tencent cloud


Trigger Configuration Description

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-09-30 18:11:36

    When you call the trigger API CreateTrigger, the corresponding TriggerDesc parameter will be the trigger description, which can be used as instructed in this document.

    Timer Trigger

    Please directly enter a cron expression for this parameter. For more information, please see Timer Trigger Description.

    Sample TriggerDesc

    Triggered once every five minutes:

    0 */5 * * * * *

    API Gateway Trigger

    Name Type Required Description
    api ApigwApi No API configuration of the created API gateway
    service ApigwService No Service configuration of the created API gateway
    release ApigwRelease No Release environment for the created API gateway


    Name Type Required Description
    authRequired String No Whether authentication is required. Valid values: TRUE, FALSE. Default value: FALSE
    requestConfig ApigwApiRequestConfing No Configuration of request backend API
    isIntegratedResponse String No Whether to use integrated response. Valid values: TRUE, FALSE. Default value: FALSE
    IsBase64Encoded String No Whether to enable Base64-encoding. Valid values: TRUE, FALSE. Default value: FALSE


    Name Type Required Description
    method String No Method configuration of request backend API. Valid values: ANY, GET, HEAD, POST, PUT, DELETE


    Name Type Required Description
    serviceId String No Apigw Service ID (if this parameter is not passed in, a new service will be created)


    Name Type Required Description
    environmentName String Yes Release environment. Valid values: release, test, prepub. If this parameter is left empty, release will be used by default

    Sample TriggerDesc


    CKafka Trigger

    Name Type Required Description
    maxMsgNum String Yes A function invocation will be triggered once every time maxMsgNum CKafka messages are aggregated within 5 seconds
    offset String Yes offset is the position where consumption of CKafka messages starts. Currently, three values are supported: latest, earliest, and millisecond-level timestamp
    retry String Yes Maximum number of retries when the function reports an error

    Sample TriggerDesc


    API request description

    To create a CKafka trigger by using an API request, the TriggerName field needs to be defined as the instanceId and topicName of the target CKafka instance in the following format:
    [instanceId]-[topicName]. Below is a sample request:

    TriggerName: "ckafka-8tfxzia3-test"

    COS Trigger

    Name Type Required Description
    event String Yes COS event type
    filter CosFilter Yes COS filename filter


    Name Type Required Description
    Prefix String No Prefix rule of file filter
    Suffix String No Suffix rule of file filter, which must begin with .

    COS event conflict rules

    • Core concept: an event can trigger a function invocation at most once. If an event is bound to another product, it cannot be bound to a function.
    • Set at most one prefix filter and one suffix filter.
    • If the cos:ObjectCreated:* event is set but no prefix/suffix is set, subsequent binding to any event that starts with cos:ObjectCreated will fail.
    • The filter will be valid only if both the prefix and suffix are matched, and if there are conflicts with both the prefix and suffix, subsequent binding will fail.

    Sample TriggerDesc


    When TriggerDesc is used as a trigger description, the JSON string must be continuous with no spaces contained.

    API request description

    To create a COS trigger by using an API request, the TriggerName field needs to be defined as the XML API access domain name of the target COS bucket. Below is an example:

    TriggerName: "xxx.cos.ap-guangzhou.myqcloud.com"

    The access domain name can be viewed in Bucket List > Basic Configuration > Basic Information in the COS console.

    CMQ Trigger

    Name Type Required Description
    filterType String No Message filter type. 1: tag; 2: route match
    filterKey String No When filterType is 1, it indicates the message filter tag; when filterType is 2, it indicates the Binding Key

    Sample TriggerDesc


    API request description

    To create a CMQ trigger by using an API request, the TriggerName field needs to be defined as CMQ Topic. Below is an example:

    TriggerName: "Tabortest"

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