tencent cloud


Pre-Checking Environment for Chaos Engineering Experiments

Last updated: 2024-09-26 15:34:19


    Some fault actions provided by the platform require certain pre-existing environmental conditions. If these conditions are not met, the corresponding fault actions may fail when executing the chaotic fault generator. To address this, the platform offers the experiment environmental pre-check feature, which helps users identify and resolve environmental issues before executing chaos engineering experiments. This feature will not perform fault injection operations on the experiment instance object and will not block the execution of chaos engineering experiments, so users can operate with confidence.
    Users can re-trigger the environmental check an unlimited number of times before executing experiment actions, with the page displaying the most recent environment check results.
    Even if the environmental check fails, you can still execute chaos engineering experiments. However, fault action execution may fail during the experiment.
    Once the experiment is in the execution, suspension, or execution completed status, you will no longer be able to re-trigger environmental check.
    Users can view the environmental check status in the experimental check column on the experiment list page. They can also batch select experiments to re-trigger the environmental check. However, if an experiment is in one of the statuses described in the previous point, the environmental check cannot be triggered.


    Step 1: Create an Experiment

    1. Log in to the Tencent Smart Advisor > Chaotic Fault Generator, click Experiment Management, and select Create a New Experiment.
    2. On the Create a New Experiment page, after configuring the settings, click Submit to complete the experiment creation. An environmental check will be automatically triggered at this point.

    Step 2: View and Resolve Environmental Issues

    After the experiment is created, click to navigate to the Experiment Details.
    On the Experiment Details page, you can view the environment check results for the current experiment. Click View Detection Details to open a window displaying specific environmental risk items and operation guides.
    The detected risk items could potentially lead to experiment failure. It is recommended to operate based on Operational Recommendations before continuing the experiment.
    You can also click the Environment Check Result for each action group to view detailed information for each group's check.

    Step 3: Double-Check

    After following the operational recommendations, users can click Double-Check to re-trigger an environmental check and verify whether the environmental issues have been successfully resolved.
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