tencent cloud


Creating a Target Group

Last updated: 2024-12-16 17:14:13
    When using GWLB, you should create at least one target group and add at least one real server to receive and handle requests from GWLB. This document describes how to create a target group.


    1. Log in to the GWLB console. In the GWLB directory, select Target Group Management.
    2. In the Target Group Management window, select the specified region.
    3. Click New at the top of the list page and configure the following basic information in the pop-up window.
    Target group name
    You can enter up to 60 characters.
    VPC is supported for the network. A VPC is a logically isolated network space you create in Tencent Cloud. You can customize IP ranges, IP addresses, and routing policies in the VPC.
    Backend protocol
    GENEVE standard protocol by default.
    6081 by default.
    Balance mode
    Elastic hash by default, which is symmetric hash based on a 3-tuple of source IP, destination IP address, and transport protocol. The load balancing algorithm cannot be modified after creation.
    4. Click Next to proceed with health check configuration. Configure the following health check information in the pop-up window.
    Health examination
    Enabled by default. It helps you automatically check real servers and remove those with exceptions.
    Health check source IP
    VIP of the GWLB instance by default.
    Health check
    TCP by default. You can also select the PING method.
    Checking port
    Required when the TCP health check method is selected.
    Advanced options
    You can modify the response timeout, check interval, unhealthy threshold, and healthy threshold as needed. For details, see Configuring Health Check.
    5. Click Finish to complete the creation of the GWLB target group.


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