Product | Abbreviation in CAM | Console | Authorization by Tag | Authorization Granularity | IP Restriction |
Cloud Database | cdb | Supported | Supported | Resource level | Partially supported |
The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.
Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AddInstanceInDeployGroup | add instance in deploy group | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
AddPartSqlFile | AddPartSqlFile | Operation level | * | not supported |
AddTimeWindow | AddTimeWindow | Operation level | * | Supported |
AddTimeWindowSwitchForZone | In the area added by this interface, all switching tasks within the time window initiated by the user will be invalid, and no switching will be perfor | Operation level | * | Supported |
AdjustCdbProxy | adjust cdb proxy | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
AdjustCdbProxyAddress | adjust cdb proxy address | Operation level | * | Supported |
AssociateSecurityGroups | bind security groups to instances in batches | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
BalanceRoGroupLoad | load balancing in ro group | Operation level | * | Supported |
BatchUpgradeDBInstance | Configuration for upgrading or downgrading ApsaraDB for instances in batches. The instance types support primary instances, disaster recovery instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
CancelBatchOperation | stop batch import task | Operation level | * | Supported |
CancelDBInstanceTask | cancel task | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ClearInstanceAuditPolicy | clear Instance auditPolicy | Operation level | * | not supported |
CloseAuditService | Instance shutdown audit service | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CloseCDBProxy | close cdb proxy | Operation level | * | Supported |
CloseCdbProxyAddress | close cdb proxy address | Operation level | * | Supported |
CloseDBInstanceAudit | close instance audit | Operation level | * | not supported |
CloseTransparentSlaveAccess | close transparent slave access | Operation level | * | Supported |
CloseWanService | Disable public network access for TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ConfigDataComparisonJob | config data comparison job | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateAccounts | CreateAccounts | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateAuditLogFile | create instance audit log file | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
CreateAuditPolicy | create instance audit policy | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
CreateAuditRule | create audit rule | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateAuditRuleTemplate | Create audit rule templates | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateBackup | create a TencentDB instance backup | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
CreateBatchJobFiles | upload SQL files in batches | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCdbProxy | create cdb proxy | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCdbProxyAddress | create cdb proxy address | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateCloneInstance | create a clone instance from instance backup | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
CreateDBImportJob | Create a task to import data into the instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateDBInstance | CreateDBInstance | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateDBInstanceHour | CreateDBInstanceHour | Operation level | * | not supported |
CreateDatabase | create database | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
CreateDeployGroup | create deploy group | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateMigrateJob | create migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateMonitorTemplate | CreateMonitorTemplate | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateParamTemplate | create a parameter template | Operation level | * | Supported |
CreateRoInstanceIp | create RO instance vip | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
CreateRotationPassword | CreateRotationPassword | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DeleteAccounts | delete TencentDB accounts | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DeleteAuditLogFile | delete instance audit log file | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DeleteAuditPolicy | delete instance audit policy | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DeleteAuditRule | delete audit rule | Operation level | * | not supported |
DeleteAuditRuleTemplates | Delete audit rule template | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteBackup | DeleteBackup | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteBackups | delete backups | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteBatchJobFiles | delete list of submitted SQL files | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteDatabase | delete database | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DeleteDeployGroups | delete deploy groups | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteInstanceFromDeployGroup | delete instance from deploy group | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DeleteMonitorTemplate | delete monitoring template items | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteParamTemplate | delete a parameter template | Operation level | * | Supported |
DeleteReadOnlyInstanceIp | This interface (DeleteReadOnlyInstanceIp) deletes the independent VIP of ApsaraDB for a read-only instance. | Operation level | * | not supported |
DeleteRotationPassword | DeleteRotationPassword | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${Region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DeleteTableSmoothly | delete table smoothly | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DeleteTimeWindow | delete a maintenance time window for a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DeleteTimeWindowSwitchForZone | If the area is deleted by this interface, the task switched within the time window initiated by the user in this area will not be invalid, and the nor | Operation level | * | Supported |
DisassociateSecurityGroups | unbind security groups from instances in batches | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DropDatabaseTables | drop database or table of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
EnableProxyAddressPolarisAddr | Enable proxy polaris address | Operation level | * | Supported |
EndReservedRollbackInstance | The end version upgrade supports rollback. After completion, the current instance version is 5.7, and rollback to version 5.6 is no longer supported. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
InjectFatalErrorIntoInstance | Inject fatal error into instance for error mocking . | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
IsolateDBInstance | isolate a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
IsolateDBInstances | The instance needs to first judge whether it can be returned through the describeinstancesreturnable interface.For instances that are billed by volu | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
KillDBProcessByIds | terminate the specified thread of instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccountDescription | modify the remarks of a TencentDB instance account | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccountHost | Modify the host of the cloud database account | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccountMaxUserConnections | modify account max_user_connections | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAccountPassword | modify account password | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyAccountPrivileges | Modify account privileges | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyAuditConfig | modify instance audit config | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyAuditPolicy | modify audit policy | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyAuditRule | modify audit rule | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyAuditRuleTemplates | Modify the audit rule template | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyAuditService | This interface (ModifyAuditService) is used to modify the cloud database audit log storage time, audit rules and other service configurations | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyAutoRenewFlag | ModifyAutoRenewFlag | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyBackupConfig | modify the database backup configuration | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyBackupDownloadRestriction | modify backup download restriction config | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyBackupEncryptionStatus | configure whether backup files are encrypted | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyBackupInfo | ModifyBackupInfo | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCDBProxyConnectionPool | modify cdb proxy conncetion pool | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyCDBProxyDesc | modify cdb proxy desc | Operation level | * | not supported |
ModifyCDBProxyVipVPort | modify cdb proxy vip vport | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCdbProxyAddressDesc | modify cdb proxy address desc | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCdbProxyAddressVipAndVPort | modify cdb proxy address vip and vPort | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyCdbProxyParam | modify cdb proxy param | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceLogToCLS | Start/Stop DBInstance log delivery to CLS | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceModes | change the mode of TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceName | rename a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceProject | ModifyDBInstanceProject | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceReadOnlyStatus | The user of this interface (modifydbinstancereading onlystatus) sets the MySQL cloud database instance as read-only. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyDBInstanceSecurityGroups | modify Instance security groups | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | not supported |
ModifyDBInstanceVipVport | modify the IP and port number of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
ModifyDeployGroupConfigure | modify deploy group configure | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyInstanceParam | modify instance parameters | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyInstancePasswordComplexity | This interface (modifyinstancepasswordcomplexity) is used to modify the password complexity of cloud database instances. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyInstanceTag | modify tags of TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ModifyLocalBinlogConfig | ModifyLocalBinlogConfig | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyManualBackupName | This interface (modifymanualbackupname) is used to modify the manual backup alias. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyMonitorTemplate | ModifyMonitorTemplate | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyNameOrDescByDpId | modify name or desc by DpId | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyPackageAgentInstanceApplyStatus | modify package agent instance apply status | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyParamTemplate | modify a parameter template | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyProtectMode | change protect mode of a TencentDB instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyRemoteBackupConfig | modify remote backup config | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyRoGroupInfo | modify basic info of ro group | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyRoGroupVipVport | modify vip/vport of ro group | Operation level | * | Supported |
ModifyRollbackInstanceSyncStatus | Skipping version upgrade supports data synchronization errors during rollback, that is, skipping the abnormal SQL copied from 5.7 to 5.6. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
ModifyTimeWindow | ModifyTimeWindow | Operation level | * | Supported |
OfflineDBInstances | offline TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
OfflineIsolatedInstances | offline isolated instances | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
OpenAuditService | CDB instance opening audit service | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
OpenDBInstanceEncryption | enable instance encryption | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
OpenDBInstanceGTID | enable GTID for a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
OpenSSL | Enable SSL connection function. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
OpenTransparentSlaveAccess | This interface (opentransparentslaveaccess) is used to enable transparent standby read-only. | Operation level | * | Supported |
OpenWanService | Enable public network access for an instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
RecycleVip | recycle vip | Operation level | * | Supported |
RegisterCKafkaToAudit | register CKafka instance to audit | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ReleaseIsolatedDBInstances | Release isolated PostPay DB Instances. | Operation level | * | Supported |
ReloadBalanceProxyNode | reload balance proxy node | Operation level | * | Supported |
RemoveMigrateJob | remove migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
RenewDBInstance | renew a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
ResetPassword | ResetPassword | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
ResetRootAccount | reset root account | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
RestartDBInstances | RestartDBInstances | Operation level | * | Supported |
RollbackDBInstanceEngineVersion | Rollback the instance that initiated the version upgrade. Currently, it only supports upgrading from 5.6 to 5.7, that is, rollback from 5.7 to 5.6。 | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StartBatchRollback | roll back the tables of a TencentDB instance in batches | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
StartCheckMasterInstanceStockByMultiCondition | start check master instance stock by multi condition | Operation level | * | Supported |
StartCheckRoInstanceStockByMultiCondition | start check roInstance stock by multi condition | Operation level | * | Supported |
StartCpuExpand | Start CPU expand for this instance . | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StartInstanceAutoTune | Initiate a parameter adjustment task. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StartMigrateCluster | start migrate cluster | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StartMigrateClusterRollback | start migrate cluster rollback | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
StartMigrateJob | start migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
StartReplay | Enable fixed-point playback, playback to a specified time point or a specified location | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StartReplication | StartReplication | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StopCpuExpand | Stop CPU expand for this instance . | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StopDBImportJob | stop a data import task | Operation level | * | Supported |
StopReplication | StopReplication | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
StopRollback | cancel the rollback task | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
SubmitBatchOperation | SubmitBatchOperation | Operation level | * | Supported |
SubmitInstanceUpgradeCheckJob | submit instance upgrade check job | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
SwitchCDBProxy | switch cdb proxy | Operation level | * | Supported |
SwitchDBInstanceMasterSlave | support users to actively switch between the master and slave roles of the instance. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
SwitchDrInstanceToMaster | SwitchDrInstanceToMaster | Operation level | * | Supported |
SwitchDrMasterRole | This interface (SwitchDrMasterRole) is used for disaster recovery and failback. | Operation level | * | Supported |
SwitchForMigrateCluster | switch for migrate cluster | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
SwitchForUpgrade | switch to a new instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
TerminateInstanceAutoTune | Cancel the parameter adjustment task. Only parameter transfer tasks that have not been completed and whose instances have not been destroyed can be ca | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
TerminateMigrateJob | terminate migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
TransferPreToPost | Prepaid to postpaid interface。 | Operation level | * | Supported |
UnAssociateSecurityGroups | Unbind cloud resources from security groups in batches | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | not supported |
UpdateInstanceReadonlyLimit | Set read-only space protection threshold | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
UpgradeCDBProxyVersion | upgrade cdb proxy version | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
UpgradeDBInstance | Upgrade TencentDB instance | Operation level | * | not supported |
UpgradeDBInstanceEngineVersion | Upgrade cloud database instance version | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
UploadSqlFiles | upload SQL file | Operation level | * | not supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
AnalyzeAuditLogs | Aggregate statistical analysis of audit logs | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
CheckDrInstanceRecovery | It is used to check whether the disaster recovery can be switched back. Before promoting the disaster recovery instance as the primary instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
CheckIpInSubnet | This interface (CheckIpInSubnet) is used to check whether the IP is in the subnet. | Operation level | * | Supported |
CheckMigrateCluster | check migrate cluster | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${Region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
CheckMigrateJob | check migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAccountPrivileges | query the information of TencentDB account permissions | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeAccounts | DescribeAccounts | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAsyncRequestInfo | query the async task execution result of a TencentDB instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAuditConfig | describe instance audit config | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeAuditInstanceList | Get the list of audit instances | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeAuditLogFiles | describe instance audit log files | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeAuditLogs | describe instance audit logs | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeAuditLogsForVStation | describe auditLogs for VStation | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeAuditPolicies | describe instance audit policies | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeAuditRuleTemplateModifyHistory | Query rule template change records | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAuditRuleTemplates | Query audit rule template information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAuditRuleWithInstanceIds | According to the instance ID, query the audit rules of the instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceIds} | Supported |
DescribeAuditRules | describe audit rules | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeAuditStatus | describe audit status | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeBackupConfig | query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance backup | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeBackupDecryptionKey | query the decryption key of the backup file | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeBackupDownloadDbTableCode | DescribeBackupDownloadDbTableCode | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupDownloadRestriction | describe backup download restriction config | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupEncryptionStatus | query whether the new backup file is encrypted by default | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeBackupOverview | used to query the user\'s backup overview | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackupSummaries | used to query backup summaries | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBackups | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeBackupsForBackupService | describe backups for backup service | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeBatchJobFileContent | query SQL file contents | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBatchJobInfo | DescribeBatchJobInfo | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeBinlogBackupOverview | used to query the user\'s total log backup overview in the current region. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeBinlogs | DescribeBinlogs | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeBinlogsForBackupService | describe binlogs for backup service | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeCDBProxy | describe cdb proxy | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCKafkaTaskStatus | describe register cKafka task status | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeCageList | Describe cage/dedicate list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCageRealServerUsage | describe cage real server usage | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCdbProxyInfo | describe cdb proxy info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCdbZoneConfig | This interface (DescribeCdbZoneConfig) is used to query the specifications and configurations that can be sold in each region of the cloud database. | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeCdzRealServerUsage | Describe the topology of resource which in CDZ Zone . | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeCloneList | describe instance clone list | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeClusterInfo | describe cluster instance info | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeCpuExpandStrategy | Describe CPU expand strategy for this instance . | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBDiskInfo | This interface (DescribeDBDiskInfo) is used to query the disk information of the physical machine of the cloud database. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBFeatures | This interface (DescribeDBFeatures) is used to query cloud database version properties, including whether it supports database encryption | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceCharset | query the character set and its name of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceConfig | query the configuration information of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceGTID | describe db instance gtid | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceInfo | DescribeDBInstanceInfo | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceLogToCLS | describe DBInstance slowLog and errorLog delivery to CLS config | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceProcess | This interface (DescribeDBInstanceProcess) is used to query instance active threads. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime | DescribeDBInstanceRebootTime | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBInstances | DescribeDBInstances | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDBPrice | query the price of TencentDB instance | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDBRoutes | describe routing of instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeDBSecurityGroupsDetail | describe db security groups detail | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeDBSwitchRecords | DescribeDBSwitchRecords | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDataBackupOverview | used to query the user\'s total data backup overview in the current region | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDataBackupSavePlan | This interface (DescribeDataBackupSavePlan) is used to query the database backup retention plan for the next year. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDatabases | DescribeDatabases | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeDefaultParamTemplates | describe default param templates | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDeployGroupList | describe deploy group list | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDeviceMonitorInfo | describe device monitor info | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDownloadBackupRecords | DescribeDownloadBackupRecords | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeErrorLogData | describe error log data | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeInstanceAlarmEvents | DescribeInstanceAlarmEvents | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeInstanceAuditConfig | Query instance audit configuration | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceDiskStatus | describe instanc disk status | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeInstanceGTIDInfo | Query the GTID information of a cloud data instance. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeInstanceInfo | Describe Instance Information | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceLoginInfo | Query the login information of the instance | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceNumberByVpcSubnetId | Used to query the number of CDB instances in the VPC network. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstanceUpgradeCheckJob | describe instance upgrade check job | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeInstanceUpgradeType | Describe database instance upgrade type | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstancesAuditStatus | DescribeInstancesAuditStatus | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeInstancesReturnable | describe instances returnable | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeLocalBinlogConfig | describe local binlog config | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeMasterInstanceStockByMultiCondition | describe master instance stock by multi condition | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeMigrateClusterRollbackInfo | describe migrate cluster rollback info | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeMigrateClusterRollbackTime | describe migrate cluster rollback time | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeModifyAccountPrivilegesSql | describe modify account privileges sql | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeMonitorData | get instance monitoring data | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeMonitorTemplate | query monitoring template items | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePackageAgentInfo | describe package agent info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePackageAgentInstances | describe package agent instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribePackageAgentSummary | describe package agent summary | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeParamTemplateInfo | query parameter template details | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeProxyCommercialDate | Query agent commercialization time | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeProxyConnectionPoolConf | describe proxy connection pool conf | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeProxyCustomConf | describe proxy custom conf | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeProxySpecs | Query proxy free specifications | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeProxySupportParam | describe proxy support param | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRecycleVipList | describe recycle vip list | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeRemoteBackupConfig | describe remote backup config | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRequestResult | query the execution results of asynchronous task | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeResourceDetail | describe resource detail | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeRoGroupInfo | describe ro group info | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRoGroups | DescribeRoGroups | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeRoInstanceStockByMultiCondition | describe ro instance stock by multi condition | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeRoMinScale | query minimum specifications for ro instance purchase | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRollbackInstanceSyncStatus | describe rollback instance sync status | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeRollbackNewInstInfo | Query upgrade rollback reserved instance information | Resource level | qcs::cdb::uin/${uin}:instanceId/${InstanceId} | Supported |
DescribeRollbackRangeTime | query the time range available for instance rollback | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeRollbackTaskDetail | describe rollback task detail | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeSSLStatus | Query the SSL activation. If SSL has been enabled, the certificate download link will be returned synchronously. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeSlowLogData | describe slow log data | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeSlowLogs | DescribeSlowLogs | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeStatisticsInfo | Operation level | * | not supported | |
DescribeStockCheckResult | describe stock check result | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSupportDeviceClass | Get the models supported by the placement group. | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSupportPOCSubVersions | The corresponding version storage engine of MySQL has its supported kernel small version number (mainly used for POC testing) | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeSupportedPrivileges | query the information of TencentDB account permissions | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeSwitchableInstanceList | Get a list of all instances to be switched by the user | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeTables | DescribeTables | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeTablesByRegexp | This interface (DescribeTablesByRegexp) is used to query table names according to regular expressions。 | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
DescribeTagsOfInstanceIds | describe tags of instanceIds | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTasks | Query the task list of cloud database instances | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeTimeWindow | query the maintenance time window of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeTimeWindowSwitchForZone | This interface obtains which regions have closed the time window, that is, all the switching tasks within the time window initiated by the user are in | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeWhiteListConfig | describe white list config | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetCheckMigrateJobResult | get check migrate job result | Operation level | * | Supported |
GetDataComparisonResult | get data comparison result | Operation level | * | not supported |
GetMigrateJob | get migrate job | Operation level | * | Supported |
InquiryPriceUpgradeInstances | query the price of upgrade a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
QueryCDBProxy | QueryCDBProxy | Operation level | * | Supported |
ShowMigrateDatabaseTable | show migrate database table | Operation level | * | Supported |
VerifyRootAccount | Check whether the ROOT account of the cloud database instance has sufficient permissions to perform authorized operations. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
CloseSSL | Turn off SSL connection function. | Resource level | qcs::cdb:${region}:uin/${uin}:instanceId/${instanceId} | Supported |
API | API Description | Authorization Granularity | Six-segment Resource Description | IP Restriction |
DescribeBackupDatabases | query the databases contained in a backup file | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeBackupTables | DescribeBackupTables | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeBatchJobFiles | DescribeBatchJobFiles | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeDBImportRecords | query the records of import tasks in a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDBSecurityGroups | query the security group details of an instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeDatabasesForInstances | query the databases of TencentDB instances in batches | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeDefaultParams | query the list of default configurable parameters | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeErrLogInfo | describe error log info | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeInstanceParamRecords | query the parameter modification records of an instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeInstanceParams | query the list of parameters for an instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeParamTemplates | query the list of parameter templates | Operation level | * | Supported |
DescribeProjectSecurityGroups | query the security group details of a project | Operation level | * | not supported |
DescribeSlowLogInfo | describe slow log info | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | not supported |
DescribeTableColumns | query table columns of a TencentDB instance | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
DescribeUploadedFiles | show uploaded file list | Operation level | * | Supported |
ShowProcessList | show processlist | Resource level | qcs::cdb:$region:$account:instanceId/$instanceId | Supported |
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