This document describes how to deploy a JAR package of the JAVA Demo sample application on Tencent Cloud Elastic Microservice and enable its public network access.
Create an environment and application.
Step 1. Get the Demo
Step 2. Deploy the Application
1. On the Application management page, select the target application and click Deploy to new environment.
2. On the Deploy Application page, configure the relevant parameters as needed.
Upload Package: upload your package.
Release Environment: select the environment just created.
3. Click Deploy.
Step 3. Access the Application
After the deployment, you need to create a configuration for it in the CLB gateway for internet access.
1. In the TEM console, click CLB Gateways in the left sidebar. 2. Click Create and enter the gateway configuration. Choose the correct Environment.
Load balancer: Create one automatically or use an existing CLB.
Protocol & port: HTTP:80 and HTTPS:443 are supported, and HTTPS domain names can be bound to certificates. Select HTTP:80 for the Demo application.
IP version: Options include IPv4 and IPv6 NAT64.
Forwarding configuration:
Domain name: Choose an existing domain name. If it’s not specified, a random IPv4 IP is assigned by default. For the demo application, use the assigned default IP address.
Path: It defaults to “/”. Configure it as needed.
Backend application: Select the demo application.
Application port: For the demo application, use port 8201.
Server certificate: If HTTP is selected, you need to select a server certificate. If existing certificates are not suitable, you can create one. 3. Click Confirm to complete the configuration. You can then check the IP for internet access in the list of CLB gateways.
4. Enter the public IP of the application in a browser. If the following result is returned, the application is successfully deployed.
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