tencent cloud


Domain Registrant Profile

Terakhir diperbarui:2024-01-29 18:02:39


    A domain registrant profile is a pre-formatted file that contains the domain registrant's basic information to get you started with registering your domain, changing the domain registrant, applying for identity verification and performing other steps quickly by just entering the required information in the profile.


    You have logged in to the Domains console and entered the My Domains page.


    Creating a domain registrant profile

    1. On the left sidebar, choose Registrant Profile to enter the Registrant Profile page.
    2. Click Create Profile to enter the Create Profile page.
    3. Select a user type for the domain registrant profile as needed: Individual or Organization.
    The usage of the domain registrant profile is not affected regardless of whether you select Individual or Organization as the user type.
    Profile information
    For an Individual user, the following parameters need to be set:
    Profile Information
    Last Name: enter the last name of the domain registrant.
    First Name: enter the first name of the domain registrant.
    Email: select an email address that has been verified on the Phone and Email Verification page.
    Country: select your country.
    Province: enter your province.
    City: select your city.
    Postal Address: enter your postal address.
    Postal Code: enter the postal code of your city.
    Mobile: select a mobile number that has been verified on the Phone and Email Verification page.
    For an Organization user, the following parameters need to be set:
    Profile Information
    Organization: enter your organization name.
    Last Name: enter the last name of the domain registrant.
    First Name: enter the first name of the domain registrant.
    Email: select an email address that has been verified on the Phone and Email Verification page.
    City: select your city.
    Postal Address: enter your postal address.
    Postal Code: enter the postal code of your city.
    Mobile: select a mobile number that has been verified on the Phone and Email Verification page.

    Managing registrant profiles

    1. On the left sidebar, choose Registrant Profile to enter the Registrant Profile page.
    2. To set a registrant profile as the default one, click Set as Default. See the figure below:
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