High availability
High availability refers to the ability of a system to function properly without interruptions and represents the system's degree of availability.
Database administrator
A database administrator (DBA) is a person responsible for managing the database by using specialized software to store and organize data. The responsibilities of this role may include capacity planning, installation, configuration, database design, migration, performance monitoring, security, troubleshooting, and backup and restoration.
Database instance
A database instance is a standalone database environment running in the cloud as the basic data block in TencentDB, which can contain multiple databases created by database users and can be accessed using the same client tools and applications as those for a standalone database instance.
Database engine
Database engine is the core service for storing, processing, and protecting data. It allows you to control access permissions and process transactions quickly to meet the requirements of most applications for processing massive amounts of data in corporate scenarios. Database engine is supported by each database instance.
TencentDB for DBbrain
TencentDB for DBbrain (DBbrain) is an intelligent database diagnosis and optimization product. It provides real-time database protection, locates causes of and offers solutions to database exceptions, and helps with exception prevention at the source. By leveraging machine learning and big data, it can quickly replicate sophisticated practices of senior database administrators to automate a large number of database diagnosis and optimization tasks, which facilitates operations of your database services both in and off the cloud.
Throughput/Disk throughput
Throughput/Disk throughput refers to the number of bytes passed in or out of the disk per second. This metric is reported as the average throughput over a specified time period.
Network traffic
Network traffic refers to the network transfer throughput, which is the rate of the inbound and outbound network traffic of the database instance per second (in MB).
Metrics reflect the performance of a database instance, including but not limited to CPU utilization, memory utilization, storage utilization, network traffic, number of database connections, transaction rate/database throughput, submission latency, storage latency, storage IOPS, storage throughput, and storage queue depth.
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