Apply Service
Enter the trro Console, fill in the information, and apply the service. Quick Start Demo
Manual Operation Steps
It is recommended to use the quick start demo guidance for the demo experience. If you want to learn the detailed operation steps, you can refer to the following steps.
Step 1: Create Projects and Devices
In the console, create projects, field devices, and remote devices in sequence with filling in the device ID and device password. Then revise the corresponding information in the configuration files (e.g. config.json) of the field and remote device demo.
Step 2: Bind Trial Licenses
Step 3: Demo Download
Run the field device demo (push video stream)
"//" Comments must be deleted before use.
"projectid" : "xxxxx",
"password": "xxxxx",
"streams_config": [
2. Start the Linux run script, wait for the remote device to pull the stream, and after a successful startup, a connection to the server will be established successful.
Run the remote device demo (pull video stream)
"//" Comments must be deleted during use.
"projectid" : "xxxxx",
"password": "xxxxx"
2. Start the demo program:
Double-click to run QtApplicationWidget1.exe
on the Windows system.
On Linux, run the script
Click select to choose the field device, then confirm. Click connect to start pulling the video stream.