Regularly Storing CDN Logs
This document describes how to use Tencent Cloud SCF to create two functions in order to regularly store CDN logs into COS.
Key Steps
This document describes how to create the "storage" and "task distribution" functions, use them together, and configure a timer trigger in order to regularly store CDN logs into COS.
There are four key steps:
A. Prepare the Tencent Cloud API access key and COS information
B. Create the storage function (cdn-save-log-into-cos)
C. Create the task function (cdn-dispatch-log-jobs)
D. Configure the timer
A. Prepare the following resources before creating the functions
1. Tencent Cloud API access key
Access credential name (SecretId
), such as AKID*****************************Rv
Access credential key (SecretKey
), such as 3t0S****************************56
2. COS bucket
Log in to the COS Console, access the Bucket List to query or create a bucket, access the bucket to view its Basic Information, and record the following information: Bucket name (Bucket Name
), such as examples-1251002854
Bucket region (Region
), such as ap-chengdu
B. Create the storage function (cdn-save-log-into-cos)
1. Log in to the SCF Console and click Function Service. 2. Select Create and enter cdn-save-log-into-cos as the function name.
3. Select Function Template, search with the keyword "CDN", select the "cdn-save-log-into-cos" template, and click "Next" to access the function configuration page:
4. Click Complete to create the function.
C. Create the task function (cdn-dispatch-log-jobs)
2. Select Function Template, search with the keyword "CDN", and select the "cdn-dispatch-log-jobs" template.
3. Enter cdn-dispatch-log-jobs as the function name and click "Next".
4. Click Complete to create the function. 5. Click the Function Code tab. In the code editing box, modify the Python code by entering the following configuration information:
In the config
variable on row 143, enter the corresponding configuration information:
Set fields such as secret_id
, secret_key
, cos_region
, cos_bucket
, and scf_region
If you set the function name as instructed in step B and do not want to modify it, you can retain the original value of scf_function
The default value of cdn_host
is an empty array (i.e., the logs of all domain names under the account will be stored). If needed, you can enter the list of specified domain names. 6. Click Save.
7. Click Test to check whether the code runs properly. After the testing program stops running, you can access the COS Console and check whether the corresponding logs are stored in COS.
After you create the two functions above, the list on the SCF Console will be as shown below:
1. Click cdn-dispatch-log-jobs to access its details. 2. Click the Trigger Management tab and click Create a Trigger. 3. Select Scheduled triggering as the trigger method, enter a custom scheduled task name, select Every 5 mins as the trigger period, and click Submit. Once you complete all the steps above, CDN logs will be regularly stored into COS.