tencent cloud


Request Header Configuration

Last updated: 2023-03-23 11:21:38

    Configuration Overview

    Tencent Cloud CDN supports adding origin-pull request headers:

    • Carries the real client IP to the origin server through the X-Forwarded-For header.
    • Carries the real client port to the origin server for analysis through the X-Forward-Port header.
    • Adds custom headers.

    You can also set and delete custom origin-pull request headers.

    Configuration Guide

    Viewing the configuration

    Log in to the CDN console, select Domain Management on the left sidebar, and then click Manage on the right of a domain name to enter its configuration page. Select the Origin-pull Configuration tab to find the Origin-pull Request Header Configuration section. The feature is disabled and not pre-configured by default.


    Operation Description
    Set Sets the value of a specified request header parameter.
    If the target header does not exist, a new one will be added.
    If the origin-pull request header parameter already exists, the new request header will overwrite the old one as duplicate headers are not allowed.
    Add Adds a specified origin-pull request header parameter.
    If the target header already exists, the new request header will overwrite the old one as duplicate headers are not allowed.
    Delete Deletes a specified request header parameter.

    • Rules are executed from bottom to top, and the priority is meaningful for the same type of operations only, that is, the priorities of multiple "Set", "Add", and "Delete" rules are independent.
    • If an origin-pull request header parameter is configured with multiple rules of different operations, the operations will be conducted in the order of "Add", "Delete", and "Set". For example, if the header X-CDN is configured with rules of "Add", "Delete", and "Set", it will be added, then deleted, and finally set.

    Header parameter

    Header Parameter Description
    X-Forwarded-For The header used to carry the real client IP. Its value defaults to $client_ip variable, which cannot be modified.
    X-Forward-Port The header used to carry the real client port. Its value defaults to $remote_port variable, which cannot be modified.
    Custom header Key: 1 to 100 characters, including digits (0 - 9), lowercase letters (a - z), uppercase letters (A - Z), and hyphens (-).
    Value: 1 to 1000 characters. Chinese characters are not supported.
    Some standard headers cannot be set, added, or deleted by the user. For the detailed list, please see Notes.

    • Up to 10 origin-pull request header rules can be configured.
    • Supported rule types: all content, specified file type, specified folder, and specified file. Regex match is currently not supported.

    Configuration Samples

    The origin-pull request header configuration of the acceleration domain name cloud.tencent.com is as follows:
    If the accessed resource is http://cloud.tencent.com/test/test.mp4, then:

    1. It hits the * rule, so the header X-Forwarded-For:$client_ip will be added, and $client_ip will be replaced with the real client IP during origin-pull.
    2. It hits both the .mp4 file type tule and /test path rule. The two rules are of the same type, "Add". As the lower rule has the higher priority, the header x-cdn:Tencent is added.


    In origin-pull request header rules, the following standard headers currently cannot be set, added, or deleted:

    www-authenticate authorization proxy-authenticate proxy-authorization
    age cache-control clear-site-data expires
    pragma warning accept-ch accept-ch-lifetime
    early-data content-dpr dpr device-memory
    save-data viewport-width width last-modified
    etag if-match if-none-match if-modified-since
    if-unmodified-since vary connection keep-alive
    accept accept-charset expect max-forwards
    access-control-allow-origin access-control-max-age access-control-allow-headers access-control-allow-methods
    access-control-expose-headers access-control-allow-credentials access-control-request-headers access-control-request-method
    origin timing-allow-origin dnt tk
    content-disposition content-length content-type content-encoding
    content-language content-location forwarded x-forwarded-host
    x-forwarded-proto via from host
    referer-policy allow server accept-ranges
    range if-range content-range cross-origin-embedder-policy
    cross-origin-opener-policy cross-origin-resource-policy content-security-policy content-security-policy-report-only
    expect-ct feature-policy strict-transport-security upgrade-insecure-requests
    x-content-type-options x-download-options x-frame-options(xfo) x-permitted-cross-domain-policies
    x-powered-by x-xss-protection public-key-pins public-key-pins-report-only
    sec-fetch-site sec-fetch-mode sec-fetch-user sec-fetch-dest
    last-event-id nel ping-from ping-to
    report-to transfer-encoding te trailer
    sec-websocket-key sec-websocket-extensions sec-websocket-accept sec-websocket-protocol
    sec-websocket-version accept-push-policy accept-signature alt-svc
    date large-allocation link push-policy
    retry-after signature signed-headers server-timing
    service-worker-allowed sourcemap upgrade x-dns-prefetch-control
    x-firefox-spdy x-pingback x-requested-with x-robots-tag
    x-ua-compatible max-age
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