tencent cloud


Timer Trigger Description

마지막 업데이트 시간:2022-06-09 17:00:05

    You can write an SCF function to handle a scheduled task (which can be triggered in seconds). The timer will automatically trigger the function at the specified time. Timer triggers have the following characteristics:

    • Push model: the timer directly calls the Invoke API of the function to trigger it at the specified time. The event source mapping is retained in the SCF function.
    • Async invocation: a timer trigger always invokes a function asynchronously, and the result is not returned to the invoker. For more information on invocation types, please see Invocation Types.

    Timer Trigger Attributes

    • Timer name (required): it can contain up to 60 characters out of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, and _ and must begin with a letter and be unique under the same function.
    • Triggering cycle (required): this is the specified function triggering time. You can use the default value in the console or customize a standard cron expression to decide when to trigger the function. For more information on cron expressions, please see below.
    • Input parameter (optional): it can be a string of up to 4 KB, which can be obtained from the event parameter of the entry function.

    Cron Expression

    When creating a timer trigger, you can customize the triggering time by using a standard cron expression. Timer triggers can trigger functions in a matter of seconds. In order to be compatible with legacy timer triggers, cron expressions can be written in two ways:

    Cron expression syntax 1 (recommended)

    A cron expression has seven required fields, separated by spaces.

    First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh
    Second Minute Hour Day Month Week Year

    Each field has a corresponding value range:

    Field Value Wildcards
    Second An integer between 0 and 59 , - * /
    Minute An integer between 0 and 59 , - * /
    Hours An integer between 0 and 23 , - * /
    Day An integer between 1 and 31 (the number of days in the month needs to be considered) , - * /
    Month An integer between 1 and 12 or JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC , - * /
    Week An integer between 0 and 6 or SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT; where 0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, and so on , - * /
    Year An integer between 1970 and 2099 , - * /

    Cron expression syntax 2 (not recommended)

    A cron expression has five required fields, separated by spaces.

    First Second Third Fourth Fifth
    Minute Hour Day Month Week

    Each field has a corresponding value range:

    Field Value Wildcards
    Minute An integer between 0 and 59 , - * /
    Hours An integer between 0 and 23 , - * /
    Day An integer between 1 and 31 (the number of days in the month needs to be considered) , - * /
    Month An integer between 1 and 12 or JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC , - * /
    Week An integer between 0 and 6 or SUN, MON, TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT; where 0 means Sunday, 1 means Monday, and so on , - * /


    Wildcard Description
    , (comma) It represents the union of characters separated by commas; for example, 1, 2, 3 in the "Hour" field means 1:00, 2:00 and 3:00
    - (hyphen) It contains all values in the specified range; for example, in the "Day" field, 1-15 contains the 1st to the 15th day of the specified month
    * (asterisk) It means all values; for example, in the "Hour" field, * means every o'clock
    / (forward slash) It specifies the increment; for example, in the "Minute" field, you can enter 1/10 to specify repeating every ten minutes from the first minute on (e.g., at the 11th minute, the 21st minute, the 31st minute, and so on)


    When both the "Day" and "Week" fields in a cron expression are specified, they are in an "or" relationship, i.e., the conditions of both are effective separately.


    Below are some examples of cron expressions and their meanings:

    Expression Description
    */5 * * * * * * Triggers once every 5 seconds
    0 15 10 1 * * * Triggers at 10:15 am on the 1st day of every month
    0 15 10 * * MON-FRI * Triggers every day at 10:15 am Monday through Friday
    0 0 10,14,16 * * * * Triggers every day at 10 am, 2 pm, and 4 pm
    0 */30 9-17 * * * * Triggers every half hour from 9 am to 5 pm every day
    0 0 12 * * WED * Triggers at 12:00 noon every Wednesday

    Input Parameters of Timer Triggers

    When a timer trigger triggers a function, the following data structures will be encapsulated in event and passed to the function. In addition, you can specify to pass the message for a timer trigger, which is empty by default.

       "Message":"user define msg body"
    Field Description
    Type Type of the trigger, whose value is Timer
    TriggerName Timer name, which can contain up to 60 characters out of a-z, A-Z, 0-9, -, and _ and must begin with a letter and be unique under the same function
    Time Trigger creation time, in UTC+0
    Message String type

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