tencent cloud


Runtime Environment

마지막 업데이트 시간:2021-05-24 11:16:31

    Python Versions

    Currently, the following versions of Python programming language are supported:

    • Python 2.7
    • Python 3.6

    When creating a function, you can select a desired runtime environment from Python 2.7 or Python 3.6. Click here to view Python's official advice on choosing Python 2 or Python 3.

    Environment Variables

    The table below lists environment variables related to built-in Python in a current runtime environment.

    Environment Variable Key Specific Value or Value Source
    PYTHONPATH /var/user:/opt
    _ /var/lang/python3/bin/python3

    For more information on environment variables, see Environment Variables.

    Included Library and Usage


    SCF's runtime environment already contains the COS SDK for Python, and specific versions are cos_sdk_v5 (recommended) and cos_sdk_v4.

    The COS SDK can be referenced and used within the code as follows:

    • For the cos_sdk_v5 version:

      import qcloud_cos_v5
      from qcloud_cos_v5 import CosConfig 
      from qcloud_cos_v5 import CosS3Client
    • For the cos_sdk_v4 version:

      import qcloud_cos
      from qcloud_cos_v4 import CosClient
      from qcloud_cos_v4 import DownloadFileRequest
      from qcloud_cos_v4 import UploadFileRequest

    For more detailed instructions on how to use the COS SDK, see COS SDK for Python.

    Built-in Libraries

    The table below lists the supported SCF libraries in the Python 3 cloud runtime environment.


    To use a library not listed here, you need to locally install, package, and upload it. For detailed directions, see Installing Dependent Libraries.

    Library Name Version
    absl-py 0.2.2
    asn1crypto 0.24.0
    astor 0.7.1
    bleach 1.5.0
    certifi 2019.3.9
    cffi 1.12.2
    chardet 3.0.4
    cos-python-sdk-v5 1.6.6
    cryptography 2.6.1
    dicttoxml 1.7.4
    gast 0.2.0
    grpcio 1.13.0
    html5lib 0.9999999
    idna 2.8
    iniparse 0.4
    Markdown 2.6.11
    mysqlclient 1.3.13
    numpy 1.15.0
    Pillow 6.0.0
    pip 9.0.1
    protobuf 3.6.0
    psycopg2-binary 2.8.2
    pycparser 2.19
    pycurl 7.43.0
    PyMySQL 0.9.3
    pytz 2019.1
    qcloud-image 1.0.0
    qcloudsms-py 0.1.3
    requests 2.21.0
    serverless-db-sdk 0.0.1
    setuptools 28.8.0
    six 1.12.0
    tencentcloud-sdk-python 3.0.65
    tencentserverless 0.1.4
    tensorboard 1.9.0
    tensorflow 1.9.0
    tensorflow-serving-api 1.9.0
    termcolor 1.1.0
    urllib3 1.24.2
    Werkzeug 0.14.1
    wheel 0.31.1

    The table below lists the supported SCF libraries in the Python 2 cloud runtime environment.

    Library Name Version
    absl-py 0.2.2
    asn1crypto 0.24.0
    astor 0.7.1
    backports.weakref 1.0.post1
    bleach 1.5.0
    cassdk 1.0.2
    certifi 2017.11.5
    cffi 1.12.2
    chardet 3.0.4
    cos-python-sdk-v5 1.6.6
    cryptography 2.6.1
    dicttoxml 1.7.4
    enum34 1.1.6
    funcsigs 1.0.2
    futures 3.2.0
    gast 0.2.0
    grpcio 1.13.0
    html5lib 0.9999999
    idna 2.6
    iniparse 0.4
    ipaddress 1.0.22
    Markdown 2.6.11
    mock 2.0.0
    mysqlclient 1.3.13
    nose 1.3.7
    numpy 1.14.5
    ordereddict 1.1
    pbr 4.1.0
    Pillow 6.0.0
    pip 18
    protobuf 3.6.0
    psycopg2-binary 2.8.2
    pyaml 2019.4.1
    pycparser 2.19
    pygpgme 0.3
    PyMySQL 0.9.3
    pytz 2019.1
    PyYAML 5.1
    qcloud-image 1.0.0
    qcloudsms-py 0.1.3
    requests 2.18.4
    serverless-db-sdk 0.0.1
    setuptools 39.1.0
    six 1.11.0
    tencentcloud-sdk-python 3.0.65
    tencentserverless 0.1.4
    tensorboard 1.9.0
    tensorflow 1.9.0
    tensorflow-serving-api 1.9.0
    termcolor 1.1.0
    urlgrabber 3.10.2
    urllib3 1.22
    Werkzeug 0.14.1
    wheel 0.31.1

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