tencent cloud


How It Works

Last updated: 2022-01-14 15:10:07

    This document describes the directory structure and lifecycle of Terraform TencentCloud Provider.

    Directory Structure

    ├─terraform-provider-tencentcloud                    Root directory
    │  ├─main.go                                         Program entry file
    │  ├─AUTHORS                                         Author information
    │  ├─CHANGELOG.md                                    Change log
    │  ├─LICENSE                                         License information
    │  ├─debug.tf.example                                Example debugging configuration file
    │  ├─examples                                        Directory of example configuration files
    │  │  ├─tencentcloud-eip                             Example EIP TF files
    │  │  ├─tencentcloud-instance                        Example CVM TF files
    │  │  ├─tencentcloud-nat                             Example NAT Gateway TF files
    │  │  ├─tencentcloud-vpc                             Example VPC TF files
    │  │  └─ ...                                         Directory of more examples
    │  ├─tencentcloud                                    Core provider directory
    │  │  ├─basic_test.go                                Basic unit test
    │  │  ├─config.go                                    Public configuration file
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_availability_zones.go         Availability zone query
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_availability_zones_test.go
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_nats.go                       NAT Gateway list query
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_nats_test.go
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_vpc.go                        VPC query
    │  │  ├─data_source_tc_vpc_test.go
    │  │  ├─...                                          More data sources
    │  │  ├─helper.go                                    Some public functions
    │  │  ├─provider.go                                  Core provider file
    │  │  ├─provider_test.go
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_eip.go                           EIP resource manager
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_eip_test.go
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_instance.go                      CVM instance resource manager
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_instance_test.go
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_nat_gateway.go                   NAT Gateway resource manager
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_nat_gateway_test.go
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_vpc.go                           VPC Gateway resource manager
    │  │  ├─resource_tc_vpc_test.go
    │  │  ├─...                                          More resource managers
    │  │  ├─service_eip.go                               Encapsulated EIP-related service
    │  │  ├─service_instance.go                          Encapsulated CVM-instance-related service
    │  │  ├─service_vpc.go                               Encapsulated VPC-related service
    │  │  ├─...
    │  │  ├─validators.go                                Public argument validation function
    │  ├─vendor                                          Dependent third-party libraries
    │  ├─website                                         Web-Related files
    │  │  ├─tencentcloud.erb                             Left sidebar file
    │  │  ├─docs                                         Source file directory of Markdown documents
    │  │  │  ├─d                                         Data-Related documents (data_source_*)
    │  │  │  │  ├─availability_zones.html.md
    │  │  │  │  ├─nats.html.markdown
    │  │  │  │  ├─vpc.html.markdown
    │  │  │  │  ├─...
    │  │  │  ├─index.html.markdown
    │  │  │  ├─r                                         Resource-Related documents (resource_*)
    │  │  │  │  ├─instance.html.markdown
    │  │  │  │  ├─nat_gateway.html.markdown
    │  │  │  │  ├─vpc.html.markdown
    │  │  │  │  └─...

    The structure is divided into five main parts:

    • main.go: plugin entry.
    • examples: example directory, which contains examples that can be used directly.
    • tencentcloud: plugin directory to store service code, where:
      • provider.go: is the plugin root used to describe plugin attributes, such as the configured key, list of supported resources, and callback configuration.
      • data_source_*.go: defines some resources for read calls, mainly query APIs.
      • resource_*.go: defines some resources for write calls, including APIs for resource CRUD.
      • service_*.go: contains some public methods under broad resource categories.
    • vendor: contains dependent third-party libraries.
    • website: contains documents as importance as examples.

    Provider Lifecycle

    The Terraform execution process is as shown below:

    • 1 - 4: looks for the provider and loads the tencentcloud plugin.
    • 5: reads your configuration file to get the resources you declared and their states.
    • 6: calls different functions (Create/Update/Delete/Read) based on the resource state.
      • Create
        Terraform determines adding a new resource configuration to a .tf file as Create.
      • Update
        Terraform determines modifying one or more arguments of a resource already created in a .tf file as Update.
      • Delete
        Terraform determines deleting the resource configuration already created in a .tf file or running the terraform destroy command as Delete.
      • Read
        Read is a resource query operation that checks whether a resource exists and updates the resource attributes locally.
      • tencentcloud-sdk-go
        tencentcloud-sdk-go is a TencentCloud API SDK for Go and used to call TencentCloud APIs for resource management.
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