tencent cloud


Disabling Sub-User

Last updated: 2024-07-17 10:17:15


    This document describes how to disable a single sub-user. Once disabled, the sub-user cannot log in to the console or programmatically access the resources within this account, and will no longer receive messages. Additionally, disabling a sub-user will simultaneously disable the following 3 permissions of the sub-user, namely logging in to the console, using all current API keys, and receiving subscription and system messages. If you want to enable this sub-user again, see Enabling Disabled Sub-User.


    Log in to the CAM console and enter the User List page.


    1. On the User List page, locate the sub-user that you want to disable.
    2. Click More > Disable in the Operation column on the right.
    3. In the pop-up Disable User window, click Disable to complete disabling the sub-user.
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