After your domain expires, there will be a domain renewal grace period of about 30 days, which may vary by suffix. If you fail to renew the domain during the grace period, it will enter the domain redemption period of about 30 days, which may also vary by suffix. If you want to continue using this domain during the redemption period, you need to pay a higher price to redeem it. To ensure that your domain can be used normally, be sure to renew it in advance to avoid unnecessary loss.
During the domain redemption period, you need to pay a price higher than the normal domain renewal price to redeem the domain (the redemption fees are charged by the registry, while Tencent Cloud collects the fees only on its behalf). For more information on domain redemption prices, see Domain Pricing. During the redemption period, DNS of the domain will be paused. After the domain is redeemed successfully, DNS will be resumed in 24~48 hours.
Once entering the redemption period, a domain cannot be transferred out. You need to redeem it before transferring it out. For more applicable rules, see Domain Transfer Out Rules. Directions
2. Select the domain to be redeemed and click Redeem and redeem it in the Renew pop-up window as shown below:
3. Confirm the domain information and redemption amount, click Confirm, and pay the redemption fees to redeem the domain.
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