caller and callee will receive a timeout notification, terminate the call page, and stop the ringtone.


    Upon receiving a call invitation from the caller, the callee can choose to answer the call, initiating the Audio/Video Call.
    After answering the call, both parties start interactive audio and video communication. For more details on implementation logic, see Audio/Video Call.


    The decline signaling can be subdivided into active decline and busy decline, and their call sequence is shown below:
    Proactive Rejection: The callee rejects the call invitation upon receipt, also terminates the call page and stops the ringtone; the caller receives the rejection notice, also terminates the call page and stops the ringtone.
    Busy Line Rejection: Upon receiving the call invitation, the callee directly rejects the invitation if a call is already in progress; the caller receives the rejection notice, also terminates the call page and stopping the ringtone.
    Both proactive and busy line rejections use the reject signal for implementation, but it's important to distinguish them through the custom data field in the signaling.

    Hang up

    During a call, either the caller or the callee can opt to hang up at any time, thus ending the audio or video call.
    Taking the caller hanging up as an example: The caller performs the exit operation, the callee receives a remote exit notification, also performs the exit operation, and the call between both parties ends.
    The hangup operation does not use the IM signaling notification but is implemented through the TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) remote user exit callback notification.

    Audio/Video Call

    The Audio/Video Call mainly relies on the capabilities of TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication), which can be divided into Voice Call and Video Call. Below, we'll detail the specific implementation logic of these two parts.

    Audio Call

    After connecting, both parties need to enter the same TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) room, start local audio capture and streaming, and mutually pull each other's audio stream to achieve a voice call.
    The calling sequence for starting and ending a call's audio and video-related APIs is shown in the figure below:
    In voice call mode, the TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) room scene should use TRTC_APP_SCENE_AUDIOCALL, and the joining role TRTCRoleType should not be specified.
    Starting local audio capture startLocalAudio allows you to set audio quality parameters at the same time. For voice calls, it's recommended to set TRTC_AUDIO_QUALITY_SPEECH.
    Under the SDK's default automatic subscription mode, after a user enters a room, they will immediately receive the audio stream from that room, which will be automatically decoded and played without manual pulling.

    Video Call

    During the calling phase, both parties must set video encode parameters and start local video preview. After connecting, both parties need to enter the same TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) room, start local audio capture and streaming, and mutually pull each other's audio and video streams to achieve a video call.
    The calling sequence for initiating a call, starting a call, and ending a call's audio and video-related APIs is shown in the figure below:
    In video call mode, the TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) room scene should use TRTC_APP_SCENE_VIDEOCALL, and the joining role TRTCRoleType should not be specified.
    Before entering the room, call startLocalPreview, and the SDK will only start the camera preview, waiting until you call enterRoom to start streaming.
    Start local audio capture with startLocalAudio, where you can also set the audio parameter. For video calls, it is recommended to set to TRTC_AUDIO_QUALITY_SPEECH.
    In the SDK's default automatic subscription mode, audio is automatically decoded and played back, while video requires manual invocation of startRemoteView to pull and render the remote video stream.

    Call Feature Control

    During Audio/Video Call, various feature controls might be involved, such as: turning on/off the microphone, turning on/off the speaker, turning on/off the camera, hands-free/earpiece switching, camera switching, window size switching, network status prompt, call duration statistics. Most of these feature controls and status prompts are facilitated through the TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) SDK. Below, we will introduce their implementations one by one.

    Turn on/off Microphone

    // Turn the mic on
    // Turn the mic off
    // Turn the mic on
    [self.trtcCloud muteLocalAudio:NO];
    // Turn the mic off
    [self.trtcCloud muteLocalAudio:YES];

    Turn on/off speaker

    // Turn the speaker on
    // Turn the speaker off
    // Turn the speaker on
    [self.trtcCloud muteAllRemoteAudio:NO];
    // Turn the speaker off
    [self.trtcCloud muteAllRemoteAudio:YES];

    Turn on/off camera

    // Turn the camera on, specifying front or rear camera and the rendering widget
    mTRTCCloud.startLocalPreview(isFrontCamera, videoView);
    // Turn the camera off
    // Turn the camera on, specifying front or rear camera and the rendering widget
    [self.trtcCloud startLocalPreview:self.isFrontCamera view:self.videoView];
    // Turn the camera off
    [self.trtcCloud stopLocalPreview];

    Hands-free/Earpiece Switching

    // Switch to earpiece
    // Switch to speakerphone
    // Switch to earpiece
    [[self.trtcCloud getDeviceManager] setAudioRoute:TXAudioRouteEarpiece];
    // Switch to speakerphone
    [[self.trtcCloud getDeviceManager] setAudioRoute:TXAudioRouteSpeakerphone];

    Camera Switching

    // Determine if the current camera is front-facing
    boolean isFrontCamera = mTRTCCloud.getDeviceManager().isFrontCamera();
    // Switch between front and rear cameras, true: switch to front-facing; false: switch to rear-facing
    // Determine if the current camera is front-facing
    BOOL isFrontCamera = [[self.trtcCloud getDeviceManager] isFrontCamera];
    // Switch between front and rear cameras, true: switch to front-facing; false: switch to rear-facing
    [[self.trtcCloud getDeviceManager] switchCamera:!isFrontCamera];

    Window Size Switching

    // Update local preview screen rendering control
    // Update remote user video rendering control
    mTRTCCloud.updateRemoteView(userId, TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_VIDEO_STREAM_TYPE_BIG, previewView);
    // Update local preview screen rendering control
    [self.trtcCloud updateLocalView:self.previewView];
    // Update remote user video rendering control
    [self.trtcCloud updateRemoteView:self.previewView streamType:TRTCVideoStreamTypeBig forUser:self.userId];

    Network Status Prompt

    public void onNetworkQuality(TRTCCloudDef.TRTCQuality localQuality, ArrayList<TRTCCloudDef.TRTCQuality> remoteQuality) {
    if (remoteQuality.size() > 0) {
    switch (remoteQuality.get(0).quality) {
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Excellent:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is very good");
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Good:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is quite good");
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Poor:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is average");
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Bad:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is poor");
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Vbad:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is very poor");
    case TRTCCloudDef.TRTC_QUALITY_Down:
    Log.i(TAG, "The other party's network is extremely poor");
    Log.i(TAG, "Undefined");
    #pragma mark - TRTCCloudDelegate
    - (void)onNetworkQuality:(TRTCQualityInfo *)localQuality remoteQuality:(NSArray<TRTCQualityInfo *> *)remoteQuality {
    if (remoteQuality.count > 0) {
    switch(remoteQuality[0].quality) {
    case TRTCQuality_Unknown:
    NSLog(@"Undefined ");
    case TRTCQuality_Excellent:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is very good");
    case TRTCQuality_Good:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is quite good");
    case TRTCQuality_Poor:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is average");
    case TRTCQuality_Bad:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is relatively poor");
    case TRTCQuality_Vbad:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is very poor");
    case TRTCQuality_Down:
    NSLog(@"The other party's network is extremely poor");
    localQuality's userId field is empty, indicating the local user network quality assessment result.
    remoteQuality represents the assessment result of the remote user's network quality, which is influenced by factors on both the remote and local sides.

    Call duration statistics

    It is recommended to use the time when a remote user joins the TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) room as the start time for calculating call duration, and the time when the local user exits the room as the end time for calculating call duration.
    // Start call time
    long callStartTime = 0;
    // End Call Time
    long callFinishTime = 0;
    // Call Duration (seconds)
    long callDuration = 0;
    // Remote User Join Callback
    @Override public void onRemoteUserEnterRoom(String userId) { callStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); }
    // Local User Leave Callback
    @Override public void onExitRoom(int reason) { callFinishTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
    callDuration = (callFinishTime - callStartTime) / 1000; }
    // Start call time
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval callStartTime;
    // End Call Time
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSTimeInterval callFinishTime;
    // Call Duration (seconds)
    @property (nonatomic, assign) NSInteger callDuration;
    // Remote User Join Callback
    - (void)onRemoteUserEnterRoom:(NSString *)userId {
    self.callStartTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
    // Local User Leave Callback
    - (void)onExitRoom:(NSInteger)reason {
    self.callFinishTime = [[NSDate date] timeIntervalSince1970];
    self.callDuration = (NSInteger)(self.callFinishTime - self.callStartTime);
    In cases of exceptions such as forced closure or network disconnection, the client may not be able to log the relevant times. These can be monitored through Server-side Event Callback to track events of entering and exiting the room and calculate the duration of the call.

    Advanced Features

    On-Cloud Recording

    In many scenes of 1V1 Audio and Video Call, it is necessary to record and store the content of the call for filing and post-event analysis. TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication)'s latest upgrade to on-cloud recording, which doesn't rely on CSS (Cloud Streaming Services) capabilities and doesn't require rerouting to CSS, uses TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication)'s internal real-time recording cluster for audio and video recording, offering a more complete and unified recording experience.
    Single Stream Recording:Through TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication)'s on-cloud recording feature, you can record the audio and video streams of both parties in the room into separate files.
    Mixed Stream Recording: Record all the audio and video media streams in the same room into one file.
    For a detailed introduction and activation guide to TRTC On-Cloud Recording, see On-Cloud Recording.

    Video Beauty Effects

    In video call scenes, beauty effects are a frequently used feature. Not only can beauty effects enhance the user's appearance, but they also add interest to the call interaction through various sticker effects. TRTC (Tencent Real-Time Communication) supports the integration of Tencent Beauty Special Effects and also supports the connect to mainstream third-party beauty products in the market, such as Volcano Beauty, Xiangxin Beauty, etc.

    Beauty Enhancement Connect Process


    API Call Sequence


    Comparison of Beauty Enhancement Products

    Beauty Type
    Beauty Effect
    Integration Cost
    Virtual AI Digital Human
    Support Terminal
    The basic effect is good, advanced effect for big eyes/slim faces is significant.
    Moderately Low
    Android/iOS/PC/Flutter/Web/Mini Program
    The basic effect is good, advanced effects like big eyes/slim faces are average.
    Moderately High
    The basic effect is good, advanced effects like big eyes/slim faces are relatively good.
    Moderately High
    Relatively High

    Offline Message Push

    In Audio/Video Call scenes, the offline message push feature is usually necessary, allowing the called user's App to receive new incoming call messages even when it's not online.
    Chat provides a complete Android Offline Push Integration Guide, iOS Offline Push Integration Guide, with the main steps as follows:
    Android Offline Push
    iOS Offline Push
    1. Register your application with vendor push platforms.
    2. Configure the IM console.
    3. Configure the redirected-to page for offline push.
    4. Configure vendor push rules.
    5. Integrate the vendor push SDK.
    6. Sync frontend and backend status.
    7. Send offline push messages.
    8. Parse offline push messages.
    1. Apply for an APNs/VoIP Push certificate.
    2. Upload the certificate to the IM console.
    3. The app requests a token from Apple's backend.
    4. Log in to the IM SDK and then upload the token to Tencent Cloud.
    5. Send offline push messages.
    6. Parse offline push messages.

    Supporting Products for the Solution

    System Level
    Product Name
    Application Scenes
    Access Layer
    Provides low-latency, high-quality real-time audio and video interaction solutions, which are the basic infrastructure capabilities for Audio/Video Call scenes.
    Access Layer
    Provides reliable and stable signaling transmission, custom message sending and receiving, to implement call signaling control in Audio/Video Call scenes.
    Access Layer
    Provides real-time effects processing capabilities such as beauty, filtering, makeup, fun stickers, emojis, and virtual avatars.
    Cloud Services
    Aimed at audio, video, and images, it provides an all-in-one high-quality media service including production upload, storage, transcoding, MPS (Media Processing Service), media AI, accelerated distribution and playback, and copyright protection.
    Data Storage
    Provides storage services for audio and video recording files, as well as audio and video slicing files.
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