Filename: config.json File Location: $(workspace)/config.json File Type: jsonNote: Remove comments after "//" when using. The minimum node is as follows { "device_id":"dev1", //Change to the device ID created in the console "device_name":"vin234", "device_streams":1, //If there are multiple inputs, change the number of streams here and increase the number of elements in the streams_config array "cloud_mode":"public", "certificate":"./device.pem", "projectid" : "xxxxx", //Change to the project ID created in the console "password": "xxxxx", //Change to the password created in the console "streams_config": [ { "fps":30, "bps":2000, "width":1920, "height":1080, "camera":0, //Change to the actual connected camera, corresponding to /dev/videox "protocol":"v4l2" //If inputting external yuv data, change to outside. If inputting external encoded stream data, change to outenc } ] }
Node Name | Type | Meaning | Default value | Remarks | Parameter Range |
device_id | String | Device ID, a unique code used for registering to the server | - | Required | - |
device_name | String | Device name, used to identify device information | - | Required | - |
force_login | Number | Whether to force login | 0 | Whether to remove previous device login for the same ID | 0: When the same ID is already logged in, the current device login is removed 1: When the same ID is already logged in, the current device will force login, kicking out the previous device |
server_ip | String | Signaling server IP | - | No need to specify for public cloud account, mandatory for privatization | - |
server_port | Number | Signaling server port | - | No need to specify for public cloud account, mandatory for privatization | - |
rtc_server_ip | String | Media server IP | - | No need to specify for public cloud account, mandatory for privatization | - |
rtc_server_port | Number | Media server port number | - | No need to specify for public cloud account, mandatory for privatization | - |
projectid | String | Project ID | - | Required for public cloud | - |
cloud_mode | String | Cloud mode | "private" | Optional | public: Public cloud private: Private cloud |
password | String | device key | - | Required for public cloud | - |
certificate | String | server public key certificate | - | Required for public cloud, device.pem file path | - |
log_enable | Boolean | Log switch | 0 | Optional | 0: disabled 1: info log 2: debug + info log |
sdk_mode | String | Stream transmission mode | "server" | Optional | - |
min_port | Number | Minimum local transmission port | 50000 | Optional | - |
max_port | Number | Maximum local transmission port | 50100 | Optional | - |
audio_enable | Number | Collect audio | 0 | Optional | 0: Do not collect 1: Collect |
audio_receive | Number | Receive audio | 1 | Optional | 0: Do not receive 1: Receive |
device_streams | Number | Number of device video streams | - | Required | 1-8 |
streams_config | JSON Array | Stream configuration array | - | Required | The number is consistent with device_streams |
network_bind | String Array | Specified NIC IP | - | Optional | Set when there is a specified NIC or multiple NIC requirements, "network_bind":["ip1","ip2"] , configure the local IP of the specified communication NIC |
| String | Cloud File Storage path | "./" | Optional | Configure the output path for logs and temporary files during SDK runtime |
| Number | Number of stored log files | 7 | Optional | - |
use_local_conf | Number | Use local configuration | 0 | Optional (private deployment only) | 0: Use remote configuration 1: Use local configuration |
use_local_license | Number | Use local license | 0 | Optional (private deployment only) | 0: Use remote license 1: Use local license |
fec_enable | Number | Enable FEC | 0 | Optional | 0: Disable local FEC 1: Enable local FEC |
up_fec_rate | Number | Specify uplink FEC redundancy | 0 | Optional | 0: Automatic redundancy >0: Specify redundancy percentage, up to 100 |
down_fec_rate | Number | Specify downlink FEC redundancy | 0 | Optional | 0: Automatic redundancy >0: Specify redundancy percentage, up to 100 |
Node Name | Type | Meaning | Default Value | Remarks | Parameter Range |
fps | Number | Video Frame Rate | - | Required | - |
bps | Number | Stream Transmission Bitrate | - | Required, configure according to image quality needs and actual network load. The higher the bitrate, the clearer the image quality, and the larger the data transmission. | - |
min_bps | Number | Expected minimum transmission bitrate | Default value is the same as bps | Optional, fill in according to minimum image quality needs. | - |
width | Number | Video source width | - | Required, for camera capture use camera resolution, for external input video, fill in according to input resolution | - |
height | Number | Video source height | - | Required, for camera capture use camera resolution, for external input video, fill in according to input resolution | - |
encode_width | Number | Encoded video width | Default is the same as width | Optional | - |
encode_height | Number | Encoded video height | Default is the same as height | Optional | - |
min_width | String | Minimum adjustable encoding resolution width | Same as encode_width | Optional | Set when dynamic resolution is enabled |
min_fps | Number | Minimum fps | 20 | Optional | Set when adjusting dynamic frame rate |
forece_min | Number | Enable forced minimum bitrate | 0 | Optional | 0: Dynamically control the minimum bitrate 1: Set the expected minimum bitrate as the minimum bitrate |
major | Number | Mainstream Configuration | 0 | Optional | 0: No 1: Yes, high priority for mainstream |
protocol | String | Collection Protocol | “v4l2” | Optional | "v4l2": Collect v4l2 camera data by SDK "outenc": customers input encoded stream data through the API "outside": customers input image data through the API |
camera | Number | v4l2 camera number | 0 | Fill in the device /dev/videoX corresponding to number X, this field is effective when the protocol field is configured as "v4l2" | - |
codec | Number | Encoding type | 0 | Optional | 0:h264 1:h265 2:av1 |
encoder_type | Number | Video Codec Methods | 1 | Optional | 0: software encoding preferred 1: hardware encoding preferred |
frame_type | Number | yuyv-uyvy image reversal | 0 | Optional | 0: no reversal 1: reversal |
record_on | Number | Enable local storage | 0 | Optional | 0: disabled 1: enabled |
capture_acc | Number | Enable collection acceleration | 0 | Optional | 0: disabled 1: enabled |
need_mirror | Number | Enable mirror mode | 0 | Optional | 0: disabled 1: enabled |
always_push | Number | Enable forced push streaming | 0 | Optional | 0: disabled 1: enabled |
Reference configuration: ```json "streams_config": [ { "fps": 25, "bps": 2000, "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "protocol": "normal", "cameras": [ { "width": 1920, "height": 1080, "protocol": 1, "url": "rtsp://xxxxx" } ] } ] ```
"streams_config": [{"fps":25,"bps":2000,"width":2560,"height":1440,"protocol":"combine","cameras": [{"width":640,"height":480,"camera":1,"protocol":2,"url":"/dev/video0"},{"width":640,"height":480,"camera":1,"protocol":2,"url":"/dev/video1"},{"width":640,"height":480,"camera":1,"protocol":2,"url":"/dev/video2"},{"width":640,"height":480,"camera":1,"protocol":2,"url":"/dev/video3"}],"combine_config": {"basic_width":1920,"basic_height":1080,"pattern": [{"x1":0,"y1":0,"x2":640,"y2":480},{"x1":640,"y1":0,"x2":1280,"y2":480},{"x1":0,"y1":480,"x2":640,"y2":960},{"x1":640,"y1":480,"x2":1280,"y2":960}]}}]
Node Name | Type | Meaning | Default Value | Remarks | Parameter Range |
protocol | String | Image Process type | "normal" | Default no processing | normal: normal transmission after decoding rtsp_enc: pass-through encoded stream combine: mixed stream stitching |
cameras | JSON Array | video source camera | - | When multiple camera combinations are involved, multiple camera nodes need to be configured. | - |
width (in the cameras node) | Number | camera capture width | - | - | - |
height (in the cameras node) | Number | camera capture height | - | - | - |
protocol (in the cameras node) | Number | collection protocol type | 1 | - | 1: rtsp collection 2: v4l2 mmap collection 3: v4l2 dma collection |
url (in the cameras node) | String | collection data source address | - | camera collection protocol type | protocol=1: network camera pull stream rtsp URL protocol=2/3:/dev/videox |