tencent cloud


Using Industry Template Library

Last updated: 2024-09-26 15:34:19
    To help users quickly create experiments, CFG provides experiment templates for multiple industries such as e-commerce, gaming, and multimedia, covering various typical application scenarios like cross-availability zone disaster recovery. Users can quickly and efficiently reuse mature solutions based on their business needs to validate the system's availability.

    Introduction to Industry Template Library

    Based on platform user practices, CFG has distilled the following categories of typical industry templates. For details, see Recommendation Templates.
    Industry Category
    Template Name
    Cross-availability zone disaster recovery experiment
    Hybrid cloud disaster recovery experiment
    Microservices governance in e-commerce scenarios
    Service stress experiment in flash sale scenarios
    Database failure experiment in gaming scenarios
    Network failure experiment in gaming scenarios
    Network failure in streaming media scenarios

    How to Use the Industry Experience Library

    Step 1. Create an Experiment

    1. Log in to Tencent Smart Advisor > Chaotic Fault Generator, enter the Experiment Management page, click Create a New Experiment.
    2. Click Skip and create a blank experiment.

    Step 2. View and Select Industry Template Library

    The repository template is divided into Industry Template Library and the user-defined My Template Library, click different industry Tags to filter corresponding industry templates. Meanwhile, the search box on the right supports searching by repository title (If you do not want to use any template, you can click Skip and create a blank experiment at the bottom left corner, to directly create a new blank experiment).

    Step 3. Use the Industry Template Library

    Click a template to open the Experience Template Preview Page,which includes basic information, experience value, involved failure types, etc. Click Go to use, to directly enter the experiment creation process.

    Step 4. Complete Experiment Information

    1. When creating an experiment using the industry template, the system will automatically pull the basic experiment information and experiment action group choreography information, filling it into the form. Users only need to select instance resources.
    If there is a preconfigured experiment plan, it can be linked here. (optional)
    2. In the experiment object configuration, click Add Instance, to select the specified instance resources for the action group to participate in the experiment. For detailed instance configuration steps, refer to Create a Fault Experiment.

    Step 5. Global Configuration

    Supplement the global configuration, optionally add guardrail policies and monitoring indicators. After completion, click Submit to finish the experiment setup.
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