tencent cloud


Primary-secondary Switch in SQL Server

Last updated: 2024-09-26 15:47:38


    TencentDB for SQL Server provides an instance with dual nodes: a primary node and a secondary node. To allow a timely primary-secondary switch by the user upon occurrence of a primary instance fault and normal services, Tencent Smart Advisor-Chaotic Fault Generator provides users capabilities for primary-secondary switch, supports manual primary-secondary switch for users, and helps users in verifying primary-secondary switch reliability, data integrity and overall stability of services.
    This action requires that your TencentDB for SQL Server instance meets the following conditions:
    Must be a dual-node cloud disk architecture.
    Primary and secondary node instances must be in operation.
    Primary and secondary node instances must be non-read-only instances.
    Read-only instance not associated.
    Publish and subscribe not enabled.
    Contains at least one self-built database.
    Does not contain automatically generated test database test19700101.

    Experiment Implementation

    Step 1: Experiment Preparation

    A dual-node TencentDB for SQL Server.

    Step 2: Create an Experiment

    1. Log in to Tencent Cloud Smart Advisor > Chaos Engineering Console, create a new experiment. See Quick Start for details.
    2. Fill in the basic information of an action group, select Database > SQL Server for Object Type, and click Add SQL Server Instance.
    3. Click Add Instance to add instances for the experiment.
    4. Click Add Now to add Primary-secondary switch fault Action, click Next.
    5. Configure action parameters and click Confirm.
    6. The platform has built-in Tencent Cloud Observability. Monitoring Metrics can be selected. After confirmation, click Submit to create an experiment.

    Step 3: Experiment Execution

    1. In a new Chaotic Fault Generator, click Execute fault action.
    2. Click to execute card, and check action execution logs.
    3. Click to execute the fault recovery action to recover the initial node state.
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