tencent cloud


IPSec VPN Error Description for Negotiation Failure

Last updated: 2024-12-20 10:45:28
Negotiation Phase
Error Prompt Information
IKE Negotiation

no match proposal
The IKE policies configured on the cloud side and the client side are inconsistent, please check.
DH group not supported
The DH group configured on the client side is not supported by the cloud side, please modify your local configuration.
responder no peer config found by ID payload
The Local Identifier and Peer Identification configured on the cloud side are inconsistent with those configured on the client side, resulting in no response from the Responder.
initiator no peer config found by ID payload
The Local Identifier and Peer Identification configured on the cloud side are inconsistent with those configured on the client side, resulting in no response from the Requester.
received xxx error notify
The cloud side received a message of negotiation failure from the client side.
IPSec Negotiation

DH group xxx not supported
The DH Group configured on the client side is not supported by the cloud side, please modify your local DH Group.
reponder no matching CHILD_SA config for TS
The ts configured on the cloud side and the client side are inconsistent, please check.
no matching proposal, configured xxx, received xxx
The child configurations on the cloud side and the client side do not match.
received xxx error notify in the payload
The cloud side received a message of negotiation failure from the client side.
Phase 1
IKE_NEGO: received NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN error notify
The cloud side received a message of negotiation failure from the client side.
Possible cause: The Internet Key Exchange (IKE) configurations were inconsistent.
IKE_NEGO: retransmit IKEv1 Main Mode Initiator 5th message 2 times, message ID 0
Number of times the cloud side retransmitted the IKE negotiation messages.
Possible cause: There was no response from the client-side VPN gateway or there was an issue with the public network.
TANS_IKE_NEGO: invalid HASH_V1 payload length, decryption failed
The cloud side failed to decrypt the message.
Possible cause: The negotiated secrets were inconsistent, resulting in decryption failure, decrypted garbled characters, or non-standard protocol messages.
IKE_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL:Failed to establish IKE SA for the reason of no matching proposal, configured [IKE:xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx], received [IKE:xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx]. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 1 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The IKE policies configured on the cloud side and the client side were inconsistent.
IKE_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL:Failed to establish IKE SA for the reason of responder no peer config found by ID payload, received[ID_IPV4_ADDR:x.x.x.x]. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 1 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The IKE identifiers on the cloud side and the client side were inconsistent or the negotiation modes were inconsistent.
IKE_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL:Failed to establish IKE SA for the reason of initiator no peer config found by ID payload, configured[ID_IPV4_ADDR:x.x.x.x], received[ID_IPV4_ADDR:x.x.x.x]. ike connection: , my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 1 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The IKE identifiers on the cloud side and the client side were inconsistent.
IKE_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL:Failed to establish IKE SA for the reason of peer no response. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 1 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: No response was received from the client side.
IKE_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL:Failed to establish IKE SA for the reason of no matching secret. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 1 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The pre-shared keys on the cloud side and the client side were inconsistent.
IKE_NEGO: retransmit IKEv1 Main Mode Initiator x st message x times, message ID x
The VPN tunnel (vpnx-xxx) shows retransmission of IKE V1 main mode messages.
Possible cause: There was no response from the peer.
Phase 2
n of no matching proposal, configured [ESP:xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx], received [ESP:xxx/xxx/xxx/xxx]. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 2 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The IPSec parameters configured on the cloud side and the client side were inconsistent.
IPSEC_SA_ESTABLISH_FAIL: Failed to establish IPSEC SA for the reason of reponder no matching CHILD_SA config for TS, recieved[x.x.x.x/xx === x.x.x.x/xx]. ike connection: xxx, my ip: x.x.x.x, peer ip: x.x.x.x.
Phase 2 negotiation failed.
Possible cause: The traffic of interest configured on the cloud side and the client side did not match.
IKE_NEGO: retransmit x of request with message ID xx;
IKE_NEGO: retransmit IKEv2 DPD Initiator request x times, message ID xx
The VPN tunnel shows retransmission of Dead Peer Detection (DPD) messages.
Possible cause: There was no response from the peer or there was a quality issue with the public network.
DPD message retransmission does not necessarily indicate a VPN fault.
Health check
ALERT/SGW_VPN_PROBE_FAIL: VPN link probe fail, Connection ID:xxx_conn, User gateway IP: x.x.x.x, SGW Management IP: x.x.x.x
VPN tunnel health check failed.
Possible cause: The peer did not respond to VPN tunnel health check messages.
Health check failure does not necessarily indicate a VPN fault.

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