tencent cloud


Enterprise Content Delivery Network

Last updated: 2024-11-26 09:53:47

    Fundamental information

    Product Abbreviation in CAM Console Authorization by Tag Authorization Granularity IP Restriction
    Enterprise Content Delivery Network ecdn Supported Supported Resource level Partially supported


    The authorization granularity of cloud products is divided into three levels: service level, operation level, and resource level, based on the degree of granularity.

    • Service level: It defines whether a user has the permission to access the service as a whole. A user can have either full access or no access to the service. For the authorization granularity of cloud products at service level, the authorization of specific APIs are not supported.
    • Operation level: It defines whether a user has the permission to call a specific API of the service. For example, granting an account read-only access to the CVM service is an authorization at the operation level.
    • Resource level: It is the finest authorization granularity which defines whether a user has the permission to access specific resources. For example, granting an account read/write access to a specific CVM instance is an authorization at the resource level.

    API authorization granularity

    Two authorization granularity levels of API are supported: resource level, and operation level.

    • Resource level: It supports the authorization of a specific resource.
    • Operation level: It does not support the authorization of a specific resource. If the policy syntax restricts a specific resource during authorization, CAM will determine that this API is not within the scope of authorization, and deem it as unauthorized.

    Write operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    AddEcdnDomain Add domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    CreateScdnDomain add scdn domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    CreateScdnFailedLogTask Create Scdn Failed Log Task Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    CreateScdnLogTask Create Scdn Log Task Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    DeleteEcdnDomain Delete domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    DeleteScdnDomain Delete Scdn domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    ModifyEcdnUserInfo Modify billing type Operation level * not supported
    PurgePathCache Purge cache according to resource path Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    PurgeUrlsCache Purge Urls cache Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    PushUrlsCache Push Urls Cache Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    StartEcdnDomain Start accelerate service for the domain name Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    StartScdnDomain Start Scdn domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    StopEcdnDomain Stop accelerate service for the domain name Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    StopScdnDomain stop scdn domain Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    UpdateDomainConfig Update domain config Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    UpdateDomainsHttps Update domains‘ Https config Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    UpdateScdnDomain Update Scdn domain configuration Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported

    Read operations

    API API Description Authorization Granularity Six-segment Resource Description IP Restriction
    CheckDomainCertificate Check if the certificate has expired Operation level * not supported
    CheckEcdnDomain Check whether the domain name is filed Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    DescribeDomains Describe domains‘ basic information Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host Supported
    DescribeDomainsConfig Describe domains‘ specific config Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host Supported
    DescribeEcdnDomainLogs Describe domain logs Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host Supported
    DescribeEcdnStatistics Describe access data Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    DescribeIpStatus DescribeIpStatus Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host Supported
    DescribeMonitorDomains Describe Monitor Domains Operation level * not supported
    DescribePurgeQuota Describe purge quota Operation level * not supported
    DescribePurgeTasks Describe purge history tasks Operation level * Supported
    DescribePushQuota Describe push quota Operation level * not supported
    DescribePushTasks Describe push history tasks Operation level * Supported
    DescribeScdnConfig Describe Scdn domain configuration Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    DescribeScdnData Describe Scdn domain data Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    ListEcdnDomains List ECDN domains‘ brief information Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    ListScdnDomains List Scdn domains Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
    ListScdnLogTasks List Scdn domain log tasks Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host Supported
    ListTopScdnData List Scdn domian top data Resource level qcs::ecdn::$account:domain/$host not supported
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