tencent cloud


Virtual Private Cloud

Last updated: 2024-07-21 09:26:50

    Fundamental information

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
    vpc vpc Supported Supported Resource level Partially supported


    The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    API authorization granularity

    Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

    • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
    • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

    Read operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AcceptAttachCcnInstances AcceptAttachCcnInstances Operation level * Supported
    AllowVMSMTP Operation level * not supported
    AttachCcnInstances AttachCcnInstances Operation level * not supported
    BandwidthLimitForCcnAlarmOnly Dedicated to cloud networking view bandwidth upper limit monitoring alarm access Operation level * Supported
    CheckAssistantCidr Check assistant CidrBlocks whether are in confilct for an specified VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    CheckBandwidthPackage Check whether it is an old bandwidth package or a non-upshifted bandwidth package account. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/* Supported
    CheckDefaultSubnet Operation level * Supported
    CheckGatewayFlowMonitor To check where wateway is enabled flow monitor. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId}
    CheckNetDetectState Check network detect Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/${NetDetectId} Supported
    CheckVpcEndPointServiceExist To check the specified vpc end point service exist. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} Supported
    CreateNetworkInterface Create Elastic Network Card Operation level * Supported
    CreateTrafficPackages CreateTrafficPackages Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAccountVpcAttributes Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAcl Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAddress Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAddressActionQuota Query the EIP operation quota. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} Supported
    DescribeAddressAssociationQuota Fixed delivery IP (EIP). Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceIds} Supported
    DescribeAddressBandwidthConfigs Monthly and yearly package example contract list. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId}
    DescribeAddressChangeQuota Query and replace the public network IP quota. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds}
    DescribeAddressGroupInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAddressGroups Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAddressInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeAddressInventory Query Elastic IP (EIP) Inventory. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeAddressQuota Query the elastic public network IP quota. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeAddressTemplateGroups Describes the specified address template groups or all of your address template groups. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:addressGroup/* Supported
    DescribeAddressesHistory Query eip history. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeBandwidthAttribute Query the bandwidth attribute of an account. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds}
    DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage DescribeBandwidthPackageBillUsage Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBandwidthPackageQuota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBandwidthPackageResources DescribeBandwidthPackageResources Operation level * Supported
    DescribeBandwidthPackages Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCcnAttachedInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCcnLimits Query Cloud Networking Quota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCcnRouteMatchRule DescribeCcnRouteMatchRule Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCcnRouteTables Describe Ccn Route Tables Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCcnRoutes Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCcns Operation level * not supported
    DescribeCdcSharedNatGateways DescribeCdcSharedNatGateways Operation level * not supported
    DescribeClassicLinkInstances Describe your classiclink instances. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    DescribeCrossBorderCcnRegionBandwidthLimits describe cross border Ccn region bandwidth limits Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCrossBorderCompliance describe cross border compliance Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCrossBorderFlowMonitor Query cross-border bandwidth monitoring data Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} Supported
    DescribeCrossBorderRegionConfig Query the geographical configuration of the leased line Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCustomerGatewayVendors Describe customer gateway vendors. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeCustomerGateways Describe customer gateways. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDedicatedAddressPools query dedicated address pool information Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDedicatedClusterEIPAttributes describe dedicated cluster EIP attributes. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGateway Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGatewayLimits DescribeDirectConnectGatewayLimits Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGatewayNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGatewayRoutes DescribeDirectConnectGatewayRoutes Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDirectConnectGateways Display DirectConnect gateway Operation level * not supported
    DescribeDirectConnectPortMap DescribeDirectConnectPortMap Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails Operation level * Supported
    DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetailsQuota DescribeDownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetailsQuota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeDeviceInfo describe edge device information Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeExpress describe edge express Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeLimits describe edge limits Operation level * not supported
    DescribeEdgeOrders describe edge orders Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeRoutes describe edge route Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeSN describe edge serial number Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeSystemTime describe edge system time Operation level * not supported
    DescribeEdgeVersion describe edge version Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeVports describe edge vport Operation level * Supported
    DescribeEdgeWlan describe edge wlan Operation level * Supported
    DescribeFirewallAttachedEdges describe firewall attached edges Operation level * Supported
    DescribeFirewallRules describe firewall rules Operation level * Supported
    DescribeFlowLog Describe flow log information Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/* Supported
    DescribeGatewayFlowMonitorDetail Interface to query detail info of gateway flow monitor. Operation level * not supported
    DescribeGatewayFlowQos Describe flow monitor qos for specified gateway. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId}
    DescribeGatewayMonitor Operation level * not supported
    DescribeGatewayQos Operation level * not supported
    DescribeHaVips Describes the specified HaVip addresses or all of your HaVip addresses. Operation level * not supported
    DescribeInstancesForLighthouse Query the instance information related to the lightweight application server network. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeIp6Addresses Querying IPV6 address information. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeIp6TranslatorQuota Query the quota of the account\'s IPV6 conversion instance and rules in the specified region. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeIp6Translators Query the IPV6 conversion instance and its binding rule information. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeIpGeolocationDatabaseUrl This interface is used to get the IP address database download link. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeLocalGateway Describe Local Gateway Operation level * Supported
    DescribeLocalIPTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeLocalIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNatGatewayAvailability This interface is used to describe availability of public NAT Operation level * Supported
    DescribeNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules Operation level * Supported
    DescribeNatGatewayDirectConnectGatewayRoute Query the route of DirectConnect bound NAT Operation level * Supported
    DescribeNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRules Describe NatGateway SourceIp Translation Nat Rules Operation level * Supported
    DescribeNatGateways Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNetDetects Query netwrok detect Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/* not supported
    DescribeNetTaskResult Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNetworkAcl Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute Operation level * not supported
    DescribeNetworkInterfaceLimit Describe limits of one ENI or CVM. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${InstanceId} Supported
    DescribeOverseaAccelerator Query accelerated oversea domains Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} Supported
    DescribePeerIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayAvailability This interface is used to describe availability of private NAT Operation level * Supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRules DescribePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayLimits DescribePrivateNatGatewayLimits Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} Supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayRegions DescribePrivateNatGatewayRegions Operation level * not supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRules DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRules Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRules DescribePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRules Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DescribePrivateNatGateways DescribePrivateNatGateways Operation level * Supported
    DescribeReconciliationCollect Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Bill Details Operation level * Supported
    DescribeReconciliationDetail Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Overview Page Operation level * Supported
    DescribeReconciliationDirection Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Direction Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRouteConflicts Descibe conflict routes for the specified route table. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/* Supported
    DescribeRouteReceivingPolicies Describe Route Receiving Policies Operation level * not supported
    DescribeRouteTable Operation level * not supported
    DescribeRouteTableAssociatedInstances Describe Route Table Associated Instances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeRouteTableSelectionPolicies Describe Route Table Selection Policies Operation level * Supported
    DescribeRoutesWithLocal Interface to query route policies. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} Supported
    DescribeSSLVpn Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSSLVpnDomain Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSecurityGroupLimits Describe your security group limits. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSecurityGroupReferences Describe references for one specified security group. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeService Operation level * Supported
    DescribeServiceGroupInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeServiceGroups Operation level * Supported
    DescribeServiceInstances Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSgSnapshotFileContent Describe security group content of snapshot file Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${snapshot_id}
    DescribeSnapshotAttachedInstances Describe Snapshot Attached Instances Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} Supported
    DescribeSnapshotFiles Describe Snapshot Files Resource level qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:sg/${sg_id} Supported
    DescribeSortFlowList Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageResourcesUsedStatistics DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageResourcesUsedStatistics Operation level * Supported
    DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails DescribeSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSubnet Operation level * not supported
    DescribeSubnetEx Operation level * not supported
    DescribeTaskResult Query the execution result of an asynchronous task. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    DescribeTemplateLimits Describes the limits of template. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTenantCcns describe tenant Ccns. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTrafficPackageQuota DescribeTrafficPackageQuota Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTrafficPackageRegionInfo Describe traffic package region. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTrafficPackageStatistics DescribeTrafficPackageStatistics Operation level * Supported
    DescribeTrafficPackages DescribeTrafficPackages Resource level qcs::vpc:$region:$account:tfp/$tfpId Supported
    DescribeTrafficPackagesForLighthouse Query the usage status of the light host traffic package. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/* Supported
    DescribeTrafficQosPolicy DescribeTrafficQosPolicy Operation level * Supported
    DescribeUsedIpAddress Interface to query IP in use. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId}
    DescribeUserGw Operation level * not supported
    DescribeUserGwVendor Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcClassicLink Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcCosPolicy Describe vpc cos policy Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    DescribeVpcEndPointService Describes the specified end point service or all of your end point services. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpcEx DescribeVpcEx Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcIpv6Addresses Decribe the using IPv6 addresses in one VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId}
    not supported
    DescribeVpcLimit Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcLimits Describe limits for the specified VPC. Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcPeeringConnections Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpcPrivateIPResources Query IP related resource Id. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpcPrivateIpAddresses Decribe the using IPv4 addresses in one VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    DescribeVpcResourceDashboard Describe the number of resources for the specified VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/* Supported
    DescribeVpnConn Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpnConnMonitor Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpnConnectionLogs Describe vpn connection logs. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnConnections DescribeVpnConnections Resource level qcs::vpc:gz:uin/100001332514:vpnx/vpnx-pg2ghzpm not supported
    DescribeVpnGatewayBgpSessionInformation DescribeVpnGatewayBgpSessionInformation Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnGatewayCcnRoutes Describe vpn gateway ccn routes. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnGatewayRoutes Describe vpn gateway routes. Operation level * not supported
    DescribeVpnGatewaySslClients This interface (DescribeVpnGatewaySslClients) is used to query the SSL-VPN-CLIENT list. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnGatewaySslServers This interface (DescribeVpnGatewaySslServers) is used to query the SSL-VPN server list information. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnGatewaySslSsoUrl SSO login and logout address Operation level * Supported
    DescribeVpnGw Operation level * not supported
    DownloadCustomerGatewayConfiguration Download customer gateway configuration. Operation level * Supported
    DownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails DownloadSpecificTrafficPackageUsedDetails Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} Supported
    DownloadVpnGatewaySslClientCert Download SSL-VPN client certificate Operation level * Supported
    GenerateVpnConnectionBgpTunnelCidr Generate VPN tunnel BGP subnet Operation level * Supported
    GenerateVpnConnectionDefaultHealthCheckIp Obtain a pair of VPN channel health check addresses Operation level * Supported
    GetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Operation level * Supported
    GetCreateCcnBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    GetDealStatusByName get deal status by name Operation level * Supported
    GetDnaptRule Operation level * not supported
    GetInstanceEniLimit Operation level * not supported
    GetPeerWhiteList Operation level * not supported
    GetRenewCcnBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    GetRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal GetRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    GetUpdateCcnBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    GetVpnConnConfig Operation level * not supported
    InquiryNatPrice Operation level * not supported
    InquiryPriceCreateCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    InquiryPriceNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    InquiryPriceRenewCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    InquiryPriceUpdateCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    ModifyNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Modify NatGateway Destination IpPort Translation Nat Rule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} not supported

    Write operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AcceptVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * Supported
    AcceptVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    AddBandwidthPackageResources Increase the resources in the shared bandwidth package. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} not supported
    AddDnaptRule Operation level * not supported
    AddIp6Rules Add IPV6 conversion rules. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    AddTemplateMember add template member Operation level * Supported
    AddUserGw AddUserGw Operation level * not supported
    AdjustPublicAddress adjust eip Operation level * Supported
    AdvertiseEdgeRoutes advertise edge route Operation level * Supported
    AllocateAddresses Create the elastic public IP Operation level * Supported
    AllocateIp6AddressesBandwidth IPv6 address allocation public network bandwidth. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    AssignIpv6Addresses Assign IPv6 addresses for one ENI. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    AssignIpv6CidrBlock Assign an IPv6 cidrblock for one vpc. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    AssignIpv6SubnetCidrBlock Assign an IPv6 cidrblock for one subnet. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} not supported
    AssignPrivateIpAddresses Assign private IP for network interface Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    AssociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway ConnectGateway bind NatGateway Operation level * Supported
    AssociateHaVipInstance Associate HaVip instances or networkinterfaces Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId}
    not supported
    AssociateInstancesToCcnRouteTable Associate Instances To Route Table Operation level * Supported
    AssociateNatGatewayAddress Operation level * Supported
    AssociateNetworkAclSubnets Associate subnets for specified Network ACL. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId}
    AssociateNormalAddressForLighthouse This interface (AssociateNormalAddressForLighthouse) is used for purchasing a public network IP after the production machine of the light host. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/*
    AssociateRouteTable Operation level * not supported
    AssociateVip Operation level * not supported
    AttachClassicLinkVpc Attach classic link vpc with vpc Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId}
    AttachEdgeFirewall attach edge firewall Operation level * Supported
    AttachEdgeSN attach edge serial number Operation level * Supported
    AttachNetworkInterface Attach network interface to CVM instance Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId}
    AttachSnapshotInstances Attach Snapshot Instances Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId}
    AuditCrossBorderCompliance audit cross border compliance. Operation level * Supported
    ClearRouteTableSelectionPolicies Clear route table selection policies. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} Supported
    CreateAddress Operation level * Supported
    CreateAddressGroup Operation level * Supported
    CreateAddressTemplate Create an address template. Operation level * Supported
    CreateAddressTemplateGroup Create an address template group. Operation level * Supported
    CreateAndAttachNetworkInterface Operation level * Supported
    CreateAssistantCidr Create assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} not supported
    CreateBandwidthPackage This interface (CreateBandwidthPackage) supports the creation of device bandwidth packages and IP bandwidth packages. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/* not supported
    CreateCcn Operation level * Supported
    CreateCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    CreateCcnRouteMatchRule CreateCcnRouteMatchRule Operation level * Supported
    CreateCcnRouteTables Create Ccn Route Tables Operation level * not supported
    CreateCdcSharedNatGateway CreateCdcSharedNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    CreateCrossBorderCompliance Create cross border compliance. Operation level * Supported
    CreateCustomerGateway This interface is used to create a peer gateway. Operation level * Supported
    CreateCustomerOrder Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Create Network Commission Orders Operation level * Supported
    CreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannel CreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannel Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} Supported
    CreateDirectConnectGateway Operation level * not supported
    CreateDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Operation level * not supported
    CreateEdge create edge Operation level * Supported
    CreateEdgeFirewall create edge firewall Operation level * Supported
    CreateEdgeRoute create edge route Operation level * Supported
    CreateEdgeVport create edge vport Operation level * Supported
    CreateFirewallRules create firewall rules Operation level * Supported
    CreateFlowLog Create flow log Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/${flowlog_instance}
    not supported
    CreateHaVip Create a HaVip. Operation level * not supported
    CreateIp6Translators Create an IPV6-to-IPV4 instance. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/* Supported
    CreateLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateLocalGateway Create Local Gateway Operation level * Supported
    CreateLocalIPTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateLocalIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateNatGateway Operation level * Supported
    CreateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule create natgateway source Ip translation nat rule Operation level * Supported
    CreateNetDetect Create a network probe Operation level * Supported
    CreateNetworkAcl Operation level * Supported
    CreateOverseaAccelerator Accelerate specific domains Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} Supported
    CreatePeerIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    CreatePrivateNatGateway CreatePrivateNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    CreatePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule CreatePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule CreatePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    CreateRoute Operation level * not supported
    CreateRouteReceivingPolicies Create Route Receiving Policies Operation level * Supported
    CreateRouteTable Operation level * Supported
    CreateService Operation level * Supported
    CreateServiceGroup Operation level * Supported
    CreateServiceTemplate Create a service template. Operation level * Supported
    CreateServiceTemplateGroup Create a service template group. Operation level * Supported
    CreateSnapshotPolicies Create Snapshot Policies Operation level * Supported
    CreateSubnet Operation level * Supported
    CreateSubnetAclRule Operation level * not supported
    CreateTrafficMirror Operation level * Supported
    CreateTrafficPackageForLighthouse Flow envelope for building machinery. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/* Supported
    CreateTrafficQosPolicy CreateTrafficQosPolicy Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpc Operation level * not supported
    CreateVpc Operation level * not supported
    CreateVpcEndPoint Create a vpc end point. Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpcEndPointService Create a vpc end point service. Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Create a vpc end point service white list. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/* Supported
    CreateVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    CreateVpnGatewayRoutes Create a vpn gateway routes. Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpnGatewaySslClient Create SSL-VPN client Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpnGatewaySslServer Create SSL-VPN Server Operation level * Supported
    CreateVpngw Operation level * not supported
    DeleteAddress Operation level * Supported
    DeleteAddressGroup Operation level * Supported
    DeleteAddressTemplate Delete an address template. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:address/${AddressTemplateId} Supported
    DeleteAddressTemplateGroup Delete an address template group. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:addressGroup/${AddressTemplateGroupId} Supported
    DeleteAssistantCidr Delete assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    DeleteBandwidthPackage Deleting a shared bandwidth package. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/{BandwidthPackageId} Supported
    DeleteCcn Operation level * Supported
    DeleteCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Operation level * Supported
    DeleteCcnRouteMatchRule DeleteCcnRouteMatchRule Operation level * Supported
    DeleteCcnRouteTables Delete Ccn Route Tables Operation level * not supported
    DeleteCdcSharedNatGateway DeleteCdcSharedNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    DeleteCustomerGateway Delete peer gateway Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDirectConnectAccelerateChannel DeleteDirectConnectAccelerateChannel Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} Supported
    DeleteDirectConnectGateway Operation level * not supported
    DeleteDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Operation level * Supported
    DeleteDnaptRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteEdgeFirewall delete edge firewall Operation level * Supported
    DeleteEdgeRoutes delete edge route Operation level * Supported
    DeleteEdgeVport delete edge vport Operation level * Supported
    DeleteFirewallRules delete firewall rules Operation level * Supported
    DeleteFlowLog Delete flow log Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${flowlog_instance}
    DeleteHaVip Delete the specified HaVip. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} not supported
    DeleteIp6Translators Release IPV6 conversion instance. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    DeleteLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteLocalGateway Delete Local Gateway Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:cgw/${LocalGatewayId} Supported
    DeleteLocalIPTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteLocalIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteNatGateway Operation level * Supported
    DeleteNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DeleteNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule delete natgateway source Ip translation nat rule Operation level * Supported
    DeleteNetDetect Delete Network Probe Operation level * Supported
    DeleteNetworkAcl Delete network acl Resource level * Supported
    DeleteNetworkInterface Delete network interface Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    DeleteOverseaAccelerator Stop acceleration for specific domains Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${vpcId} Supported
    DeletePeerIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    DeletePrivateNatGateway DeletePrivateNatGateway Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DeletePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule DeletePrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule DeletePrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    DeleteRoute Operation level * Supported
    DeleteRouteReceivingPolicies Delete Route Receiving Policies Operation level * Supported
    DeleteRouteTable Delete route table Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} Supported
    DeleteRoutes Interface to delete route items. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} Supported
    DeleteService Operation level * Supported
    DeleteServiceGroup Operation level * Supported
    DeleteServiceTemplate Delete a service template. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:service/${ServiceTemplateId} Supported
    DeleteServiceTemplateGroup Delete a service template group. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:serviceGroup/${ServiceTemplateGroupId} Supported
    DeleteSnapshotPolicies Delete Snapshot Policies Resource level * Supported
    DeleteSubnet Deleter subnet Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} Supported
    DeleteTemplateMember delete template member Operation level * Supported
    DeleteTrafficMirror Delete traffic mirror Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    DeleteTrafficPackages DeleteTrafficPackages Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageIds} Supported
    DeleteTrafficQosPolicy DeleteTrafficQosPolicy Operation level * Supported
    DeleteUserGw Operation level * not supported
    DeleteVpc Delete vpc Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} not supported
    DeleteVpcCosPolicy Delete vpc cos policy Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    DeleteVpcEndPoint Delete a vpc end point. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/${point} Supported
    DeleteVpcEndPointAndServiceAll Delete the vpc end point and service when the service runs out of credit. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/* Supported
    DeleteVpcEndPointService delete a vpc end point service. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} Supported
    DeleteVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Delete a vpc end point service white list. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} Supported
    DeleteVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * not supported
    DeleteVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    DeleteVpnConn Operation level * not supported
    DeleteVpnConnection Delete VPN tunnel Operation level * Supported
    DeleteVpnGatewayRoutes Delete vpn gateway routes. Operation level * Supported
    DeleteVpnGatewaySslClient Delete SSL-VPN client Operation level * Supported
    DeleteVpnGatewaySslServer Delete SSL-VPN server Operation level * Supported
    DeleteVpnGw Operation level * not supported
    DestroyTrafficPackageForLighthouse Delete the traffic package of the light host. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${TrafficPackageId} Supported
    DetachCcnInstances Operation level * not supported
    DetachClassicLinkVpc Detach classic link vpc from vpc Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId}
    DetachEdgeFirewall detach edge firewall Operation level * Supported
    DetachEdgeSN detach edge serial number Operation level * Supported
    DetachNetworkInterface Detach network interface from CVM instance Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId}
    DetachSnapshotInstances Detach Snapshot Instances Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId}
    DeteleSubnetAclRule DeleteSubnetAclRule Operation level * not supported
    DisableCcnRoutes Operation level * not supported
    DisableEdgeRoutes disable edge route Operation level * Supported
    DisableFlowLogs Disable Flow Logs Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${ResourceId} Supported
    DisableGatewayFlowMonitor Disable flow monitor(qos) for specified gateway. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId}
    DisableRoutes Disable routes for the specified route table. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} not supported
    DisableSnapshotPolicies Disable Snapshot Policies Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} Supported
    DisableVpnGatewaySslClientCert Disable SSL-VPN client certificate Operation level * Supported
    DisassociateDirectConnectGatewayNatGateway Unbind the dedicated line gateway and the NAT gateway. After unbinding, the dedicated line gateway will not be able to access the public network throu Operation level * Supported
    DisassociateHaVipInstance Disassociate HaVip instances or network interfaces. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId}
    not supported
    DisassociateNatGatewayAddress Operation level * Supported
    DisassociateNetworkAclSubnets Disassociate subnets for specified Network ACL. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId}
    DisassociateVpcEndPointSecurityGroups Disassociate vpc end point for specified security groups. Resource level qcs::cvm::uin/${uin}:sg/${sgId}
    DowngradeEdgeVersion downgrade edge version Operation level * Supported
    EipBindNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    EipUnBindNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    EnableCcnRoutes Operation level * not supported
    EnableFlowLogs Enable Flow Logs Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${ResourceId} Supported
    EnableGatewayFlowMonitor Enable flow monitor(qos) for specified gateway. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId}
    EnableRoutes Enable routes for the specified route table. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} not supported
    EnableSnapshotPolicies Enable Snapshot Policies Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} Supported
    EnableVpcEndPointConnect You can enable the vpc end point to connect the service. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/${point}
    EnableVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * not supported
    EnableVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    EnableVpnGatewaySslClientCert Start with SSL-VPN client certificate Operation level * Supported
    HaVipAssociateAddressIp Associates an Elastic IP address with an HaVip. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} not supported
    HaVipDisassociateAddressIp Disassociates an Elastic IP address with an HaVip. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:havip/${HaVipId} not supported
    LockCcnBandwidths lock Ccn bandwidths. Operation level * Supported
    LockCcns lock Ccns. Operation level * Supported
    MigrateBandwidthPackageResources This interface (MigrateBandwidthPackageResources) is used to migrate resources between shared bandwidth packages. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${bwpId} Supported
    MigrateNetworkInterface Migrate network interface Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId}
    MigratePrivateIpAddress Migrate private IP from source network interface to destination network interface Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${SourceNetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    ModifyAddress Operation level * not supported
    ModifyAddressAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyAddressGroup Operation level * not supported
    ModifyAddressGroupAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyAddressInternetChargeType Adjust the billing mode of the elastic public network ip. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressId} Supported
    ModifyAddressTemplateAttribute Modifies the specified address template attributes. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:address/${AddressTemplateId} Supported
    ModifyAddressTemplateGroupAttribute Modifies the specified address template group attributes. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:addressGroup/${AddressTemplateGroupId} Supported
    ModifyAddressesAttribute This interface (ModifyAddressesAttribute) for batch modifyingElastic Public IP (EIP) properties Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIds} Supported
    ModifyAssistantCidr Modify assistant CidrBlocks for an specified VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    ModifyBandwidthPackageAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyBandwidthPackageBandwidth Adjust shared bandwidth package bandwidth. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} Supported
    ModifyCcnAttachedInstancesAttribute Modify CCN attached instances attribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCcnAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCcnRegionBandwidthLimitsType Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCcnRouteMatchRule ModifyCcnRouteMatchRule Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCcnRoutePriority modify ccn route priority Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:ccn/${CcnId} Supported
    ModifyCcnRouteTables Modify Ccn Route Tables Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCdcSharedNatGatewayAttribute ModifyCdcSharedNatGatewayAttribute Operation level * not supported
    ModifyCrossBorderCompliance modify cross border compliance. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyCustomerGatewayAttribute Modify VPN Customer Gateway Attribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyDirectConnectGateway ModifyDirectConnectGateway Operation level * not supported
    ModifyDirectConnectGatewayAttribute Modify attributes for specified direct connect gateway. Operation level * not supported
    ModifyDnaptRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyEdgeAttribute modify edge attribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyEdgeFirewall modify edge firewall Operation level * Supported
    ModifyEdgePort modify edge port information Operation level * Supported
    ModifyEdgeRoute modify edge route Operation level * Supported
    ModifyEdgeVport modify edge vport Operation level * Supported
    ModifyEdgeWlan modify edge wlan Operation level * Supported
    ModifyFirewallRules modify firewall rules Operation level * Supported
    ModifyFlowLogAttribute Modify flow log attribute Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/${flowlog_instance}
    ModifyGatewayFlowQos Modify flow montior bandwidth(qos) for specified gateway. Resource level qcs::cvm:${region}:uin/${uin}:instance/${GatewayId}
    ModifyHaVipAttribute Modifies the specified HaVip attributes. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyInstanceNetworkLineLabelForLighthouse Modify instance network line label. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyInternetChargeTypeForLighthouse Lightweight application server billing mode conversion interface. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/*
    not supported
    ModifyIp6AddressesBandwidth Modify the bandwidth of IPV6 access to the internet. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    ModifyIp6Rule Modify the properties of the IPV6 conversion rule. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    ModifyIp6Translator Modify IP6 translation instance properties. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    ModifyLocalDestinationIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyLocalGateway Modify Local Gateway Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:cgw/${LocalGatewayId} not supported
    ModifyLocalIPTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyLocalIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyLocalSourceIPPortTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyNatGateway ModifyNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    ModifyNatGatewayAddressAttribute This interface is used to modify attribute of EIP in public NAT Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} Supported
    ModifyNatGatewayAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyNatGatewaySourceIpTranslationNatRule Modify NatGateway SourceIp Translation Nat Rule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:nat/${natId} Supported
    ModifyNetDetect Modify network detect Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/${NetDetectId} Supported
    ModifyNetworkAcl ModifyNetworkAcl Operation level * not supported
    ModifyNetworkAclAttribute Modify attributes for specified Network ACL. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId} Supported
    ModifyNetworkAclEntries Modify entries for specified Network ACL. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/${NetworkAclId} Supported
    ModifyNetworkAclEntry ModifyNetworkAclEntry Operation level * not supported
    ModifyNetworkInterface ModifyNetworkInterface Operation level * not supported
    ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute Modify network interface attribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    ModifyNetworkInterfaceQos modify network interface QoS level Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} not supported
    ModifyPeerIPTranslationNatRule Operation level * not supported
    ModifyPrivateIpAddress Operation level * Supported
    ModifyPrivateNatGatewayAttribute ModifyPrivateNatGatewayAttribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    ModifyPrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule ModifyPrivateNatGatewayDestinationIpPortTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationAclRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId} Supported
    ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule ModifyPrivateNatGatewayTranslationNatRule Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:intranat/${intranatId) Supported
    ModifyRoute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyRouteTableAttribute ModifyRouteTableAttribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId} Supported
    ModifyRouteTableSelectionPolicies Modify Route Table Selection Policies Operation level * Supported
    ModifyService Operation level * not supported
    ModifyServiceAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyServiceGroup Operation level * not supported
    ModifyServiceGroupAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyServiceTemplateAttribute Modifies the specified service templaste attributes. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyServiceTemplateGroupAttribute Modifies the specified service template group attributes. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:serviceGroup/${ServiceTemplateGroupId} Supported
    ModifySnapshotPolicies Modify Snapshot Policies Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId} Supported
    ModifySubnetAttribute ModifySubnetAttribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId} Supported
    ModifyTemplateMember modify template member Operation level * Supported
    ModifyTrafficMirrorAttribute Modify traffic mirror attribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    ModifyTrafficPackageAttribute ModifyTrafficPackageAttribute Operation level * Supported
    ModifyTrafficPackageAttributeForLighthouse Modify the attributes of the lightweight application server traffic package. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${tfpId} Supported
    ModifyTrafficQosPolicy ModifyTrafficQosPolicy Operation level * Supported
    ModifyUserGw ModifyUserGw Operation level * not supported
    ModifyVpcAttribute ModifyVpcAttribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    ModifyVpcEndPointAttribute Modifies the specified vpc end point attribute. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/${point} Supported
    ModifyVpcEndPointServiceAttribute Modifies the specified vpc end point service attribute. Resource level * Supported
    ModifyVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Modifies the specified vpc end point service white list. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/${EndPointServiceId} Supported
    ModifyVpcPeeringConnection ModifyVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * not supported
    ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionEx ModifyVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    ModifyVpnConnEx Operation level * not supported
    ModifyVpnConnectionAttribute Modify VPN Connection Attribute Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpnx/${vpnxid} Supported
    ModifyVpnGatewayAttribute Modify VPN Gateway Properties Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVpnGatewayCcnRoutes Modify vpn gateway ccn routes. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVpnGatewayRoutes Modify vpn gateway routes status. Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVpnGatewaySslServer Modify SSL-VPN server properties Operation level * Supported
    ModifyVpnGw ModifyVpnGw Operation level * not supported
    NotifyRoutes Notify Routes to Ccn Resource level * Supported
    PrivateIp6Addresses Cancel the ability of IPV6 addresses to access the Internet. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    RecoverEdgeRoutes recover edge route Operation level * Supported
    RecoverEdgeVport recover edge vport Operation level * not supported
    RefreshDirectConnectGatewayRouteToNatGateway Refresh the direct NAT route of the dedicated line, and update the route table from the NAT to the dedicated line Operation level * Supported
    RejectAttachCcnInstances Operation level * Supported
    RejectVpcPeeringConnection Operation level * Supported
    RejectVpcPeeringConnectionEx Operation level * not supported
    ReleaseIp6AddressesBandwidth Release bandwidth of elastic public network IPv6 addresses. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    RemoveBandwidthPackageResources RemoveBandwidthPackageResources Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:bwp/${BandwidthPackageId} not supported
    RemoveIp6Rules Delete IPV6 translation rules. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    RenewCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    RenewTrafficPackageForLighthouse Renew light host traffic package. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:tfp/${tfpId} Supported
    RenewVpnGateway This interface is used for prepaid VPN gateway renewal. Currently only IPSEC gateways are supported. Operation level * not supported
    ReplaceDirectConnectGatewayCcnRoutes Operation level * not supported
    ReplaceDirectConnectPortMap ReplaceDirectConnectPortMap Operation level * Supported
    ReplaceFirewallRule replace firewall rule Operation level * Supported
    ReplaceRouteTableAssociation Changes the route table associated with a given subnet, internet gateway, or virtual private gateway in a VPC. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:subnet/${SubnetId}
    ReplaceRoutes Interface to replace route entries. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId}
    ResetAttachCcnInstances Operation level * Supported
    ResetAttachCcnInstances Operation level * Supported
    ResetEdgePassword reset edge password Operation level * Supported
    ResetNatGatewayConnection Operation level * not supported
    ResetRoutes Interface to reset route entries and route table name. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId}
    ResetTrafficMirrorFilter Reset traffic mirror filter Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    ResetTrafficMirrorSrcs Reset traffic mirror sources Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    ResetTrafficMirrorTarget Reset traffic mirror target Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    ResetVpnConnSA Operation level * not supported
    ResetVpnConnection Reset VPN tunnel Operation level * Supported
    ResetVpnGatewayInternetMaxBandwidth Adjust the upper limit of VPN gateway bandwidth Operation level * Supported
    ResumeSnapshotInstance Resume Snapshot Instance Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/${SnapshotId}
    ReturnNormalAddresses Unbind and release common public IP. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${AddressIps} Supported
    RunVpnGw Operation level * not supported
    SetCcnBandwidthRenewFlag set ccn bandwidth renew flag. Operation level * Supported
    SetCcnRegionBandwidthLimits Operation level * Supported
    SetDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthRenewFlag SetDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthRenewFlag Operation level * Supported
    SetEdgeWanPrimary set edge wan primary Operation level * Supported
    SetLocalIPTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    SetLocalSourceIPPortTranslationAclRule Operation level * not supported
    SetSSLVpnDomain Operation level * not supported
    SetVpnGatewaysRenewFlag set vpngw renew flag Operation level * Supported
    StartTrafficMirror Start traffic mirror Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    StopTrafficMirror Stop traffic mirror Resource level * Supported
    TransformAddress Common IP to Elastic IP. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eip/${eipId} Supported
    UnassignPrivateIpAddresses Unassign private IP addresses Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/${NetworkInterfaceId} Supported
    UndoAdvertiseEdgeRoutes undo advertise edge route Operation level * Supported
    UnlockCcnBandwidths unlock Ccn bandwidths. Operation level * Supported
    UnlockCcns unlock Ccns Operation level * Supported
    UpdateCcnBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    UpdateReconciliationCollect Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Update Details Page Operation level * Supported
    UpdateReconciliationDetail Tencent Unicom Cross border Reconciliation System - Updated Overview Page Operation level * Supported
    UpdateTrafficMirrorAllFilter Update filter rule or collector target for traffic mirror Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    UpdateTrafficMirrorDirection Update traffic mirror direction Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/${TrafficMirrorId} Supported
    UpdateVpcCosPolicy Update vpc cos policy Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/${VpcId} Supported
    UpgradeEdgeVersion upgrade edge version Operation level * Supported
    UpgradeNatGateway Operation level * not supported
    WithdrawNotifyRoutes Withdraw Notify Routes To Ccn Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/${RouteTableId}

    List Operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    DescribeAddressTemplates Describes the specified address templates or all of your address templates. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:address/* Supported
    DescribeAssistantCidr Describe assistant CidrBlocks list for the specified VPCs. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:vpc/* not supported
    DescribeDirectConnectAccelerateChannel DescribeDirectConnectAccelerateChannel Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:dcac/${dcacId} Supported
    DescribeEdgeFirewalls describe edge firewalls Resource level qcs::vpc:$region:uin/$account:firewall/$firewallId Supported
    DescribeEdges describe edges Resource level qcs::vpc:$region:uin/$account:edge/$edgeId not supported
    DescribeFlowLogs Query flow logs Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpc/* Supported
    DescribeIpGeolocationInfos This interface is used to query IP address information, including geographic location information and network information. Operation level * Supported
    DescribeNetDetectStates Query network detection states Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:netd/* Supported
    DescribeNetworkAcls Describes one or more of your network ACLs. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:acl/* Supported
    DescribeNetworkInterfaces DescribeNetworkInterfaces Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:eni/* not supported
    DescribeRoutes Query route items Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:rtb/* not supported
    DescribeServiceTemplateGroups Describes the specified service template groups or all of your service template groups. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:serviceGroup/* Supported
    DescribeServiceTemplates Describes the specified service templates or all of your service templates. Resource level qcs::vpc::uin/${uin}:service/* Supported
    DescribeSnapshotPolicies Describe Snapshot Policies Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:snapshot/* Supported
    DescribeTrafficMirrors Query traffic mirrors Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:mirror/* Supported
    DescribeVpcEndPoint Describes the specified vpc end point or all of your vpc end points. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpce/* Supported
    DescribeVpcEndPointServiceWhiteList Describes the specified vpc end point service white list or all of your vpc end point service white list. Resource level qcs::vpc:${region}:uin/${uin}:vpcsvc/* Supported
    GetCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal GetCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    GetUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal GetUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidthDeal Operation level * Supported
    InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth InquirePriceCreateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    InquirePriceRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth InquirePriceRenewDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth Operation level * Supported
    InquirePriceUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth InquirePriceUpdateDirectConnectAccelerateChannelBandwidth Operation level * Supported
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